The Stocks Interact project is web app that analyze and predict the stock prices using ML models GiHub repository
Install and update using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Python -> The Backend Language
- Javascript -> The Frontend Language
- Flask -> The Web Development Framework
- SQLAlchemy -> Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
- SQLite - Relational Database Management System
- Pandas -> Data manipulation and analysis
- Plotly -> Data visualization and create interactive graphs, charts
- Statsmodels -> Estimate statistical model for timeseries data
- Tensorflow -> create deep learning model to perform predication
Data scientist & Full Stack Developer
When I started learning about data science, I was enthusiast about market. Every time I tried to learn more, the market seemed way too complex for me to grasp. What I found was pretty remarkable. There are statistically relevant and actionable data that have a strong correlation with future price-actions with far superior efficacy than techniques like chart patterns, running averages, and, well, most standard tools available. Now that I have found the data and tools, I want to share them with you so you do not have to go through all of the same effort and troubles that I did in finding valid stock market data. That way, you can focus on what matters: learning about the market in clear and actionable ways.
Here a demo video to demonstrate the web app and its features