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Quick Grapher is an HTML5 equation solver and graphing utility. Feature updates and pull requests from downstream are always appreciated for the betterment of all :)


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Repository files navigation was one of the research projects spun out of Discursive Labs.   One of the most promising projects we worked on, it always felt like a project without an intended audience, but it never really lifted off.  I'm quite proud of the work that Mark and I did, and think it's a tremendously cool project.  

You can use it to embed graphs of any equation within a webpage as easily as a single tag.  You can use it to solve complex equations, functions, etc.  It runs completely in client side Javascript and doesn't require a web connection. it runs on mobile and desktop platforms.  It can display hundreds of thousands of data points and adjust them in real-time.  And now it's open source, BSD licensed, and ready for you to use to escape the tyrannical grasp of Wolfram Alpha.

Most folks probably want to use quickgrapher-embed to embed javascript graphs in their current websites.  You can see examples of this at 

. <------------------------------------------File Structure
|-- css                                    <--The style for Quickgrapher
|   |-- jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.css
|   |-- less-style.css
|   `-- style.css
|-- FAQ                                    <--The FAQ
|-- html                                   <--html files.  Index is for displaying the main quickgrapher.  Quick-graph-dev should be newest dev version.
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- quick-graph-dev.html
|   |-- quick-graph-embed-demo.html        <--You can make embedded graphs these here are examples of that.
|   |-- quick-graph-embed-test.html
|   |-- quickgrapher-faq.html
|   |-- quickgrapher-tutorials.html
|   |-- quickgrapher-walkthrough.html
|   |-- quick-graph.html
|   |-- quick-graph-multiple.html
|   `-- test-suite.html
|-- images                                 <--Images used on the quickgrpaher web implementation
|   |-- clear_hover.png
|   |-- clear.png
|   |-- graph.gif
|   |-- grid_1.gif
|   |-- grid_2.gif
|   |-- grid_hover.png
|   |-- grid.png
|   |-- licensing
|   |-- logo_1.png
|   |-- logo_concise_1.png
|   |-- screenshot_hover.png
|   |-- screenshot.png
|   |-- shareicons                         <--Ancillary files used by the 'sharethis' plugin 
|   |   |-- share-icon-10x10.png
|   |   |-- share-icon-128x128.png
|   |   |-- share-icon-12x12.png
|   |   |-- share-icon-16x16.png
|   |   |-- share-icon-24x24.png
|   |   |-- share-icon-32x32.png
|   |   |-- share-icon-64x64.png
|   |   |--
|   |   `-- share-icon.svg
|   |-- ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png
|   |-- ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png
|   |-- ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png
|   |-- ui-bg_glass_100_f6f6f6_1x400.png
|   |-- ui-bg_glass_100_fdf5ce_1x400.png
|   |-- ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png
|   |-- ui-bg_gloss-wave_35_f6a828_500x100.png
|   |-- ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_eeeeee_1x100.png
|   |-- ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_ffe45c_1x100.png
|   |-- ui-icons_222222_256x240.png
|   |-- ui-icons_228ef1_256x240.png
|   |-- ui-icons_ef8c08_256x240.png
|   |-- ui-icons_ffd27a_256x240.png
|   |-- ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png
|   `-- walkthroughs                                 <------Images for the walkthrough html pages
|       |-- 1
|       |   |-- examplesopen.png
|       |   |-- examplesopen_v2.jpg
|       |   |-- examples.png
|       |   |-- examples_v2.jpg
|       |   |-- resolveordynamic.png
|       |   |-- resolveordynamic_v2.jpg
|       |   |-- variables.png
|       |   `-- variables_v2.jpg
|       `-- 2
|           |-- adjust_variables.png
|           |-- adjust_variables_v2.jpg
|           |-- finished_product.png
|           |-- finished_product_v2.jpg
|           |-- functionsopen.png
|           |-- functionsopen_v2.jpg
|           |-- functions.png
|           |-- functions_v2.jpg
|           |-- graphname_and_variable.png
|           `-- graphname_and_variable_v2.jpg
|-- js                                              <------Javascript files for quickgrapher, the main source code
|   |-- jquery-1.4.4.min.js
|   |-- jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.min.js               <------jquery library, should probably be a git submodule
|   |-- modernizr-1.6.min.js                        <------modernizr library for backwards compat., should probably be a git submodule
|   |-- obf                                         <------these are the obfuscated javascript files we used during development
|   |   |-- embedded_everything.js
|   |   |-- everything.js
|   |   |-- examples.js
|   |   |-- obfs.js
|   |   |-- quick_graph_embed.js
|   |   |-- quick_graph.js
|   |   |-- realHover.js
|   |   |-- solver_definitions.js
|   |   `-- solver.js
|   |-- obfs_embed.js
|   |-- obfs.js
|   `-- plain                                        <-----these are the real unobfuscated source code files
|       |-- examples.js
|       |-- fxnexamples.js
|       |-- g.line.js
|       |-- g.raphael.js
|       |-- math.js
|       |-- quick_graph_embed.js
|       |-- quick_graph.js
|       |-- quick_graph.old.js
|       |-- raphael.js
|       |-- solver_definitions.js
|       |-- solver.js
|       |-- solver_test_examples.js
|       `-- solver_test.js
|-- LICENSE                                          <----- BSD License
|-- old_html                                         <-----Older versions of QG we had written
|   |-- beta-sliders.html
|   |-- quick-graph-2.html
|   |-- quickgraph.html
|   `-- quick-graph-less.html
|-- README                                           <---- YOU ARE HERE
|-- scripts                                         
|   |-- id_rsa
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   `--
`-- testing
    `-- sampleEquations.txt

13 directories, 107 files


Quick Grapher is an HTML5 equation solver and graphing utility. Feature updates and pull requests from downstream are always appreciated for the betterment of all :)







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