This is go-deltachat, an implementation of go bindings for the C FFI provided with deltachat-core-rust. It links with C through cgo and aims to wrap the entire API that deltachat exposes. All datatypes are wrapped in go datatypes and all methods are wrapped in go functions. Efford has been made to abstract away as much memory management as possible.
go get
The libdeltachat binary that is distributed with go-deltachat is the C FFI to:
deltachat v1.0.0-beta.22
This library wraps the entire FFI API that deltachat has to offer and can of course be used however you please. The recommended way is to use deltachat.Client, which is a thin layer on top of deltachat's context datatype. It will make handeling events that are emitted by deltachat easier and removes the need for some boilerplate code.
The following example will send every line you type as a message to [email protected]:
package main
import (
func main() {
client := deltachat.NewClient(nil)
addr := "[email protected]"
client.On(deltachat.DC_EVENT_IMAP_CONNECTED, func(c *deltachat.Context, e *deltachat.Event) {
contactID := c.CreateContact(nil, &addr)
chatID := c.CreateChatByContactID(contactID)
c.SendTextMessage(chatID, "Hello World!")
log.Println("Sent hello world message!")
// Handler for info logs from libdeltachat
client.On(deltachat.DC_EVENT_INFO, func(c *deltachat.Context, e *deltachat.Event) {
info, _ := e.Data2.String()
// Bear in mind that the config parameters are stored in the sqlite database
// So these config values do not need to be set during each run.
if !client.IsConfigured() {
// Connection parameters, change as necessary
client.SetConfig("addr", "[email protected]")
client.SetConfig("mail_pw", "secret password")
client.SetConfig("mail_server", "")
client.SetConfig("mail_user", "[email protected]")
client.SetConfig("mail_port", "993")
client.SetConfig("send_pw", "secret password")
client.SetConfig("send_server", "")
client.SetConfig("send_user", "[email protected]")
client.SetConfig("send_port", "587")
wait := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(wait, os.Interrupt)
c := client.Context()
contactID := c.CreateContact(nil, &addr)
chatID := c.CreateChatByContactID(contactID)
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
messageChan := make(chan string)
go func() {
for {
fmt.Print("Enter text: ")
text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
messageChan <- text
for {
select {
case sig := <-wait:
// Give dc an opportunity to perform some shutdown logic
// and close it's db.
case text := <-messageChan:
c.SendTextMessage(chatID, text)
Since the API is pretty much the go-equivalent of the C API, it should suffice to read the documentation at for most datatypes and functions.
This library should work on all platforms that are supported by Go and Deltachat. The included libdeltachat file has been compiled on an amd64 system, so no extra setup is required on that architecture. On other CPU architectures you will need to compile the deltachat core FFI and place it in the deltachat-ffi folder before compiling your go code.