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422 changes: 422 additions & 0 deletions 240103_FSC_working.ipynb

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Feb 19 15:33:00 2015
FSC3D(image1, image2, SNRt, ring_thick)
Computes the Fourier Shell Correlation between image1 and image2, and computes
the threshold funcion T of 1 or 1/2 bit.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from numpy import meshgrid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ['FourierShellCorr', 'FSCPlot', 'HannApod']

def printv(txt):

def _radtap(X,Y,tappix,zerorad):
Creates a central cosine tapering.
It receives the X and Y coordinates, tappix is the extent of
tapering, zerorad is the radius with no data (zeros).
tau = 2*tappix # period of cosine function (only half a period is used)

R = np.sqrt(X**2+Y**2)
taperfunc = 0.5*(1+np.cos(2*np.pi*(R-zerorad-tau/2.)/tau))
taperfunc = (R>zerorad+tau/2.)*1.0 + taperfunc*(R<=zerorad+tau/2)
taperfunc = taperfunc*(R>=zerorad)
return taperfunc

class HannApod:
def __init__(self,outputdim,filterdim,unmodsize):
printv('Calling the class HannApod')
self.outputdim = outputdim
self.unmodsize = unmodsize
self.filterdim = filterdim

def fract_hanning(self):#outputdim,unmodsize):
out = Square array containing a fractional separable Hanning window with
DC in upper left corner.
outputdim = size of the output array
unmodsize = Size of the central array containing no modulation.
Creates a square hanning window if unmodsize = 0 (or ommited), otherwise the output array
will contain an array of ones in the center and cosine modulation on the
edges, the array of ones will have DC in upper left corner.
printv('Calling fract_hanning')
N = np.arange(0,self.outputdim)
Nc,Nr = np.meshgrid(N,N)
if self.unmodsize == 0:
out = (1.+np.cos(2*np.pi*Nc/self.outputdim))*(1.+np.cos(2*np.pi*Nr/self.outputdim))/4.
#columns modulation
outc = (1.+np.cos(2*np.pi*(Nc-np.floor((self.unmodsize-1)/2))/(self.outputdim+1-self.unmodsize)))/2.
if np.floor((self.unmodsize-1)/2.)>0:
outc[:,int(np.floor((self.unmodsize-1)/2)+self.outputdim+3-self.unmodsize):len(N)] = 1
#row modulation
outr = (1.+np.cos(2*np.pi*(Nr-np.floor((self.unmodsize-1)/2))/(self.outputdim+1-self.unmodsize)))/2.
if np.floor((self.unmodsize-1)/2.)>0:
outr[int(np.floor((self.unmodsize-1)/2)+self.outputdim+3-self.unmodsize):len(N),:] = 1


return out

def fract_hanning_pad(self):#outputdim,filterdim,unmodsize):#(N,N,np.round(N*(1-filtertomo))):
out = Square array containing a fractional separable Hanning window with
DC in upper left corner.
outputdim = size of the output array
filterdim = size of filter (it will zero pad if filterdim<outputdim)
unmodsize = Size of the central array containing no modulation.
Creates a square hanning window if unmodsize = 0 (or ommited), otherwise the output array
will contain an array of ones in the center and cosine modulation on the
edges, the array of ones will have DC in upper left corner.
if self.outputdim < self.unmodsize:
raise SystemExit('Output dimension must be smaller or equal to size of unmodulated window')
if self.outputdim < self.filterdim:
raise SystemExit('Filter cannot be larger than output size')
if self.unmodsize<0:
self.unmodsize = 0
printv('Specified unmodsize<0, setting unmodsize = 0')
printv('Calling fract_hanning_pad')
out = np.zeros((self.outputdim,self.outputdim))
auxindini = int(np.round(self.outputdim/2.-self.filterdim/2.))
auxindend = int(np.round(self.outputdim/2.+self.filterdim/2.))
hanning_window = self.fract_hanning()
out[auxindini:auxindend, auxindini:auxindend]=np.fft.fftshift(hanning_window)
#out[auxindini:auxindend, auxindini:auxindend]=np.fft.fftshift(self.fract_hanning(filterdim,unmodsize))
#return np.fft.fftshift(out)
return out

class FourierShellCorr(HannApod):
FSC3D(image1, image2, SNRt, ring_thick)
Computes the Fourier Shell Correlation between image1 and image2, and computes
the threshold funcion T of 1 or 1/2 bit.
It can handle non-cube arrays, but it assumes that the voxel is isotropic.
It applies a Hanning window of the size of the data to the data before the
Fourier transform calculations to attenuate the border effects.
image1 = image 1
image2 = image 2
SNRt = power SNR for threshold computation. Options:
SNRt = 0.5 -> 1 bit threshold for average
SNRt = 0.2071 -> 1/2 bit threshold for average
ring_thick = thickness of the frequency rings.
Normally the pixels get assined to the closest integer pixel ring
in Fourier Domain. With ring_thick, each ring gets more pixels and
more statistics.
Reference: M. van Heel, M. Schatzb, "Fourier shell correlation threshold
criteria," Journal of Structural Biology 151, 250-262 (2005)
@author: Julio Cesar da Silva ([email protected])
default rad_apod 60 axial_apod 20
def __init__(self,img1,img2,snrt=0.2071,ring_thick=0,rad_apod=300,axial_apod=100):
printv('Calling the class FourierShellCorr')
self.snrt = snrt
self.ring_thick = ring_thick
self.img1 = np.array(img1)
self.img2 = np.array(img2)
self.rad_apod = rad_apod
self.axial_apod = axial_apod
printv('Input images have {} dimensions'.format(self.img1.ndim))
if self.img1.shape != self.img2.shape:
printv("Images must have the same size")
raise SystemExit
if ring_thick !=0:
printv('Using ring_thick = {}'.format(ring_thick))
printv('Using SNRt = %g' %snrt)

def nyquist(self):
Evaluate the Nyquist Frequency
nmax = np.max(self.img1.shape)
fnyquist = np.floor(nmax/2.0)
f = np.arange(0,fnyquist+1)
return f, fnyquist

def ringthickness(self):
Define ring_thick
n = self.img1.shape
nmax = np.max(n)
x = np.arange(-np.fix(n[1]/2.0),np.ceil(n[1]/2.0))*np.floor(nmax/2.0)/np.floor(n[1]/2.0)
y = np.arange(-np.fix(n[0]/2.0),np.ceil(n[0]/2.0))*np.floor(nmax/2.0)/np.floor(n[0]/2.0)
if self.img1.ndim==3:
z = np.arange(-np.fix(n[2]/2.0),np.ceil(n[2]/2.0))*np.floor(nmax/2.0)/np.floor(n[2]/2.0)
X = meshgrid(x,y,z)
elif self.img1.ndim==2:
X = np.meshgrid(x,y)
printv('Number of dimensions is different from 2 or 3.Exiting...')
raise SystemExit('Number of dimensions is different from 2 or 3.Exiting...')
sumsquares = np.zeros_like(X[-1])
for ii in np.arange(0,self.img1.ndim):
sumsquares += X[ii]**2
index = np.round(np.sqrt(sumsquares))
return index

def apodization(self):
Compute the Hanning window of the size of the data for the apodization
n = self.img1.shape
if self.img1.ndim==2:
window = np.outer(np.hanning(n[0]),np.hanning(n[1]))
elif self.img1.ndim==3:
window1 = np.hanning(n[0])
window2 = np.hanning(n[1])
window3 = np.hanning(n[2])
windowaxial = np.outer(window2,window3)
windowsag = np.array([window1 for ii in range(n[1])]).swapaxes(0,1)
#win2d = np.rollaxis(np.array([np.tile(windowaxial,(1,1)) for ii in range(n[0])]),1).swapaxes(1,2)
win2d = np.array([np.tile(windowaxial,(1,1)) for ii in range(n[0])])
window = np.array([np.squeeze(win2d[:,:,ii])*windowsag for ii in range(n[2])]).swapaxes(0,1).swapaxes(1,2)
printv('Number of dimensions is different from 2 or 3. Exiting...')
raise SystemExit('Number of dimensions is different from 2 or 3. Exiting...')
return window

def circle(self):
printv('Calculating the axial apodization')
if self.img1.ndim ==2:
shape_x = self.img1.shape[1]
shape_y = self.img1.shape[0]
elif self.img1.ndim ==3:
shape_x = self.img1.shape[2]
shape_y = self.img1.shape[1]
x_array = np.arange(0,shape_x)
y_array = np.arange(0,shape_y)
self.X,self.Y = np.meshgrid(x_array-np.round(shape_x/2.),y_array-np.round(shape_y/2.))
return circular_region

def transverse_apodization(self):
Compute the Hanning window of the size of the data for the apodization
printv('Calculating the transverse apodization')
n = self.img1.shape
window2d=np.array([window1d for ii in range(n[1])]).swapaxes(0,1)
return window2d

def fouriercorr(self):
Compute FSC and threshold
# Apodization
n = self.img1.shape
circular_region =
if self.img1.ndim ==2:
self.window = circular_region
elif self.img1.ndim==3:
window2D = self.transverse_apodization()
circle3D = np.asarray([circular_region for ii in range(n[0])])
self.window = np.array([np.squeeze(circle3D[:,:,ii])*window2D for ii in range(n[2])]).swapaxes(0,1).swapaxes(1,2)
printv('Apodization in 3D')

# FSC computation
F1 = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(self.img1*self.window)))
#F1 = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(self.img1)))
F2 = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(self.img2*self.window)))
#F2 = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(self.img2)))

C,C1,C2,npts = [[],[],[],[]]
printv('Calling method fouriercorr from the class FourierShellCorr')
index = self.ringthickness()
f,fnyquist = self.nyquist()
for ii in f:
if self.ring_thick ==0:
auxF1 = F1[np.where(index==ii)]
auxF2 = F2[np.where(index==ii)]
auxF1 = F1[(np.where( (index>=(ii-self.ring_thick//2)) & (index<=(ii+self.ring_thick//2)) ))]
auxF2 = F2[(np.where( (index>=(ii-self.ring_thick//2)) & (index<=(ii+self.ring_thick//2)) ))]
# The correlation
FSC = np.abs(np.asarray(C))/(np.sqrt(np.asarray(C1)*np.asarray(C2)))

npts = np.asarray(npts)
# Threshold computation
Tnum = (self.snrt + (2*np.sqrt(self.snrt)/np.sqrt(npts+np.spacing(1)))+1/np.sqrt(npts))
Tden = (self.snrt + (2*np.sqrt(self.snrt)/np.sqrt(npts+np.spacing(1)))+1)
T= Tnum/Tden

return FSC, T

class FSCPlot(FourierShellCorr):
Plot the FSC and threshold curves
def __init__(self,img1,img2,snrt=0.2071,ring_thick=0,rad_apod=300,axial_apod=100):
printv('calling the class FSCplot')
FourierShellCorr.__init__(self, img1, img2, snrt, ring_thick,rad_apod,axial_apod)
self.FSC, self.T = FourierShellCorr.fouriercorr(self)
self.f, self.fnyquist = FourierShellCorr.nyquist(self)
def plot(self):
printv('calling method plot from the class FSCplot')
plt.figure("FSC %s %s %s"%(self.ring_thick, self.rad_apod, self.axial_apod))
plt.plot(self.f/self.fnyquist,self.FSC.real,'-b', label='FSC')
i =self.get_intersect()
if self.snrt == 0.2071:
plt.plot(self.f/self.fnyquist, self.T, '--r',label='1/2 bit threshold')
elif self.snrt == 0.5:
plt.plot(self.f/self.fnyquist, self.T, '--r',label='1 bit threshold')
plotT = plt.plot(self.f/self.fnyquist, self.T)
plt.legend(plotT,'Threshold SNR = %g ' %self.snrt, loc='center')
plt.xlabel('Spatial frequency/Nyquist')
if self.img1.ndim==2:
plt.savefig('FSC_2D.png', bbox_inches='tight')
elif self.img1.ndim==2:
plt.savefig('FSC_3D_%s_%s_%s.png'%(self.ring_thick, self.rad_apod, self.axial_apod), bbox_inches='tight')

def plot_curfig(self,name=""):
printv('calling method plot from the class FSCplot')
if name == "":
name='FSC %s %s %s'%(self.ring_thick, self.rad_apod, self.axial_apod)
plt.plot(self.f/self.fnyquist,self.FSC.real, label=name)
def get_intersect(self):
ro = np.argmax(self.FSC.real < self.T)
dr = self.FSC.real - self.T
frac = dr[ro-1]/(dr[ro-1] - dr[ro])
df = (self.f/self.fnyquist)[ro] - (self.f/self.fnyquist)[ro-1]
return (self.f/self.fnyquist)[ro-1] + frac * df

def plot_nyquist(self):
if self.snrt == 0.2071:
plt.plot(self.f/self.fnyquist, self.T, '--r',label='1/2 bit threshold')
elif self.snrt == 0.5:
plt.plot(self.f/self.fnyquist, self.T, '--r',label='1 bit threshold')
plotT = plt.plot(self.f/self.fnyquist, self.T)
plt.legend(plotT,'Threshold SNR = %g ' %self.snrt, loc='center')
plt.xlabel('Spatial frequency/Nyquist')
def save_fig(self,prefix):
if self.img1.ndim==2:
plt.savefig('FSC_2D.png', bbox_inches='tight')
elif self.img1.ndim==3:
plt.savefig('%sFSC_3D_%s_%s_%s.png'%(prefix,self.ring_thick, self.rad_apod, self.axial_apod), bbox_inches='tight')
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Xray tools

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e.g. volume_1.vol 200 3000 3000 100 volume_2.vol 200 3000 3000 100

run resolution estimation on the volumes <zarr file1> <zarr file2> <ncores> <cube size>[ -ps <pixel_size=50> --snrt <snrt value=.2071>] jaspersLegCryo_r1_50nm_rec_cone_01799_10001800.zarr jaspersLegCryo_r1_50nm_rec_cone_12000_10001800.zarr 8 200 --snrt 0.143

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