This code is based on the original implementation by Hongzhuo Liang et al., as described in their paper:
Paper Title: PointNetGPD: Detecting Grasp Configurations from Point Sets
I have made some minor adjustments to the original implementation to meet the task requirements.
PointNetGPD is an end-to-end grasp evaluation model to address the challenging problem of localizing robot grasp configurations directly from the point cloud.
Python 3.8.10
Our requirements in requirements.txt
- Ubuntu 20.04
Run the experiments:
cd PointNetGPD
Launch a tensorboard for monitoring
tensorboard --log-dir ./assets/log --port 8080
and run an experiment for 200 epoch
python --epoch 200 --mode train --batch-size x (x>1)
File name and corresponding experiment: --- 1-viewed point cloud, 2 class --- 1-viewed point cloud, 3 class --- 1-viewed point cloud, GPD --- Full point cloud, 2 class --- Full point cloud, 3 class --- Full point cloud, GPD
For GPD experiments, you may change the input channel number by modifying
in the experiment scripts(only 3 and 12 channels are available)
Install the pre-processing package:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone catkin build
Start point cloud collection and pre-processing:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch publish_tf:=true # Start the camera roslaunch point_cloud_process get_table_top_points.launch # Start label tracking and point cloud pre-processing
Run the perception node:
This part utilizes PointNetGPD to read the processed point cloud of the target area on the desktop, performs grasp pose generation (GPG), then sends the internal point cloud of the gripper to PointNet for scoring, outputting the results as ROS messages indicating a good grasp.
cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/apps
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cuda Use CUDA for computation
--gpu GPU Specify the GPU number to use
--load-model LOAD_MODEL Specify which pre-trained model to use (this parameter is actually overridden by the later model_type MODEL_TYPE)
--show_final_grasp Set whether to display the final grasp (addresses multi-threading display issues)
--tray_grasp Not finished grasp type (still in progress)
--using_mp Whether to use multi-threading for grasp sampling
--model_type MODEL_TYPE Choose which model to use from three options
For example:
python --cuda --gpu 0 --load-model ../data/1v_500_2class_ourway2sample.model --using_mp --model_type 750