CS4650 Project- News Category Classifier
By Hamza Parekh, Carlos Olea, Matthew Li
Goal: The goal of the project was to build a Neural Network Model that could predict the category for a given article.
Main Files:
superConvolution.py - Optimal Model with CNN LSTM and Embedding -~50 seconds/epoch
FinalData- zipped file containing all data - data set split into training and testing folder to be utilized by the model, then split into their individual categories
oneArticlePredict.py - Demo use predicting takes a file input and gives prediction
superConvolutionPredict.py - data must be set up beforehand similar as classifier inorder to test the accuracy of our data, the dataset used for predict should not be used in training (there is a similar one for old model)
dataBalance.py - padding the data, utilized in prepping data for model
encodeWords.py - maps words to a value utilized in prepping data for model
Dictionary.txt - generated by encodeWords, is a dictionary of words and their values ###################################################################
Web Scraper Folder:
CutTo400words.py - python code to cut off too lengthy articles to 400 words
NYTimesCategoryScraper.py - python code to navigate NYT and grab categories, in order to utilize please install selenium web driver at http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
NewYorkTimesScraper.py - python code to scrape the article from NYT
TimesNewsfirst400Words.py - python code to navigate and scrape Times
Additional info:
CS4650 Final Presentation.pptx - presentation
cs4650projecthistory.xlsx - log of accuracy and loss of the 3 models
Old Models:
spicyArticleClasifier.py- Added CNN layers to model -~15seconds/epoch
lameArticleClassifier.py- base model with only LSTM -~30seconds/epoch