Flow Based Programming inspired framework in Go
Learn more about FBP (originally discovered by @jpaulm) or read the documentation
F-Mesh is a functions orchestrator inspired by FBP. It allows you to express your program as a mesh of interconnected components (or more formally as a computational graph).
- F-Mesh consists of Components - the main building blocks
- Components have unlimited number of input and output Ports
- Ports can be connected via Pipes
- Ports and pipes are type agnostic, any data can be transferred to any port
- The framework works in discrete time, not it wall time. The quant of time is 1 activation cycle, which gives you "logical parallelism" out of the box (activation function is running in "frozen time")
Learn more in documentation
F-mesh is not a classical FBP implementation, it does not support long-running components or wall-time events (like timers and tickers)
fm := fmesh.New("hello world").
WithInputs("i1", "i2").
WithActivationFunc(func(this *component.Component) error {
word1 := this.InputByName("i1").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
word2 := this.InputByName("i2").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
this.OutputByName("res").PutSignals(signal.New(word1 + word2))
return nil
WithActivationFunc(func(this *component.Component) error {
inputString := this.InputByName("i1").FirstSignalPayloadOrDefault("").(string)
return nil
// Init inputs
fm.ComponentByName("concat").InputByName("i1").PutSignals(signal.New("hello "))
fm.ComponentByName("concat").InputByName("i2").PutSignals(signal.New("world !"))
// Run the mesh
_, err := fm.Run()
// Check for errors
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("F-Mesh returned an error")
//Extract results
results := fm.ComponentByName("case").OutputByName("res").FirstSignalPayloadOrNil()
fmt.Printf("Result is : %v", results) // Result is : HELLO WORLD !
See more in examples directory.