Mock for react-native-google-analytics-bridge, used for testing.
react-native-google-analytics-bridge is a great package to use Google Analytics from React Native apps.
We would like to mock react-native-google-analytics-bridge for developing and testing.
, but not to send tracking data at test. This package provides mocked classes "GoogleAnalytics" and "GoogleTagManager", that do nothing.
npm install --save react-native-google-analytics-bridge-mock
Create a compiler that uses babel-register
at the path you like. For example, create a file that contains below codes at test/lib/babel-register.js
module.exports = require('babel-register')({
plugins: ['react-native-google-analytics-bridge-mock/transform']
And then, you can test with:
mocha --compilers js:./test/lib/babel-register test
Or, you can use mocha.opts
--compilers js:./test/lib/babel-register
You can mock at development phase. Create a .babelrc
file in your project root.
"presets": [
"env": {
"development": {
"plugins": [
babel-presets-react-native is required when you use custom .babelrc
at react-native.
You may need to reset bundle cache to enable settings. Run npm start -- --reset-cache
react-native-google-analytics-bridge-mock/transform is a babel-plugin to transform the following code
import GoogleAnalytics from `react-native-google-analytics-bridge`
import GoogleAnalytics from `react-native-google-analytics-bridge-mock`
provides class definitions that has mocked methods provided by react-native-google-analytics-bridge