Some special ebooks
;所有电子书均为中文版本; -
中文名 | 英文名 | 作者
不确定世界的理性选择 | Rational Choice in an Uncertain World | Reid Hastie
亲密关系 | Intimate Relationship | Rowland S. Miller
什么是数学 | What Is Mathematics | Richard Courant
&Herbert Robbins
你一生的故事 | Stories of Your Life and Others | Ted Chiang
千面英雄 | The Hero with a Thousand Faces | Joseph Campbell
哥德尔、艾舍尔、巴赫 | Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Brai | Douglas Richard Hofstadter
复杂 | Complexity:The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos | M.Mitchell Waldrop
失控 | Out of Control | Kevin Kelly
女人的起源 | The Descent of Woman | Elaine Morgan
如何阅读一本书 | How to Read a Book | Mortimer J. Adler
&Charles Van Doren
常识 | Common Sense | Thomas Paine
态度改变与社会影响 | The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence | Philip G. Zimbardo
怎样解题:数学思维的新方法 | How to Solve It : A New Aspect of Mathematical Method | George Polya
我的经验与教训 | What It Takes:Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence | Stephen A. Schwarzman
有限和无限的游戏 | Finite and Infinite Games | James P.Carse
枪炮、病菌与钢铁 | Guns, Germs and Steel | Jared Diamond
永久档案 | Permanent Record | Edward Snowden
理解人性 | Understanding human nature | Alfred Adler
社会心理学 | Social Psychology | David Myers
科学革命的结构 | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions | Thomas S. Kuhn
&Ian Hacking
经验的疆界 | The Ambiguities of Experience | James G. March
苏格拉底的申辩 | The Apology of Socrates | Plato
论系统工程 | 钱学森
货币的非国家化 | Denationalization of Money | Friedrich August von Hayek
跨越鸿沟 | Crossing the chasm | Geoffrey Moore
逻辑学导论 | Introduction to Logic | Irving M. Copi
金枝 | The Golden Bough | James George Frazer
米德尔马契 | Middlemarch | George Eliot
自私的基因 | The Extended Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
如何进行跨学科研究 | Interdisciplinary research process and theory | Allen F. Repko
经济人的末日 | The End of Economic Man:
The Origins of Totalitarianism | Peter F. Drucker
艺术的故事 | The Story of Art | Sir. Ernst Gombrich
研究的方法 | Where Research Begins | Thomas S. Mullaney
游戏设计艺术 | The Art of Game Design | Jesse Schell
科学究竟是什么 | What Is This Thing Called Science | A.F.Chalmers
哲学的历程 | A Historical Introduction to Philosophy | William F.Lawhead