offers Emacs support for Pug. Unlike
, it is based off of
is available on MELPA.
M-x package-install RET pug-mode
(require 'pug-mode)
I created pug-mode because jade-mode
(based on sws-mode
) is incomplete in ways that are inconvenient to me. For
instance, it has poor/no fontification of plain-text, filter blocks, or mixin
definitions/invokations; its indentation strategies seemed too aggressive and
the source was too difficult to grok quickly to address these issues.
In contrast, it took me 10 minutes to grok slim-mode
's source and another 10
to adapt it to Pug in—what I think—is a better result. Most of the code is
lifted right out of slim-mode, so much of the credit belongs to its original
This plugin introduces a pug-compile
function. You can call it
directly (e.g. M-x pug-compile
) or have it done automatically for .pug files:
(defun pug-compile-saved-file()
(when (and (stringp buffer-file-name)
(string-match "\\.pug\\'" buffer-file-name))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'pug-compile-saved-file)
It requires pug-cli.
I am no expert at writing major modes for Emacs and welcome contributions of any kind. Be they pull requests, bug reports or elisp tips!