Hackathon on Identity Wallets and Biometrics: Reshaping Safe and Seamless Aviation organized by the Airport Technology Lab from Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport. This event is organized by Rotterdam the Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA). RHIA is a community of companies, research institutions and governments. Together we are committed to the transition to a cleaner, quieter and sustainable future of aviation. ATL is one of the current projects at RHIA.
Digital Airport as a Solution Airport Technology Lab (ATL) Showcase Event Thursday & Friday 8 - 9 June Albeda Rotterdam Airport College Address: Lutonbaan 9, Rotterdam
Please register for this two day Hackathon at Eventbrite! This is a hybrid event but fysical joining is preferred!
For more info please see:
- RHIA website: https://stichtingrhia.nl/digital-airports-as-a-solution/
- DevPost https://id-wallet-biometrics-aviation.devpost.com/
- EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tickets-airport-technology-lab-atl-showcase-and-hackathon-event-575726412197
Please send this invitation to potential hacker teams and individuals in your network!
Looking forward!
relevant specifications:
- OpenID4VC High Assurance Interoperability Profile with SD-JWT VC
- OpenID 4 Verifiable Presentations
- OpenID 4 Verifiable Credential Issuance
- OpenID Self-Issued OP v2
- OpenID 4 Verifiable Presentations over BLE
relevant open source repositories:
- Typescript (Sphereon): https://github.com/Sphereon-Opensource/ssi-sdk (, )
- Kotlin/Android (Microsoft): https://github.com/microsoft/VerifiableCredential-SDK-Android
- Swift/iOS (Microsoft): https://github.com/microsoft/VerifiableCredential-SDK-iOS
- Rust (Spruce) - OID4VCI: https://github.com/spruceid/oidc4vci-rs
- Rust (Spruce) - OID4VP: https://github.com/spruceid/oidc
- Rust (Impierce): https://github.com/impierce/openid4vc
- Rust (MOSIP) - OpenID4VP over BLE): https://github.com/mosip/tuvali
- Python: Reference/Demo Implementation
- Kotlin: SD-JWT-Kotlin (OWF)
- Rust: sd_jwt
- TypeScript: sd-jwt
- TypeScript: sd-jwt-ts
- Java: Java Library for SD-JWT (Authlete)
- Go: sd-jwt (TBD)