HHH-18912 - ORM release process #9422
Hibernate Jenkins CI / Quarkus
Dec 18, 2024 in 28s
Build: error in 'sh' step
Build / Shell Script
Error in sh
step, with arguments ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -PmavenMirror=nexus-load-balancer-c4cf05fd92f43ef8.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com --no-daemon
script returned exit code 1
Build log
+ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -PmavenMirror=nexus-load-balancer-c4cf05fd92f43ef8.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com --no-daemon
[Global flags]
int ActiveProcessorCount = -1 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor = 4 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale = 10 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin = 50 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps = 20 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval = 0 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight = 10 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy = 0 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveTimeWeight = 25 {product} {default}
bool AdjustStackSizeForTLS = false {product} {default}
bool AggressiveHeap = false {product} {default}
intx AliasLevel = 3 {C2 product} {default}
bool AlignVector = false {C2 product} {default}
ccstr AllocateHeapAt = {product} {default}
intx AllocateInstancePrefetchLines = 1 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchDistance = 192 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchInstr = 3 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchLines = 4 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchStepSize = 64 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchStyle = 1 {product} {default}
bool AllowParallelDefineClass = false {product} {default}
bool AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods = false {product} {default}
bool AllowUserSignalHandlers = false {product} {default}
bool AllowVectorizeOnDemand = true {C2 product} {default}
bool AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysCompileLoopMethods = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysLockClassLoader = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysPreTouch = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysRestoreFPU = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysTenure = false {product} {default}
ccstr ArchiveClassesAtExit = {product} {default}
intx ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem = 8 {C2 product} {default}
size_t AsyncLogBufferSize = 2097152 {product} {default}
intx AutoBoxCacheMax = 128 {C2 product} {default}
intx BCEATraceLevel = 0 {product} {default}
bool BackgroundCompilation = true {pd product} {default}
size_t BaseFootPrintEstimate = 268435456 {product} {default}
intx BiasedLockingBulkRebiasThreshold = 20 {product} {default}
intx BiasedLockingBulkRevokeThreshold = 40 {product} {default}
intx BiasedLockingDecayTime = 25000 {product} {default}
intx BiasedLockingStartupDelay = 0 {product} {default}
bool BlockLayoutByFrequency = true {C2 product} {default}
intx BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage = 20 {C2 product} {default}
bool BlockLayoutRotateLoops = true {C2 product} {default}
intx C1InlineStackLimit = 5 {C1 product} {default}
intx C1MaxInlineLevel = 9 {C1 product} {default}
intx C1MaxInlineSize = 35 {C1 product} {default}
intx C1MaxRecursiveInlineLevel = 1 {C1 product} {default}
intx C1MaxTrivialSize = 6 {C1 product} {default}
bool C1OptimizeVirtualCallProfiling = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileBranches = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileCalls = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileCheckcasts = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileInlinedCalls = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileVirtualCalls = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1UpdateMethodData = true {C1 product} {default}
intx CICompilerCount = 3 {product} {ergonomic}
bool CICompilerCountPerCPU = true {product} {default}
bool CITime = false {product} {default}
bool CheckJNICalls = false {product} {default}
bool ClassUnloading = true {product} {default}
bool ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark = true {product} {default}
bool ClipInlining = true {product} {default}
uintx CodeCacheExpansionSize = 65536 {pd product} {default}
bool CompactStrings = true {pd product} {default}
ccstr CompilationMode = default {product} {default}
ccstrlist CompileCommand = {product} {default}
ccstr CompileCommandFile = {product} {default}
ccstrlist CompileOnly = {product} {default}
intx CompileThreshold = 10000 {pd product} {default}
double CompileThresholdScaling = 1.000000 {product} {default}
intx CompilerThreadPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx CompilerThreadStackSize = 1024 {pd product} {default}
size_t CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 {product} {default}
uint ConcGCThreads = 1 {product} {ergonomic}
intx ConditionalMoveLimit = 3 {C2 pd product} {default}
intx ContendedPaddingWidth = 128 {product} {default}
bool CrashOnOutOfMemoryError = false {product} {default}
bool CreateCoredumpOnCrash = true {product} {default}
bool CriticalJNINatives = false {product} {default}
bool DTraceAllocProbes = false {product} {default}
bool DTraceMethodProbes = false {product} {default}
bool DTraceMonitorProbes = false {product} {default}
bool DisableAttachMechanism = false {product} {default}
bool DisableExplicitGC = false {product} {default}
bool DisplayVMOutputToStderr = false {product} {default}
bool DisplayVMOutputToStdout = false {product} {default}
bool DoEscapeAnalysis = true {C2 product} {default}
bool DoReserveCopyInSuperWord = true {C2 product} {default}
bool DontCompileHugeMethods = true {product} {default}
bool DontYieldALot = false {pd product} {default}
ccstr DumpLoadedClassList = {product} {default}
bool DumpReplayDataOnError = true {product} {default}
bool DumpSharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
bool DynamicDumpSharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
bool EagerXrunInit = false {product} {default}
intx EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit = 64 {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateAllocations = true {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateAutoBox = true {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateLocks = true {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateNestedLocks = true {C2 product} {default}
bool EnableContended = true {product} {default}
bool EnableDynamicAgentLoading = true {product} {default}
size_t ErgoHeapSizeLimit = 0 {product} {default}
ccstr ErrorFile = {product} {default}
bool ErrorFileToStderr = false {product} {default}
bool ErrorFileToStdout = false {product} {default}
uint64_t ErrorLogTimeout = 120 {product} {default}
double EscapeAnalysisTimeout = 20.000000 {C2 product} {default}
bool EstimateArgEscape = true {product} {default}
bool ExecutingUnitTests = false {product} {default}
bool ExitOnOutOfMemoryError = false {product} {default}
bool ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent = false {product} {default}
bool ExtendedDTraceProbes = false {product} {default}
bool ExtensiveErrorReports = false {product} {default}
ccstr ExtraSharedClassListFile = {product} {default}
bool FilterSpuriousWakeups = true {product} {default}
bool FlightRecorder = false {product} {default}
ccstr FlightRecorderOptions = {product} {default}
bool ForceTimeHighResolution = false {product} {default}
intx FreqInlineSize = 325 {C2 pd product} {default}
double G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis = 10.000000 {product} {default}
uintx G1ConcRSHotCardLimit = 4 {product} {default}
size_t G1ConcRSLogCacheSize = 10 {product} {default}
size_t G1ConcRefinementGreenZone = 0 {product} {default}
size_t G1ConcRefinementRedZone = 0 {product} {default}
uintx G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis = 300 {product} {default}
uint G1ConcRefinementThreads = 4 {product} {ergonomic}
size_t G1ConcRefinementThresholdStep = 2 {product} {default}
size_t G1ConcRefinementYellowZone = 0 {product} {default}
uintx G1ConfidencePercent = 50 {product} {default}
size_t G1HeapRegionSize = 1048576 {product} {ergonomic}
uintx G1HeapWastePercent = 5 {product} {default}
uintx G1MixedGCCountTarget = 8 {product} {default}
uintx G1PeriodicGCInterval = 0 {manageable} {default}
bool G1PeriodicGCInvokesConcurrent = true {product} {default}
double G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold = 0.000000 {manageable} {default}
intx G1RSetRegionEntries = 256 {product} {default}
intx G1RSetSparseRegionEntries = 8 {product} {default}
intx G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent = 10 {product} {default}
uint G1RefProcDrainInterval = 1000 {product} {default}
uintx G1ReservePercent = 10 {product} {default}
uintx G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent = 60 {product} {default}
size_t G1SATBBufferSize = 1024 {product} {default}
size_t G1UpdateBufferSize = 256 {product} {default}
bool G1UseAdaptiveConcRefinement = true {product} {default}
bool G1UseAdaptiveIHOP = true {product} {default}
uintx GCDrainStackTargetSize = 64 {product} {ergonomic}
uintx GCHeapFreeLimit = 2 {product} {default}
uintx GCLockerEdenExpansionPercent = 5 {product} {default}
uintx GCPauseIntervalMillis = 201 {product} {default}
uintx GCTimeLimit = 98 {product} {default}
uintx GCTimeRatio = 12 {product} {default}
size_t HeapBaseMinAddress = 2147483648 {pd product} {default}
bool HeapDumpAfterFullGC = false {manageable} {default}
bool HeapDumpBeforeFullGC = false {manageable} {default}
intx HeapDumpGzipLevel = 0 {manageable} {default}
bool HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError = false {manageable} {default}
ccstr HeapDumpPath = {manageable} {default}
uintx HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount = 3 {product} {default}
uintx HeapMaximumCompactionInterval = 20 {product} {default}
uintx HeapSearchSteps = 3 {product} {default}
size_t HeapSizePerGCThread = 43620760 {product} {default}
bool IgnoreEmptyClassPaths = false {product} {default}
bool IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions = false {product} {default}
uintx IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt = 50 {product} {default}
bool IncrementalInline = true {C2 product} {default}
uintx InitialCodeCacheSize = 2555904 {pd product} {default}
size_t InitialHeapSize = 67108864 {product} {command line}
uintx InitialRAMFraction = 64 {product} {default}
double InitialRAMPercentage = 1.562500 {product} {default}
uintx InitialSurvivorRatio = 8 {product} {default}
uintx InitialTenuringThreshold = 7 {product} {default}
uintx InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent = 45 {product} {default}
bool Inline = true {product} {default}
ccstr InlineDataFile = {product} {default}
intx InlineSmallCode = 2500 {C2 pd product} {default}
bool InlineSynchronizedMethods = true {C1 product} {default}
intx InteriorEntryAlignment = 16 {C2 pd product} {default}
intx InterpreterProfilePercentage = 33 {product} {default}
bool JavaMonitorsInStackTrace = true {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority10_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority1_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority2_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority3_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority4_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority5_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority6_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority7_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority8_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority9_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
size_t LargePageHeapSizeThreshold = 134217728 {product} {default}
size_t LargePageSizeInBytes = 0 {product} {default}
intx LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff = 40000 {C2 product} {default}
bool LoadExecStackDllInVMThread = true {product} {default}
intx LoopMaxUnroll = 16 {C2 product} {default}
intx LoopOptsCount = 43 {C2 product} {default}
intx LoopPercentProfileLimit = 10 {C2 pd product} {default}
uintx LoopStripMiningIter = 1000 {C2 product} {default}
uintx LoopStripMiningIterShortLoop = 100 {C2 product} {default}
intx LoopUnrollLimit = 60 {C2 pd product} {default}
intx LoopUnrollMin = 4 {C2 product} {default}
bool LoopUnswitching = true {C2 product} {default}
bool ManagementServer = false {product} {default}
size_t MarkStackSize = 4194304 {product} {ergonomic}
size_t MarkStackSizeMax = 536870912 {product} {default}
uint MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount = 4 {product} {default}
uintx MarkSweepDeadRatio = 5 {product} {default}
intx MaxBCEAEstimateLevel = 5 {product} {default}
intx MaxBCEAEstimateSize = 150 {product} {default}
uint64_t MaxDirectMemorySize = 0 {product} {default}
bool MaxFDLimit = true {product} {default}
uintx MaxGCMinorPauseMillis = 18446744073709551615 {product} {default}
uintx MaxGCPauseMillis = 200 {product} {default}
uintx MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70 {manageable} {default}
size_t MaxHeapSize = 67108864 {product} {command line}
intx MaxInlineLevel = 15 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxInlineSize = 35 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxJNILocalCapacity = 65536 {product} {default}
intx MaxJavaStackTraceDepth = 1024 {product} {default}
intx MaxJumpTableSize = 65000 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxJumpTableSparseness = 5 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxLabelRootDepth = 1100 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxLoopPad = 11 {C2 product} {default}
size_t MaxMetaspaceExpansion = 5439488 {product} {default}
uintx MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio = 70 {product} {default}
size_t MaxMetaspaceSize = 18446744073709551615 {product} {default}
size_t MaxNewSize = 39845888 {product} {ergonomic}
intx MaxNodeLimit = 80000 {C2 product} {default}
uint64_t MaxRAM = 137438953472 {pd product} {default}
uintx MaxRAMFraction = 4 {product} {default}
double MaxRAMPercentage = 25.000000 {product} {default}
intx MaxRecursiveInlineLevel = 1 {C2 product} {default}
uintx MaxTenuringThreshold = 15 {product} {default}
intx MaxTrivialSize = 6 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxVectorSize = 64 {C2 product} {default}
ccstr MetaspaceReclaimPolicy = balanced {product} {default}
size_t MetaspaceSize = 22020096 {product} {default}
bool MethodFlushing = true {product} {default}
size_t MinHeapDeltaBytes = 1048576 {product} {ergonomic}
uintx MinHeapFreeRatio = 40 {manageable} {default}
size_t MinHeapSize = 67108864 {product} {command line}
intx MinInliningThreshold = 250 {product} {default}
intx MinJumpTableSize = 10 {C2 pd product} {default}
size_t MinMetaspaceExpansion = 327680 {product} {default}
uintx MinMetaspaceFreeRatio = 40 {product} {default}
uintx MinRAMFraction = 2 {product} {default}
double MinRAMPercentage = 50.000000 {product} {default}
uintx MinSurvivorRatio = 3 {product} {default}
size_t MinTLABSize = 2048 {product} {default}
intx MultiArrayExpandLimit = 6 {C2 product} {default}
uintx NUMAChunkResizeWeight = 20 {product} {default}
size_t NUMAInterleaveGranularity = 2097152 {product} {default}
uintx NUMAPageScanRate = 256 {product} {default}
size_t NUMASpaceResizeRate = 1073741824 {product} {default}
bool NUMAStats = false {product} {default}
ccstr NativeMemoryTracking = off {product} {default}
bool NeverActAsServerClassMachine = false {pd product} {default}
bool NeverTenure = false {product} {default}
uintx NewRatio = 2 {product} {default}
size_t NewSize = 1363144 {product} {default}
size_t NewSizeThreadIncrease = 5320 {pd product} {default}
intx NmethodSweepActivity = 10 {product} {default}
intx NodeLimitFudgeFactor = 2000 {C2 product} {default}
uintx NonNMethodCodeHeapSize = 5832780 {pd product} {ergonomic}
uintx NonProfiledCodeHeapSize = 122912730 {pd product} {ergonomic}
intx NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign = 4 {C2 product} {default}
intx ObjectAlignmentInBytes = 8 {product lp64_product} {default}
size_t OldPLABSize = 1024 {product} {default}
size_t OldSize = 5452592 {product} {default}
bool OmitStackTraceInFastThrow = true {product} {default}
ccstrlist OnError = {product} {default}
ccstrlist OnOutOfMemoryError = {product} {default}
intx OnStackReplacePercentage = 140 {pd product} {default}
bool OptimizeFill = false {C2 product} {default}
bool OptimizePtrCompare = true {C2 product} {default}
bool OptimizeStringConcat = true {C2 product} {default}
bool OptoBundling = false {C2 pd product} {default}
intx OptoLoopAlignment = 16 {pd product} {default}
bool OptoRegScheduling = true {C2 pd product} {default}
bool OptoScheduling = false {C2 pd product} {default}
uintx PLABWeight = 75 {product} {default}
bool PSChunkLargeArrays = true {product} {default}
int ParGCArrayScanChunk = 50 {product} {default}
uintx ParallelGCBufferWastePct = 10 {product} {default}
uint ParallelGCThreads = 4 {product} {default}
size_t ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterMean = 50 {product} {default}
size_t ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterStdDev = 80 {product} {default}
bool ParallelRefProcBalancingEnabled = true {product} {default}
bool ParallelRefProcEnabled = true {product} {default}
bool PartialPeelAtUnsignedTests = true {C2 product} {default}
bool PartialPeelLoop = true {C2 product} {default}
intx PartialPeelNewPhiDelta = 0 {C2 product} {default}
uintx PausePadding = 1 {product} {default}
intx PerBytecodeRecompilationCutoff = 200 {product} {default}
intx PerBytecodeTrapLimit = 4 {product} {default}
intx PerMethodRecompilationCutoff = 400 {product} {default}
intx PerMethodTrapLimit = 100 {product} {default}
bool PerfAllowAtExitRegistration = false {product} {default}
bool PerfBypassFileSystemCheck = false {product} {default}
intx PerfDataMemorySize = 32768 {product} {default}
intx PerfDataSamplingInterval = 50 {product} {default}
ccstr PerfDataSaveFile = {product} {default}
bool PerfDataSaveToFile = false {product} {default}
bool PerfDisableSharedMem = false {product} {default}
intx PerfMaxStringConstLength = 1024 {product} {default}
size_t PreTouchParallelChunkSize = 4194304 {pd product} {default}
bool PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount = true {product} {default}
bool PreferInterpreterNativeStubs = false {pd product} {default}
intx PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes = 576 {product} {default}
intx PrefetchFieldsAhead = 1 {product} {default}
intx PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes = 576 {product} {default}
bool PreserveAllAnnotations = false {product} {default}
bool PreserveFramePointer = false {pd product} {default}
size_t PretenureSizeThreshold = 0 {product} {default}
bool PrintClassHistogram = false {manageable} {default}
bool PrintCodeCache = false {product} {default}
bool PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation = false {product} {default}
bool PrintCommandLineFlags = false {product} {default}
bool PrintCompilation = false {product} {default}
bool PrintConcurrentLocks = false {manageable} {default}
bool PrintExtendedThreadInfo = false {product} {default}
bool PrintFlagsFinal = true {product} {command line}
bool PrintFlagsInitial = false {product} {default}
bool PrintFlagsRanges = false {product} {default}
bool PrintGC = false {product} {default}
bool PrintGCDetails = false {product} {default}
bool PrintHeapAtSIGBREAK = true {product} {default}
bool PrintSharedArchiveAndExit = false {product} {default}
bool PrintSharedDictionary = false {product} {default}
bool PrintStringTableStatistics = false {product} {default}
bool PrintTieredEvents = false {product} {default}
bool PrintVMOptions = false {product} {default}
bool PrintWarnings = true {product} {default}
uintx ProcessDistributionStride = 4 {product} {default}
bool ProfileInterpreter = true {pd product} {default}
intx ProfileMaturityPercentage = 20 {product} {default}
uintx ProfiledCodeHeapSize = 122912730 {pd product} {ergonomic}
uintx PromotedPadding = 3 {product} {default}
uintx QueuedAllocationWarningCount = 0 {product} {default}
int RTMRetryCount = 5 {ARCH product} {default}
bool RangeCheckElimination = true {product} {default}
bool ReassociateInvariants = true {C2 product} {default}
bool RecordDynamicDumpInfo = false {product} {default}
bool ReduceBulkZeroing = true {C2 product} {default}
bool ReduceFieldZeroing = true {C2 product} {default}
bool ReduceInitialCardMarks = true {C2 product} {default}
bool ReduceSignalUsage = false {product} {default}
intx RefDiscoveryPolicy = 0 {product} {default}
bool RegisterFinalizersAtInit = true {product} {default}
bool RelaxAccessControlCheck = false {product} {default}
ccstr ReplayDataFile = {product} {default}
bool RequireSharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
uintx ReservedCodeCacheSize = 251658240 {pd product} {ergonomic}
bool ResizePLAB = true {product} {default}
bool ResizeTLAB = true {product} {default}
bool RestoreMXCSROnJNICalls = false {product} {default}
bool RestrictContended = true {product} {default}
bool RestrictReservedStack = true {product} {default}
bool RewriteBytecodes = true {pd product} {default}
bool RewriteFrequentPairs = true {pd product} {default}
bool SafepointTimeout = false {product} {default}
intx SafepointTimeoutDelay = 10000 {product} {default}
bool ScavengeBeforeFullGC = false {product} {default}
bool SegmentedCodeCache = true {product} {ergonomic}
intx SelfDestructTimer = 0 {product} {default}
ccstr SharedArchiveConfigFile = {product} {default}
ccstr SharedArchiveFile = {product} {default}
size_t SharedBaseAddress = 139986791825408 {product} {default}
ccstr SharedClassListFile = {product} {default}
uintx SharedSymbolTableBucketSize = 4 {product} {default}
ccstr ShenandoahGCHeuristics = adaptive {product} {default}
ccstr ShenandoahGCMode = satb {product} {default}
bool ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages = true {manageable} {default}
bool ShowMessageBoxOnError = false {product} {default}
bool ShrinkHeapInSteps = true {product} {default}
size_t SoftMaxHeapSize = 67108864 {manageable} {ergonomic}
intx SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB = 1000 {product} {default}
bool SplitIfBlocks = true {C2 product} {default}
intx StackRedPages = 1 {pd product} {default}
intx StackReservedPages = 1 {pd product} {default}
intx StackShadowPages = 20 {pd product} {default}
bool StackTraceInThrowable = true {product} {default}
intx StackYellowPages = 2 {pd product} {default}
uintx StartAggressiveSweepingAt = 10 {product} {default}
bool StartAttachListener = false {product} {default}
ccstr StartFlightRecording = {product} {default}
uint StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold = 3 {product} {default}
uintx StringTableSize = 65536 {product} {default}
bool SuperWordLoopUnrollAnalysis = true {C2 pd product} {default}
bool SuperWordReductions = true {C2 product} {default}
bool SuppressFatalErrorMessage = false {product} {default}
uintx SurvivorPadding = 3 {product} {default}
uintx SurvivorRatio = 8 {product} {default}
double SweeperThreshold = 0.500000 {product} {default}
uintx TLABAllocationWeight = 35 {product} {default}
uintx TLABRefillWasteFraction = 64 {product} {default}
size_t TLABSize = 0 {product} {default}
bool TLABStats = true {product} {default}
uintx TLABWasteIncrement = 4 {product} {default}
uintx TLABWasteTargetPercent = 1 {product} {default}
uintx TargetPLABWastePct = 10 {product} {default}
uintx TargetSurvivorRatio = 50 {product} {default}
uintx TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement = 20 {product} {default}
uintx TenuredGenerationSizeSupplement = 80 {product} {default}
uintx TenuredGenerationSizeSupplementDecay = 2 {product} {default}
intx ThreadPriorityPolicy = 0 {product} {default}
bool ThreadPriorityVerbose = false {product} {default}
intx ThreadStackSize = 1024 {pd product} {default}
uintx ThresholdTolerance = 10 {product} {default}
intx Tier0BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 10 {product} {default}
intx Tier0InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 7 {product} {default}
intx Tier0ProfilingStartPercentage = 200 {product} {default}
intx Tier23InlineeNotifyFreqLog = 20 {product} {default}
intx Tier2BackEdgeThreshold = 0 {product} {default}
intx Tier2BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 14 {product} {default}
intx Tier2CompileThreshold = 0 {product} {default}
intx Tier2InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 11 {product} {default}
intx Tier3BackEdgeThreshold = 60000 {product} {default}
intx Tier3BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 13 {product} {default}
intx Tier3CompileThreshold = 2000 {product} {default}
intx Tier3DelayOff = 2 {product} {default}
intx Tier3DelayOn = 5 {product} {default}
intx Tier3InvocationThreshold = 200 {product} {default}
intx Tier3InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 10 {product} {default}
intx Tier3LoadFeedback = 5 {product} {default}
intx Tier3MinInvocationThreshold = 100 {product} {default}
intx Tier4BackEdgeThreshold = 40000 {product} {default}
intx Tier4CompileThreshold = 15000 {product} {default}
intx Tier4InvocationThreshold = 5000 {product} {default}
intx Tier4LoadFeedback = 3 {product} {default}
intx Tier4MinInvocationThreshold = 600 {product} {default}
bool TieredCompilation = true {pd product} {default}
intx TieredCompileTaskTimeout = 50 {product} {default}
intx TieredRateUpdateMaxTime = 25 {product} {default}
intx TieredRateUpdateMinTime = 1 {product} {default}
intx TieredStopAtLevel = 4 {product} {default}
bool TimeLinearScan = false {C1 product} {default}
ccstr TraceJVMTI = {product} {default}
intx TrackedInitializationLimit = 50 {C2 product} {default}
bool TrapBasedNullChecks = false {pd product} {default}
bool TrapBasedRangeChecks = false {C2 pd product} {default}
uint TrimNativeHeapInterval = 0 {product} {default}
intx TypeProfileArgsLimit = 2 {product} {default}
uintx TypeProfileLevel = 111 {pd product} {default}
intx TypeProfileMajorReceiverPercent = 90 {C2 product} {default}
intx TypeProfileParmsLimit = 2 {product} {default}
intx TypeProfileWidth = 2 {product} {default}
intx UnguardOnExecutionViolation = 0 {product} {default}
bool UseAES = true {product} {default}
intx UseAVX = 3 {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMajorCollection = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMinorCollection = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveSizeDecayMajorGCCost = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicy = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicyFootprintGoal = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicyWithSystemGC = false {product} {default}
bool UseAddressNop = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseBASE64Intrinsics = true {product} {default}
bool UseBMI1Instructions = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseBMI2Instructions = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseBiasedLocking = false {product} {default}
bool UseBimorphicInlining = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseCLMUL = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseCMoveUnconditionally = false {C2 product} {default}
bool UseCodeAging = true {product} {default}
bool UseCodeCacheFlushing = true {product} {default}
bool UseCompiler = true {product} {default}
bool UseCompressedClassPointers = true {product lp64_product} {ergonomic}
bool UseCompressedOops = true {product lp64_product} {ergonomic}
bool UseCondCardMark = false {product} {default}
bool UseContainerCpuShares = false {product} {default}
bool UseContainerSupport = true {product} {default}
bool UseCountLeadingZerosInstruction = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseCountTrailingZerosInstruction = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseCountedLoopSafepoints = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseCounterDecay = true {product} {default}
bool UseDivMod = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads = true {product} {default}
bool UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads = true {product} {default}
bool UseEmptySlotsInSupers = true {product} {default}
bool UseFMA = true {product} {default}
bool UseFPUForSpilling = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseFastJNIAccessors = true {product} {default}
bool UseFastStosb = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseG1GC = true {product} {ergonomic}
bool UseGCOverheadLimit = true {product} {default}
bool UseHeavyMonitors = false {product} {default}
bool UseHugeTLBFS = false {product} {default}
bool UseInlineCaches = true {product} {default}
bool UseInterpreter = true {product} {default}
bool UseJumpTables = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseLargePages = false {pd product} {default}
bool UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation = false {pd product} {default}
bool UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks = true {product} {default}
bool UseLoopCounter = true {product} {default}
bool UseLoopInvariantCodeMotion = true {C1 product} {default}
bool UseLoopPredicate = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC = true {product} {default}
bool UseNUMA = false {product} {default}
bool UseNUMAInterleaving = false {product} {default}
bool UseNewLongLShift = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseNotificationThread = true {product} {default}
bool UseOnStackReplacement = true {pd product} {default}
bool UseOnlyInlinedBimorphic = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseOprofile = false {product} {default}
bool UseOptoBiasInlining = false {C2 product} {default}
bool UsePSAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy = true {product} {default}
bool UseParallelGC = false {product} {default}
bool UsePerfData = true {product} {default}
bool UsePopCountInstruction = true {product} {default}
bool UseProfiledLoopPredicate = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseRTMDeopt = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseRTMLocking = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseSHA = true {product} {default}
bool UseSHM = false {product} {default}
intx UseSSE = 4 {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseSSE42Intrinsics = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseSerialGC = false {product} {default}
bool UseSharedSpaces = true {product} {default}
bool UseShenandoahGC = false {product} {default}
bool UseSignalChaining = true {product} {default}
bool UseStoreImmI16 = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseStringDeduplication = false {product} {default}
bool UseSubwordForMaxVector = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseSuperWord = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseTLAB = true {product} {default}
bool UseThreadPriorities = true {pd product} {default}
bool UseTransparentHugePages = false {product} {default}
bool UseTypeProfile = true {product} {default}
bool UseTypeSpeculation = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseUnalignedLoadStores = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseVectorCmov = false {C2 product} {default}
bool UseXMMForArrayCopy = true {product} {default}
bool UseXMMForObjInit = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseXmmI2D = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseXmmI2F = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseXmmLoadAndClearUpper = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseZGC = false {product} {default}
intx VMThreadPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx VMThreadStackSize = 1024 {pd product} {default}
intx ValueMapInitialSize = 11 {C1 product} {default}
intx ValueMapMaxLoopSize = 8 {C1 product} {default}
intx ValueSearchLimit = 1000 {C2 product} {default}
bool VerifySharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
uintx YoungGenerationSizeIncrement = 20 {product} {default}
uintx YoungGenerationSizeSupplement = 80 {product} {default}
uintx YoungGenerationSizeSupplementDecay = 8 {product} {default}
size_t YoungPLABSize = 4096 {product} {default}
double ZAllocationSpikeTolerance = 2.000000 {product} {default}
double ZCollectionInterval = 0.000000 {product} {default}
double ZFragmentationLimit = 25.000000 {product} {default}
size_t ZMarkStackSpaceLimit = 8589934592 {product} {default}
bool ZProactive = true {product} {default}
bool ZUncommit = true {product} {default}
uintx ZUncommitDelay = 300 {product} {default}
bool ZeroTLAB = false {product} {default}
To honour the JVM settings for this build a single-use Daemon process will be forked. For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.4/userguide/gradle_daemon.html#sec:disabling_the_daemon in the Gradle documentation.
Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build
> Task :local-build-plugins:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :local-build-plugins:pluginDescriptors UP-TO-DATE
> Task :local-build-plugins:processResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :local-build-plugins:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :local-build-plugins:jar UP-TO-DATE
> Configure project :
Java versions for main code: [compile: 17, release:11] (implicit)
Java versions for test code: [compile: 17, release:11, launcher: 17] (implicit)
Output truncated.
- Declarative: Checkout SCM (2.8 sec)
- Declarative: Tool Install (1.2 sec)
- Build (19 sec)
Error: script returned exit code 1 - Declarative: Post Actions (2.5 sec)
- Build (19 sec)
- Declarative: Tool Install (1.2 sec)