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hharveygit committed Sep 28, 2023
0 parents commit 414f67e
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Showing 23 changed files with 3,246 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
674 changes: 674 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions README.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
If this code is used in a publication, please cite the manuscript:
"CARLA: Adjusted common average referencing for cortico-cortical evoked potential data"
by H Huang, G Ojeda Valencia, NM Gregg, GM Osman, MN Montoya, GA Worrell, KJ Miller, and D Hermes.
A preprint is available currently at doi: ___

H Huang: [email protected]; D Hermes: [email protected]



- mnl_ieegBasics:
- matmef:
- mnl_seegview:
- SPM12 (as dependency for mnl_seegview):
- vistasoft:
- Freesurfer v7:
- GIfTI:



a. The data used in this analysis will be available upon manuscript publication on OpenNeuro, in BIDS format. Please download all the data and copy into a folder named "data", in the root level code directory. In the meantime before data release, all results pertaining to simulated CCEPs can still be reproduced by the code alone.

b. Pial, cortical, and subcortical segmentations for each subject were obtained using Freesurfer v7. These were used to localize each stimulation site to a particular tissue type. The relevant Freesurfer outputs for each subject are located in the data subdirectory: data/derivatives/freesurfer

c. All custom analyses were performed in MATLAB R2023a. Step-by-step code blocks and instructions to generate all manuscript figures and results are in "main.m". Please open "main.m" and follow the code sections contained therein.
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions applyCARLARealCCEPs.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
%% This script generates outputs for CARLA applied to single stim sites in real data (Fig 5B-F, Fig 6C-F)
% 2023/09/27
% If this code is used in a publication, please cite the manuscript:
% "CARLA: Adjusted common average referencing for cortico-cortical evoked potential data"
% by H Huang, G Ojeda Valencia, NM Gregg, GM Osman, MN Montoya,
% GA Worrell, KJ Miller, and D Hermes.
% CARLA manuscript package.
% Copyright (C) 2023 Harvey Huang
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
%% Load all data for selected subject

% 'sub' and 'run' variables should have been defined in main script

elecsPath = fullfile(dataPath, sub, 'ses-ieeg01', 'ieeg', sprintf('%s_ses-ieeg01_electrodes.tsv', sub));
elecs = ieeg_readtableRmHyphens(elecsPath);

mefPath = fullfile(dataPath, sub, 'ses-ieeg01', 'ieeg', sprintf('%s_ses-ieeg01_task-ccep_run-%02d_ieeg.mefd', sub, run));
channelsPath = fullfile(dataPath, sub, 'ses-ieeg01', 'ieeg', sprintf('%s_ses-ieeg01_task-ccep_run-%02d_channels.tsv', sub, run));
eventsPath = fullfile(dataPath, sub, 'ses-ieeg01', 'ieeg', sprintf('%s_ses-ieeg01_task-ccep_run-%02d_events.tsv', sub, run));
annotPath = fullfile(dataPath, sub, 'ses-ieeg01', 'ieeg', sprintf('%s_ses-ieeg01_task-ccep_run-%02d_eventsAnnot.tsv', sub, run));

% Load CCEP data
mef = ccep_PreprocessMef(mefPath, channelsPath, eventsPath);
mef.loadMefTrials([-1, 1]);

mef.plotOutputs(1, [], 200);

tt =;
srate = mef.srate;
channels = mef.channels;
events = mef.evts;
data =;

sites = groupby(events.electrical_stimulation_site);

outdir = fullfile('output', 'realCCEPs');

annots = readtable(annotPath, 'FileType', 'text', 'Delimiter', '\t');
annots = annots.status_description;
assert(length(annots) == height(events), 'Error: length of event annotations does not match events table height');
warning('Unable to load event annotation for events');

% show the seizure onset zones which are excluded from stimulation
SOZ =, 'SOZ'));

clear *Path*

%% Extract data from site of interest, NaN out individual bad trials

% 'site' variable should have been defined in main script

idxesSite = sites{strcmp(site, sites(:, 1)), 2}; % indices corresponding to this stim site
nTrials = length(idxesSite);

goodChs = strcmp(channels.type, 'SEEG') & strcmp(channels.status, 'good') & ~ismember(upper(, getNeighborChs(split(site,'-'), 2)); % exclude sites 2 away from current

dataSite = data(goodChs, :, idxesSite);
chsSite =;

% remove bad trials and set channels to nan in individual trials, according to annotations
annotsSite = annots(idxesSite); % get annotations corresponding to this stim site
dataSite = rmBadTrialsAnnots(dataSite, chsSite, annotsSite);

figure('Position', [200, 200, 1200, 1200]);
subplot(1, 2, 1); % first half of channels
ieeg_plotTrials(tt, mean(dataSite(1:floor(length(chsSite)/2), :, :), 3, 'omitnan')', 200, chsSite(1:floor(length(chsSite)/2)));
xlim([-0.5, 1]);
subplot(1, 2, 2); % first half of channels
ieeg_plotTrials(tt, mean(dataSite(ceil(length(chsSite)/2):end, :, :), 3, 'omitnan')', 200, chsSite(ceil(length(chsSite)/2):end));
xlim([-0.5, 1]);

%% Apply CARLA and plot variance, zminmean plots


nanChs = any(isnan(dataSite), [2, 3]); % any channels with nan in any trial

dataSiteNoNan = dataSite(~nanChs, :, :);
chsSiteNoNan = chsSite(~nanChs);

[Vcar, CAR, stats] = CARLA(tt, dataSiteNoNan, srate, true);
nCAR = length(stats.chsUsed);

cmSens = [1, 165/255, 0]; % orange color for max

% ZminMean plot
figure('Position', [200, 200, 600, 300]); hold on
errorbar(mean(stats.zMinMean, 2), std(stats.zMinMean, 0, 2), 'k.-', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'CapSize', 1); % SD of bootstrapped means
plot(nCAR, mean(stats.zMinMean(nCAR, :), 2), '*', 'Color', cmSens);
xlim([0, length(chsSiteNoNan)+1]); ylim([-1.5, 0]);
yline(0, 'Color', 'k');
saveas(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_zMinMean', sub, site)), 'svg');
saveas(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_zMinMean', sub, site)), 'png');

% Variance plot
vars = stats.vars(stats.order); % sort in order
figure('Position', [200, 200, 600, 300]); hold on
plot(vars, 'k.-', 'MarkerSize', 10);
xline(nCAR + 0.5, 'Color', cmSens);
xlim([0, length(chsSiteNoNan)+1]);
saveas(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_covar', sub, site)), 'png');
saveas(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_covar', sub, site)), 'svg');

%% Plot channels sorted by CARLA order and CAR

% Plot (pre-CAR) data with line noise removed, in order of variance
dataSite2Plot = zeros(size(dataSiteNoNan));
for tr = 1:size(dataSiteNoNan, 3)
dataSite2Plot(:, :, tr) = ieeg_notch(dataSiteNoNan(:, :, tr)', srate, 60)';
dataSite2Plot = dataSite2Plot(stats.order, :, :);

yspace = 120;

% make excluded channels gray
cm = zeros(length(chsSiteNoNan), 3);
cm(nCAR+1:end, :) = repmat([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], length(chsSiteNoNan)-nCAR, 1);

figure('Position', [200, 200, 1200, 1200]);
nHalf = floor(length(chsSiteNoNan)/2); % number at which to break channels into 2 columns
subplot(1, 2, 1); % first half of channels
ieeg_plotTrials(tt, mean(dataSite2Plot(1:nHalf, :, :), 3)', yspace, 1:nHalf, cm(1:nHalf, :));
xlim([-0.1, 0.5]);
subplot(1, 2, 2); % second half of channels
ieeg_plotTrials(tt, mean(dataSite2Plot(nHalf+1:end, :, :), 3)', yspace, nHalf+1:length(chsSiteNoNan), cm(nHalf+1:end, :));
xlim([-0.1, 0.5]);
saveas(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_sortedChs', sub, site)), 'png');
print(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_sortedChs', sub, site)),'-depsc2', '-r300', '-painters');

% Plot the adjusted common average itself
figure('Position', [200, 200, 600, 200]);
hold on
plot(tt, CAR, 'Color', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]);
plot(tt, mean(CAR, 2), 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlim([-0.1, 0.5]); ylim([-1200, 1200]);
saveas(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_CAR', sub, site)), 'png');
print(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_CAR', sub, site)), '-depsc2', '-r300', '-painters');

%% Plot all channels in one column (for Figure S1)

% downsample plotting signals to make less taxing on illustrator
dataSite2PlotDs = nan(size(dataSite2Plot, 1), length(tt)/4, size(dataSite2Plot, 3));
for ii = 1:size(dataSite2Plot, 3)
dataSite2PlotDs(:, :, ii) = downsample(dataSite2Plot(:, :, ii)', 4)';
ttDs = tt(1:4:end); % downsample time vector

yspace = 80;

figure('Position', [200, 200, 400, 1200]);
ys = ieeg_plotTrials(ttDs, mean(dataSite2PlotDs, 3)', yspace, 1:length(chsSiteNoNan), cm);
xlim([-0.1, 0.5]); ylim([ys(end) - 7*yspace, ys(1) + 3*yspace]);
saveas(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_sortedChs_column', sub, site)), 'png');
print(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_sortedChs_column', sub, site)), '-depsc2', '-r300', '-painters');

%% Plot examples of channels before and after CARLA

% chs2Plot should be defined in main script

for ii = 1:length(chs2Plot)

ch = chs2Plot(ii);

fprintf('Ch %s\n', chsSiteNoNan{stats.order(ch)});

sigRaw = squeeze(dataSiteNoNan(stats.order(ch), :, :)); % only high-pass, no notch
sigNotch = squeeze(dataSite2Plot(ch, :, :)); % only notch, no re-reference (order already sorted)
sigCar = squeeze(Vcar(stats.order(ch), :, :));

% plot raw signal
figure('Position', [200, 200, 450, 450]);
subplot(3, 1, 1); hold on;
plot(tt, sigRaw, 'Color', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]);
plot(tt, mean(sigRaw, 2), 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlim([-0.1, 0.5]); ylim([-1200, 1200]);

% plot notched signal
subplot(3, 1, 2); hold on;
plot(tt, sigNotch, 'Color', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]);
plot(tt, mean(sigNotch, 2), 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlim([-0.1, 0.5]); ylim([-600, 600]);

% plot CARLA signal
subplot(3, 1, 3); hold on;
plot(tt, sigCar, 'Color', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]);
plot(tt, mean(sigCar, 2), 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlim([-0.1, 0.5]); ylim([-600, 600]);

saveas(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_exCh%d', sub, site, ch)), 'png');
print(gcf, fullfile(outdir, sprintf('%s_%s_exCh%d', sub, site, ch)), '-depsc2', '-r300', '-painters');



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