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Multi Algo switching setup using SRBMiner

Emrah BAŞKAYA edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 5 revisions

Configuring for Multi-Algo switching using SRBMiner

Crypronote switching relay proxy, along with same algo coin swithching on any miner and pool allows multi-algo switching using existing and in development stratum protocols on any pool. So far, only SRBMiner and XMRig CPU support this type of switching.

  • SRBMiner can switch to all its supported algos, although with a miner-restart.
  • XMRig CPU can instantly switch to certain algos depending on the initial algo selected in its configuration.


  1. See Basic Configuration Guide for Switching Relay Proxy to get a general idea about configuration.
  2. Download SRBMiner 1.6.7+
  3. Go to SRBMiner's directory
  4. Edit pools-algoswitch.txt in SRBMiner's directory to make it look like the following Pool Setup
    • ip is assuming proxy is running at the same machine as the miner, but this does not have to be the case, in case the proxy is running on another computer on your network, please provide the correct IP!
    • "wallet":"multialgo" is setting the miner to use coins defined in proxy's configuration, for the user named multialgo.
    • "password":"mysuperrig" is used to define your worker's name.
    • Since there's only one "pool" defined, be sure you don't have a comma (,) at the end of the pool setting.
  5. Go to Proxy's directory.
  6. If you do not already have a config.json file, rename config.json_example to config.json. Rename
  7. We'll edit the config.json, by adding a user called multialgo: Add multialgo user
  8. Now we'll add a coin, you can copy one of the coins we have created in the basic configuration tutorial:Add Coin To multialgo user
    • You'll realise that we added two more properties, compared to the basic configuration:
      • algo tells the proxy what type of PoW algo the coin uses. The possible algo names are listed here. algo is mandatory for different-algo coin switching.
      • hashrate tells the proxy the performance expected from this algo. hashrate is optional, but it's needed when you want to auto-switch between coins with the auto-profit switcher and also needed to correctly view the expected mining rate. If you do not provide a proper hashrate in config, it will try to get it from the miner. Hashrate in config has priority over miner declated hashrates, as multiple miners can connect to a single user with different hashrates.
  9. Now add another coin with a different algo: adding second coin
    • You'll realize that the hashrate is slightly different.
  10. Go back to SRBMiner's directory
    • We'll edit the starting batch file to suit our proxy configuration.
  11. Edit start-algo-switching.bat in SRB directory and make it look like: SRB Bat setup
    • This is so that miner starts with the first coin in list by default, so you do not lose time!
  12. Run the proxy, and in a browser, type your proxy's IP and web port to see if the configuration was succesful-You should be seeing something similar to this after you select multialgo user: multialgoui
  13. If you see your configuration working, you can start SRBMiner.

Configuration Texts

Here are the resulting configuration texts for your copy/paste pleasure. These are only the relevant parts, do not replace the whole file.

config.json (Cryptonote switching relay proxy)

   "multialgo": [
       "ticker": {
           "marketname": "btc-tube"
	"algo": "cn-heavy/xhv",
	"name": "youraddress.customdifficulty",
	"ticker": {

pools-algoswitch.txt (SRBMiner)

"pools" :
[{"pool" : "", "wallet" : "multialgo", "password" : "mysuperrig"}]

start-algo-switching.bat (SRBMiner)

SRBMiner-CN.exe --config Config\config-bittubev2.txt --pools pools-algoswitch.txt --logfile log-algo-switching.txt --usealgoswitching

Algo names table

Cryptonote Switching Relay Proxy encourages use of XMRig standard names, but you can also use SRBMiners's own algo names in the confi uration of the proxy. Your specific coin name may not be listed here, but if you know the correct algorhythm, everything should work OK.

Algo Name Example Coin(s) Notes
cryptonight/0 MoneroClassic Original Cryptonight -ASIC friendly, Monero PoW
cryptonight/1 Monero V7 Also known as monero7 and CryptoNightV7
cryptonight/2 Monero V8 Latest Monero Algo
cryptonight/xtl N/A Stellite's old algo
cryptonight/msr N/A Masari's old algo, also known as CN-fast
cryptonight/xao Alloy
cryptonight/rto Arto
cryptonight-lite/0 N/A Original/old CryptoNight-Lite
cryptonight-lite/1 Aeon
cryptonight-lite/ipbc N/A Old Bittube Algo, no longer in use
cryptonight-heavy Loki
cryptonight-heavy/xhv Haven / ItaloCoin
cryptonight-heavy/tube Bittube / IPBC
cryptonight/b2n B2N
cryptonight/mkt MarketCash
cryptonight/mox Red
cryptonight/dark Dark
cryptonight/fest Festival
cryptonight/xwp Awap
cryptonight/upx Upx
cryptonight/hyc Hycon
cryptonight/xtlv9 Stellite Latest Stellite Algo (stellitev8)
cryptonight/web Webchain
cryptonight-pico/trtl Turtle
cryptonight/fast2 Masari
cryptonight/gpu Ryo