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A secondary encapsulation based on the official MongoDB Go driver.


Quick Start

go get -u

Create MongoDB Connection

opts := []mongo.Option{
	// Database to Connect
	// Maximum Connection Pool Size
	// Username
	mongo.WithUsername("your username"),
	// Password
	mongo.WithPassword("your password"),
	// Connection URL
conn, f := mongo.NewConn(opts...)
defer f()

Add monitor support

monitor := &event.CommandMonitor{
	Started: func(_ context.Context, evt *event.CommandStartedEvent) {
	Succeeded: func(_ context.Context, evt *event.CommandSucceededEvent) {
opts = append(opts, mongo.WithMonitor(monitor))
conn, f := mongo.NewConn(opts...)
defer f()

The current monitor support includes *event.CommandMonitor, *event.PoolMonitor, *event.ServerMonitor. For more use cases, refer to test/monitor_test.go.

Get Collection Object

type Demo struct{}

// Collection Implement the mongo.Collection interface, returning the name of the collection to operate on.
func (d *Demo) Collection() string {
	return "demo"

// Get the collection object within the method.
demo := &Demo{}
coll := conn.Collection(demo)

Context Support

coll = coll.WithCtx(ctx)

Insert Document


Query Documents

// Query a Single Document with the name "leslie"
coll.Where("name", "leslie").FindOne(&document)
// Query Documents with the name "leslie"
coll.Where("name", "leslie").Find(&documents)
// Multi-Condition Query
coll.Filter(map[string]interface{}{"name": "leslie", "age": 18}).FindOne(&document)

Query the Number of Documents that Meet the Criteria

// Count of Documents with the name "leslie"
cnt, err := coll.Where("name", "leslie").Count()


// Query Ascending by the "value" Field
coll.Sort(mongo.SortRule{Typ: mongo.SortTypeASC, Field: "value"}).Find(&documents)


f := &mongo.PageFilter{
	// Current Page of the Query
	PageNum:  1,
	// Number of Items per Page
	PageSize: 2,

// Place matching documents into the "documents" based on the criteria and place the total count and total pages into the "f".
coll.Paginate(f, &documents)

Logical Operations

// Find a Single Record with age Greater Than 18
coll.Gt("age", 18).FindOne(&document)
// Find a Single Record with age Less Than 18
coll.Lt("age", 18).FindOne(&document)
// Find a Single Record with age Greater Than or Equal to 18
coll.Gte("age", 18).FindOne(&document)
// Find a Single Record where age is Not Equal to 100
coll.NotEq("age", 100).FindOne(&document)
// ...other methods can be referenced in mongo/chain_cond.go

Specify the Fields to Query

// Query Results Only Assign to the "name" Field, After Calling This Method, the "_id" Field Is Not Assigned by Default

Update or Insert a Record

// Update the age Field to 18
content := map[string]interface{}{"age": 18}
// Default Values to Insert if the Filter Criteria Do Not Exist
default := map[string]interface{}{"name": "leslie"}

conn.Where("name", "leslie").UpsertOne(content, default)
// Desired Outcome: If a document with name "leslie" exists, update the age to 18; otherwise, insert a document {"name": "leslie", "age": 18}.

OR Query (Logical OR Operation Query)

// Single Condition
orMap := map[string]interface{}{"age": 18, "name": "leslie"}
// Query Documents where name is "leslie" or age is 18

// Multiple Conditions
orMap1 := map[string]interface{}{"name": "leslie", "age": 22}
orMap2 := map[string]interface{}{"name": "skyle", "age": 78}
// Query Documents where name is "leslie" and age is 22, or name is "skyle" and age is 78.
conn.Ors(orMap1, orMap2).Find(&documents)

Debug mode

// output:{"name": "leslie"})
conn.Debug(os.Stdout).Where("name", "leslie").FindOne(res)

Aggregate Operation

Database Management Command Operations

Additional documentation can be found in the provided test/chain_test.go file for more detailed usage examples.


machine: Macbook Pro M1
memory: 8G

make benchmark

Output Results (Other Methods Are Supplemented):

$ make benchmark
cd test && go test -bench=. -benchmem -benchtime=1s -run=none
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
BenchmarkFindOne-8    	   11989	     96971 ns/op	    6906 B/op	      81 allocs/op
BenchmarkFind-8       	   13082	     91575 ns/op	    6449 B/op	      81 allocs/op
BenchmarkInString-8   	   12154	     98752 ns/op	    6899 B/op	      89 allocs/op
BenchmarkInInt64-8    	   12380	     97217 ns/op	    6517 B/op	      81 allocs/op
BenchmarkSort-8       	   10000	    101614 ns/op	    6811 B/op	      86 allocs/op
ok	9.246s

Original Intention

When working or writing small pieces on my own, I often feel that using the official Go driver provided by MongoDB is somewhat inconvenient.

I've summarized personally, and there are several points as follows:

  • When performing mongodb operations, you need to prepare various Option objects from the official driver and pass them all at once. Maybe it's the call chain approach of gorm that resonates with me 😄, so I also want to encapsulate it in a similar way.
  • The official driver doesn't provide a very convenient way for pagination, (for example: getting the total page count/total number of items based on the page number/page size passed from the frontend or client), so each time it needs to be encapsulated again.
  • I believe a library should try to shield the details as much as possible, and users shouldn't have to focus on the underlying implementation, making it ready to use. (For example, developers shouldn't need to understand BSON, various operators like $gt, sharding, etc.)

How to Contribute

Options 1: Fork the repository, make your changes, and then initiate a "pull request" to submit your changes.

Options 2: Submit an Issue Directly

Version Planning

Status Content
DONE Basic MongoDB Operations (CRUD), User-Friendly Aggregation, Pagination Operations
DONE Add english documentation
DONE Support for MongoDB database management commands
DONE Monitor support
DONE Adding command-line tool support (creating indexes, etc.), use Cobra
DONE Logger option support
DONE Printing support for MongoDB native statements
TODO Transaction Support

more and more...


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Mongo-plus is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE


Secondary encapsulation based on mongo go driver







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