A collection of tools for computing position-dependent codon usage bias (PDCUB) scores.
Performs a position-based computational survey for each non-stop codon given a FASTA file.
Required input:
- Path to the result directory (must already exist)
- bin size in nucleotides, must be a multiple of 3
- CDS cutoff length in nucleotides (the maximum CDS position to read to)
Example: python computeCodonStats.py gene.fa result_dir 60 600
Script output:
- TSV files where the rows are codons, the columns are the bins, and the values are
- codon raw counts per bin
- codon z-scores per bin
- codon p-values per bin
- codon z-squared values per bin
- codon log likelihood weights per bin
Performs a similar computation as computeCodonStats.py, but computes for two categories:
- G/C nucleotides, or S nucleotides
- A/U nucleotides, or W nucleotides
Inputs are the same as computeCodonStats.py, with the omission of a bin size.
Example: python computeCodonStats_GC.py gene.fa result_dir 600
Performs a similar computation as computeCodonStats.py, but computes for each nucleotide instead of each codon.
Inputs are the same as computeCodonStats.py, with the omission of a bin size.
Example: python computeCodonStats_AUGC.py gene.fa result_dir 600
Finds the highest PDCUB scoring AUG and identifies whether it is the start codon for each transcript in an input FASTA file.
Required input:
- log-likelihood TSV that was computed from computeCodonStats.py, computeCodonStats_GC.py, or computeCodonStats_AUGC.py
- gene FASTA file
- option whether or not to choose a random AUG start codon to compare to the highest scoring AUG
- enter "nullmodel" to generate a null model
- enter "realmodel" to generate a PDCUB model
- bin size that the log-likelihood TSV was calculated
- the number of bins that the log-likelihood TSV was calculated with
- the type of model to generate, depending on what computing script was used
- enter "gc" if the log likelihood TSV came from computeCodonStats_GC.py
- enter "augc" if the log likelihood TSV came from computeCodonStats_AUGC.py
- enter "codon" if the log likelihood TSV came from computeCodonStats_GC.py
example: python findAUGScores.py log_gc.tsv gene.fa realmodel 3 100 gc
Script Output:
- TSV file with the following columns
- Transcript ID
- Gene ID
- Start Codon position
- 5' UTR position
- Whether or not the start codon was the highest scoring AUG
- 1 if the start codon was the highest scoring AUG
- 0 if the start codon was not the highest scoring AUG
- Transcript Length in nucleotides
- the score of the start codon
Creates a PDF of a heatmap that is based on one of the computational TSV outputs from one of the computing scripts. In the paper, this script is used to visualize the z-scores of each non-stop codon across the CDS.
Required input:
- input TSV file, where the rows are codons, the columns are bin ranges, and the values are numeric in nature
- name of the output file
- name for the colormap used for the heatmap [colormap options] (https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html)
- The title of the color bar
- Organizational scheme for the heatmap
- 0: the codons are organized by amino acid and chemical group
- 1: the codons are organized by chemical group, amino acid, and the first column in increasing order
- 2: the codons are organized by the difference between the first and second column in increasing order
Example: python createHeatMap.py z-scores.tsv zScoreHeatMap.pdf plasma z-scores 0
Creates a PDF of a heatmap where the codons are organized according to a dendrogram.
The input is the same as createHeatMap.py, but there is no option for the organization scheme of the heatmap.
Example: python createDendrogram.py z-scores.tsv zScoreDendrogram.py Reds z-scores
This python script reads in five evenly sized fasta files, each comprising one quintile of the GENCODE protein-coding human transcriptome sorted by PDCUB score. The output is a combined plot of the average local tAI scores for each quintile. These averages are calculated using a sliding window, the size of which is entered from the command line when executing the script.
This script takes three inputs: a list of SignalP prediction results, a list of PrediSi prediction results, and the list of human protein-coding GENCODE transcripts with PDCUB scores considered significant. The output is a Venn diagram of all three inputs.
Python script that takes in a fasta file, a PDCUB score file, and a CDS window size W in nucleotides. The script computes local tAI for the first W nucleotides and the second W nucleotides. There are two outputs: A scatterplot of second-window local tAI against first-window local tAI for each transcript, and a scatterplot of first-plus-second-window local tAI against PDCUB score for each transcript.
Python script that takes in a fasta file, a PDCUB score file, and a CDS window size W in nucleotides. The script computes local CAI for the first W nucleotides and the second W nucleotides. The output is a scatterplot of second-window local CAI against first-window local CAI for each transcript.
Python script that reads in five fasta files (quintiles) and a BAM file of ribo-seq reads both derived from the GENCODE protein-coding human transcriptome. This script plots the normalized ribosome profile of each quintile.