This is the solution for the internship task for Dynatrace. This project contains simple local runnable server which fetches data from and provides three endpoints to get detailed information from this API.
To run this project you can use one of the following commands while inside project directory
Run the Spring boot application with the java -jar command:
java -jar target/nbpapi-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Run the Spring boot application using Maven:
mvn spring-boot:run
Run your Spring Boot application using Gradle
gradle bootRun
Gets the average value of provided currency during given day.
Gets the minimum average value and maximum average value of the given currency.
Gets biggest difference for ask and sell rates for given currency
Path variables:
- {date} - Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. This date points from which day should the data be fetched from. In case of Saturday or Sunday it cannot provide any data. (standard ISO 8601)
- {code} - Three letter currency code (standard ISO 4217)
- {limit} - Maximum amount of returned rates for the given currency
Gets the average value for USD on April 24th 2023
Gets the minimum average value and maximum average value for USD, fetches data from 100 days back.
Gets biggest difference for ask and sell rates for USD, fetches data from 50 days back
In order to try this endpoints out, please run your local server as said before and paste in browser request below.
You should be able to use "Try it out" function. This front-end has been made by open source project SwaggerUI.