A new way to manage your files on http://min.us by iOS Devices or Mac.
You can use this to create/upload/get items on http://min.us, the official API page: http://min.us/pages/api
Use it feel free and if you could, please help me make it better and better.
Drag API/API/MinusAPI to your project, and copy sources to your project.
It required JSON-framework and ASIHTTPRequest, so you must copy them or download them by yourself.
Minus *minus = [Minus new];
[minus CreateGallery];
NSLog(@"Create, result: %@", result);
editorID = [[result objectForKey:@"editor_id"] retain];
NSString *path = @"/Documents/123.jpg";
[minus UploadItem:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", NSHomeDirectory(), path] toEditorID:editorID];
More sample please read the APIAppDeleage.m
Twitter: @hechian Plurk: @hechian Github: @hechien Facebook: http://fb.com/hechien