Project made to pass time and use the Flicker API, this project contains implementation of paging, MVVM architecture, unit tests among other things. I hope it helps anyone in need.
If you want to take a look on mainscreen of the App, it's here :
The idea of the app is: View images provided by a Flicker endpoint. To improve user interaction, a splash screen at start and loading feedback was added to the project. If an error is returned, the App will show a generic message to inform the user.
Architecture: Model View ViewModel (MVVM);
Applied unit tests;
Development language: Kotlin 1.5.20;
IDE: AndroidStudio 4.1.12;
*Gradle 7.0.3;
Some other technical information:
- Used Koin 2.0.1;
- Used DataBinding 3.1.4;
- Used Coroutines;
- Used Paging;
- Dependências para API:
- Retrofit 2.6.0;
- MoshiConverter 2.6.0;
- Dependencies for unit testing:
- JUnit 4.12;
- MockWebServer 4.1.0;
Dependencies for load image testing:
- Glide 4.12.0;
Dependencies for data persistence:
- Room 2.3.0;
Thank you!