Download Precompiled binaries for supported operating systems.
or install using go binary:
go install
Consumes messages
Consume messages By default, it runs forever and waits for any new message in thequeue. Pass '--number' to consume certain number of messages and quit
Use comma-separated values for binding the same queue with multiple routing keys:
amqptools consume --exchange logs --keys info,warning,debug
amqptools consume [flags]
ampqtool consume -H -P 5672 --exchange --durable-queue
-H, --host string specify host (default "localhost")
-P, --port int specify port (default 5672)
-v, --vhost string specify vhost (default "/")
-u, --username string specify username (default "guest")
-p, --password string specify password (default "guest")
-S, --ssl use amqps
-e, --exchange string exchange name (default "")
-k, --key string routing key (default "")
-t, --type string exchange type (default "direct")
--durable durable exchange
-q, --queue string specify queue (default auto-generated)
-n, --number int retrieve maximum n messages. 0 = forever (default 0)
--passive passive queue
--exclusive exclusive queue
--durable-queue durable queue
--no-ack don't send ack
-h, --help help for consume
- amqptools - Consume or publish messages
Publishes a message
Publish a message using exchange and routing key. mesage can be string or stdin:
echo 'hello world' | amqptools publish --exchange=logs --key=info
To pass headers and properites, use '--headers' & '--properties' any number of times in 'key:value' format
amqptools publish [flags] [message]
ampqtools publish -H -P 5672 --key=hello "hello world"
amqptools publish "hello world" --properties="content-type:text/html" --properties="expiration:3000"
-H, --host string specify host (default "localhost")
-P, --port int specify port (default 5672)
-v, --vhost string specify vhost (default "/")
-u, --username string specify username (default "guest")
-p, --password string specify password (default "guest")
-S, --ssl use amqps
-e, --exchange string exchange name (default "")
-k, --key string routing key (default "")
-t, --type string exchange type (default "direct")
--durable durable exchange
--properties string message properties, key:value format
--headers string message headers, key:value format
-h, --help help for publish
- amqptools - Consume or publish messages