Postgres examples #617
10 warnings
Build beam packages
The import of ‘Pagila.Schema’ is redundant
Build beam packages
The import item ‘PgSyntax(..)’ suggests that
Build beam packages
The import of ‘Database.Beam.Postgres’ is redundant
Build beam packages
The import of ‘Database.Beam.Postgres.Migrate’ is redundant
Build beam packages
The import of ‘Database.Beam.Migrate.Types’ is redundant
Build beam packages
The import of ‘Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables’ is redundant
Build beam packages
The import of ‘Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL’ is redundant
Build beam packages
The qualified import of ‘Database.PostgreSQL.Simple’ is redundant
Build beam packages
The qualified import of ‘Control.Exception’ is redundant
Build beam packages
The import of ‘Data.Text’ is redundant