v2.24.1: hotfix for policy replay and side navigation bar issues #111
24 fail, 167 pass in 38m 41s
Check warning on line 0 in Set Hedera credentials for the Installer
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Profiles Set Hedera credentials for the Installer (Set Hedera credentials for the Installer) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/standard-registries/aggregated
No response was received within the timeout.
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/profiles/setCredsAndLinkToSRByInstaller.cy.js:26:19)
Check warning on line 0 in Get list of Standard Registries
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get list of Standard Registries (Get list of Standard Registries) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/standard-registries
No response was received within the timeout.
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getStandartReg.cy.js:8:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get list of Standard Registries as User
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get list of Standard Registries as User (Get list of Standard Registries as User) failed
Raw output
AssertionError: expected 500 to deeply equal 200
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getStandartReg.cy.js:44:40)
+ expected - actual
Check warning on line 0 in Get list of Standard Registries without auth token - Negative
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get list of Standard Registries without auth token - Negative (Get list of Standard Registries without auth token - Negative) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/standard-registries
No response was received within the timeout.
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getStandartReg.cy.js:52:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get list of Standard Registries with empty auth token - Negative
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get list of Standard Registries with empty auth token - Negative (Get list of Standard Registries with empty auth token - Negative) failed
Raw output
AssertionError: expected 500 to deeply equal 401
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getStandartReg.cy.js:81:32)
+ expected - actual
Check warning on line 0 in Get Hedera account balance
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Profiles Get Hedera account balance (Get Hedera account balance) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` failed on:
The response we received from your web server was:
> 500: Internal Server Error
This was considered a failure because the status code was not `2xx` or `3xx`.
If you do not want status codes to cause failures pass the option: `failOnStatusCode: false`
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/profiles/StandardRegistry/balance
Headers: {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlN0YW5kYXJkUmVnaXN0cnkiLCJkaWQiOiJkaWQ6aGVkZXJhOnRlc3RuZXQ6REpkb0FmUmd5em1ScGROY0ZOSDZQcUhQWFd3Nk5QVFhEOVRDa2NicW5qZTNfMC4wLjM5NDM1ODMiLCJyb2xlIjoiU1RBTkRBUkRfUkVHSVNUUlkiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODAwODg4MDN9.qv3sb9rtrowdQqObk8Co15erlkrXFAePvef1DeyTjmc",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.7.1 Chrome/118.0.5993.159 Electron/27.1.3 Safari/537.36",
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate"
The response we got was:
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Headers: {
"x-powered-by": "Express",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"content-length": "52",
"etag": "W/\"34-rlKccw1E+/fV8niQk4oFitDfPro\"",
"date": "Wed, 08 May 2024 02:08:15 GMT",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"keep-alive": "timeout=5"
Body: {
"statusCode": 500,
"message": "Internal server error"
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133123:72)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1701:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/profiles/getBalance.cy.js:16:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get Standard Registry balance
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get Standard Registry balance (Get Standard Registry balance) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/balance
No response was received within the timeout.
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getBalance.cy.js:7:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get User balance
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get User balance (Get User balance) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` failed on:
The response we received from your web server was:
> 500: Internal Server Error
This was considered a failure because the status code was not `2xx` or `3xx`.
If you do not want status codes to cause failures pass the option: `failOnStatusCode: false`
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/standard-registries/aggregated
Headers: {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlVzZXJUZXN0IiwiZGlkIjpudWxsLCJyb2xlIjoiVVNFUiIsImV4cGlyZUF0IjoxNzE1MTMxNDk4ODE3LCJpYXQiOjE3MTUxMzE0Mzh9.NGTWBVj704MpIagD9Wfm2mUUvxlZXeFd_4VhmZyY6I0",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.7.1 Chrome/118.0.5993.159 Electron/27.1.3 Safari/537.36",
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate"
The response we got was:
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Headers: {
"x-powered-by": "Express",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"content-length": "52",
"etag": "W/\"34-rlKccw1E+/fV8niQk4oFitDfPro\"",
"date": "Wed, 08 May 2024 01:24:08 GMT",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"keep-alive": "timeout=5"
Body: {
"statusCode": 500,
"message": "Internal server error"
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133123:72)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1701:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getBalance.cy.js:48:23)
Check warning on line 0 in Get balance without auth token - Negative
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get balance without auth token - Negative (Get balance without auth token - Negative) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/balance
No response was received within the timeout.
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getBalance.cy.js:94:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get balance with empty auth token - Negative
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get balance with empty auth token - Negative (Get balance with empty auth token - Negative) failed
Raw output
AssertionError: expected 500 to deeply equal 401
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getBalance.cy.js:123:36)
+ expected - actual
Check warning on line 0 in Set and unset the KYC flag for the user
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Tokens Set and unset the KYC flag for the user (Set and unset the KYC flag for the user) failed
Raw output
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'tokenId')
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/tokens/putGrantRevokeKyc.cy.js:34:51)
Check warning on line 0 in Returns logs attributes
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Logs Returns logs attributes (Returns logs attributes) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` failed on:
The response we received from your web server was:
> 500: Internal Server Error
This was considered a failure because the status code was not `2xx` or `3xx`.
If you do not want status codes to cause failures pass the option: `failOnStatusCode: false`
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/logs/attributes/
Headers: {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlN0YW5kYXJkUmVnaXN0cnkiLCJkaWQiOiJkaWQ6aGVkZXJhOnRlc3RuZXQ6REpkb0FmUmd5em1ScGROY0ZOSDZQcUhQWFd3Nk5QVFhEOVRDa2NicW5qZTNfMC4wLjM5NDM1ODMiLCJyb2xlIjoiU1RBTkRBUkRfUkVHSVNUUlkiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODAwODg4MDN9.qv3sb9rtrowdQqObk8Co15erlkrXFAePvef1DeyTjmc",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.7.1 Chrome/118.0.5993.159 Electron/27.1.3 Safari/537.36",
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate"
The response we got was:
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Headers: {
"x-powered-by": "Express",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"content-length": "52",
"etag": "W/\"34-rlKccw1E+/fV8niQk4oFitDfPro\"",
"date": "Wed, 08 May 2024 01:37:26 GMT",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"keep-alive": "timeout=5"
Body: {
"statusCode": 500,
"message": "Internal server error"
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133123:72)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1701:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/logs/getAttributes.cy.js:8:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get user session as Standard Registry
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get user session as Standard Registry (Get user session as Standard Registry) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/session
No response was received within the timeout.
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getSession.cy.js:9:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get user session as Installer
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get user session as Installer (Get user session as Installer) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` failed on:
The response we received from your web server was:
> 500: Internal Server Error
This was considered a failure because the status code was not `2xx` or `3xx`.
If you do not want status codes to cause failures pass the option: `failOnStatusCode: false`
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/session
Headers: {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Ikluc3RhbGxlciIsInJvbGUiOiJVU0VSIiwiZXhwaXJlQXQiOjE3MTUxMzE1ODI2ODUsImlhdCI6MTcxNTEzMTUyMn0._z5Cg5SiC48_9nXBskm-Tu7go9GJMlPu1Y2E7GIRPH0",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.7.1 Chrome/118.0.5993.159 Electron/27.1.3 Safari/537.36",
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate"
The response we got was:
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Headers: {
"x-powered-by": "Express",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"content-length": "52",
"etag": "W/\"34-rlKccw1E+/fV8niQk4oFitDfPro\"",
"date": "Wed, 08 May 2024 01:25:32 GMT",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"keep-alive": "timeout=5"
Body: {
"statusCode": 500,
"message": "Internal server error"
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133123:72)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1701:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getSession.cy.js:44:19)
Check warning on line 0 in Get list of users
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get list of users (Get list of users) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/
No response was received within the timeout.
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getAccounts.cy.js:8:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get list of users without auth - Negative
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get list of users without auth - Negative (Get list of users without auth - Negative) failed
Raw output
AssertionError: expected 500 to deeply equal 401
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getAccounts.cy.js:28:36)
+ expected - actual
Check warning on line 0 in Get list of users with empty auth - Negative
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get list of users with empty auth - Negative (Get list of users with empty auth - Negative) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/
No response was received within the timeout.
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getAccounts.cy.js:48:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Get list of users as User - Negative
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Accounts Get list of users as User - Negative (Get list of users as User - Negative) failed
Raw output
AssertionError: expected 500 to deeply equal 403
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/accounts/getAccounts.cy.js:86:44)
+ expected - actual
Check warning on line 0 in Associate and disassociate the user with the provided Hedera token
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Tokens Associate and disassociate the user with the provided Hedera token (Associate and disassociate the user with the provided Hedera token) failed
Raw output
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'tokenId')
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/tokens/putDissociateAssociate.cy.js:59:55)
Check warning on line 0 in Get schema by schema ID
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Schemas Get schema by schema ID (Get schema by schema ID) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` failed on:
The response we received from your web server was:
> 500: Internal Server Error
This was considered a failure because the status code was not `2xx` or `3xx`.
If you do not want status codes to cause failures pass the option: `failOnStatusCode: false`
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/schema/663ade77cc939c87318d4608
Headers: {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlN0YW5kYXJkUmVnaXN0cnkiLCJkaWQiOiJkaWQ6aGVkZXJhOnRlc3RuZXQ6REpkb0FmUmd5em1ScGROY0ZOSDZQcUhQWFd3Nk5QVFhEOVRDa2NicW5qZTNfMC4wLjM5NDM1ODMiLCJyb2xlIjoiU1RBTkRBUkRfUkVHSVNUUlkiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODAwODg4MDN9.qv3sb9rtrowdQqObk8Co15erlkrXFAePvef1DeyTjmc",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.7.1 Chrome/118.0.5993.159 Electron/27.1.3 Safari/537.36",
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate"
The response we got was:
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Headers: {
"x-powered-by": "Express",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"content-length": "52",
"etag": "W/\"34-rlKccw1E+/fV8niQk4oFitDfPro\"",
"date": "Wed, 08 May 2024 02:09:39 GMT",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"keep-alive": "timeout=5"
Body: {}
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133123:72)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1701:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/schemas/getSimpleSchema.cy.js:15:12)
Check warning on line 0 in Get modules menu
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Modules Get modules menu (Get modules menu) failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` failed on:
The response we received from your web server was:
> 500: Internal Server Error
This was considered a failure because the status code was not `2xx` or `3xx`.
If you do not want status codes to cause failures pass the option: `failOnStatusCode: false`
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/modules/menu/
Headers: {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlN0YW5kYXJkUmVnaXN0cnkiLCJkaWQiOiJkaWQ6aGVkZXJhOnRlc3RuZXQ6REpkb0FmUmd5em1ScGROY0ZOSDZQcUhQWFd3Nk5QVFhEOVRDa2NicW5qZTNfMC4wLjM5NDM1ODMiLCJyb2xlIjoiU1RBTkRBUkRfUkVHSVNUUlkiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODAwODg4MDN9.qv3sb9rtrowdQqObk8Co15erlkrXFAePvef1DeyTjmc",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.7.1 Chrome/118.0.5993.159 Electron/27.1.3 Safari/537.36",
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate"
The response we got was:
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Headers: {
"x-powered-by": "Express",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"content-length": "52",
"etag": "W/\"34-rlKccw1E+/fV8niQk4oFitDfPro\"",
"date": "Wed, 08 May 2024 01:38:08 GMT",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"keep-alive": "timeout=5"
Body: {
"statusCode": 500,
"message": "Internal server error"
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133123:72)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1701:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/modules/getModules.cy.js:7:11)
Check warning on line 0 in Freeze and unfreeze transfers of the specified token for the user
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Tokens Freeze and unfreeze transfers of the specified token for the user (Freeze and unfreeze transfers of the specified token for the user) failed
Raw output
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'tokenId')
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/tokens/putFreezeUnfreeze.cy.js:33:55)
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Contracts "before all" hook: Create contracts, policy and register new user for "Get wipe request" ("before all" hook: Create contracts, policy and register new user for "Get wipe request") failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` timed out waiting `30000ms` for a response from your server.
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/standard-registries/aggregated
No response was received within the timeout.
Because this error occurred during a `before all` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Contracts`
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133140:70)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4186:41)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1697:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/contracts/getRequests.cy.js:254:12)
github-actions / Unit Test Results
Profiles "before all" hook for "Register a new user, login with it and set hedera credentials for it" ("before all" hook for "Register a new user, login with it and set hedera credentials for it") failed
Raw output
CypressError: `cy.request()` failed on:
The response we received from your web server was:
> 500: Internal Server Error
This was considered a failure because the status code was not `2xx` or `3xx`.
If you do not want status codes to cause failures pass the option: `failOnStatusCode: false`
The request we sent was:
Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:3002/accounts/standard-registries
Headers: {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlN0YW5kYXJkUmVnaXN0cnkiLCJkaWQiOiJkaWQ6aGVkZXJhOnRlc3RuZXQ6REpkb0FmUmd5em1ScGROY0ZOSDZQcUhQWFd3Nk5QVFhEOVRDa2NicW5qZTNfMC4wLjM5NDM1ODMiLCJyb2xlIjoiU1RBTkRBUkRfUkVHSVNUUlkiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODAwODg4MDN9.qv3sb9rtrowdQqObk8Co15erlkrXFAePvef1DeyTjmc",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cypress/13.7.1 Chrome/118.0.5993.159 Electron/27.1.3 Safari/537.36",
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate"
The response we got was:
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Headers: {
"x-powered-by": "Express",
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"content-length": "52",
"etag": "W/\"34-rlKccw1E+/fV8niQk4oFitDfPro\"",
"date": "Wed, 08 May 2024 02:08:57 GMT",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"keep-alive": "timeout=5"
Body: {
"statusCode": 500,
"message": "Internal server error"
Because this error occurred during a `before all` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Profiles`
at <unknown> (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:133123:72)
at tryCatcher (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1701:18)
at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2407:12)
at _drainQueue (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2400:9)
at Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2416:5)
at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:36011/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:2286:14)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://guardian-e2e-test/./cypress/e2e/api-tests/profiles/userCreateAndSetHederaCreds.cy.js:10:11)
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Unit Test Results
191 tests found
There are 191 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
"before all" hook for "Register a new user, login with it and set hedera credentials for it" ‑ Profiles "before all" hook for "Register a new user, login with it and set hedera credentials for it"
"before all" hook: Create contracts, policy and register new user for "Get wipe request" ‑ Contracts "before all" hook: Create contracts, policy and register new user for "Get wipe request"
Add file to ipfs ‑ IPFS Add file to ipfs
Associate and disassociate the user with the provided Hedera token ‑ Tokens Associate and disassociate the user with the provided Hedera token
Compare modules with empty auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare modules with empty auth - Negative
Compare modules with invalid auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare modules with invalid auth - Negative
Compare modules without auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare modules without auth - Negative
Compare modules ‑ Analytics Compare modules
Compare modules(Export) with empty auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare modules(Export) with empty auth - Negative
Compare modules(Export) with invalid auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare modules(Export) with invalid auth - Negative
Compare modules(Export) without auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare modules(Export) without auth - Negative
Compare modules(Export) ‑ Analytics Compare modules(Export)
Compare policies with empty auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare policies with empty auth - Negative
Compare policies with invalid auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare policies with invalid auth - Negative
Compare policies without auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare policies without auth - Negative
Compare policies ‑ Analytics Compare policies
Compare policies(Export) with empty auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare policies(Export) with empty auth - Negative
Compare policies(Export) with invalid auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare policies(Export) with invalid auth - Negative
Compare policies(Export) without auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare policies(Export) without auth - Negative
Compare policies(Export) ‑ Analytics Compare policies(Export)
Compare schemas with empty auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare schemas with empty auth - Negative
Compare schemas with invalid auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare schemas with invalid auth - Negative
Compare schemas without auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare schemas without auth - Negative
Compare schemas ‑ Analytics Compare schemas
Compare schemas(Export) with empty auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare schemas(Export) with empty auth - Negative
Compare schemas(Export) with invalid auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare schemas(Export) with invalid auth - Negative
Compare schemas(Export) without auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare schemas(Export) without auth - Negative
Compare schemas(Export) ‑ Analytics Compare schemas(Export)
Compare tools with empty auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare tools with empty auth - Negative
Compare tools with invalid auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare tools with invalid auth - Negative
Compare tools without auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare tools without auth - Negative
Compare tools ‑ Analytics Compare tools
Compare tools(Export) with empty auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare tools(Export) with empty auth - Negative
Compare tools(Export) with invalid auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare tools(Export) with invalid auth - Negative
Compare tools(Export) without auth - Negative ‑ Analytics Compare tools(Export) without auth - Negative
Compare tools(Export) ‑ Analytics Compare tools(Export)
Create a new module ‑ Modules Create a new module
Create a new policy ‑ Policies Create a new policy
Create a new token ‑ Tokens Create a new token
Create a new virtual account and login ‑ Dry Run Policies Create a new virtual account and login
Create and export module as file ‑ Modules Create and export module as file
Create and export module as message ‑ Modules Create and export module as message
Create new schema ‑ Tags Create new schema
Create new tag(contract) ‑ Tags Create new tag(contract)
Create new tag(module) ‑ Tags Create new tag(module)
Create new tag(policy) ‑ Tags Create new tag(policy)
Create retire contract ‑ Contracts Create retire contract
Delete already deleted artifact - Negative ‑ Artifacts Delete already deleted artifact - Negative
Delete artifact by user - Negative ‑ Artifacts Delete artifact by user - Negative
Delete artifact with empty auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Delete artifact with empty auth token - Negative
Delete artifact with invalid artifact id - Negative ‑ Artifacts Delete artifact with invalid artifact id - Negative
Delete artifact with invalid auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Delete artifact with invalid auth token - Negative
Delete artifact without auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Delete artifact without auth token - Negative
Delete artifact ‑ Artifacts Delete artifact
Delete tag ‑ Tags Delete tag
Delete tag(module) ‑ Tags Delete tag(module)
Delete tag(policy) ‑ Tags Delete tag(policy)
Delete tag(schema) ‑ Tags Delete tag(schema)
Delete the schema with the provided schema ID ‑ Schemas Delete the schema with the provided schema ID
Delete the system schema with the provided schema ID ‑ Schemas Delete the system schema with the provided schema ID
Export schema file ‑ Schema Export schema file
Export schema message ‑ Schema Export schema message
Find the schema using the schema type ‑ Schemas Find the schema using the schema type
Freeze and unfreeze transfers of the specified token for the user ‑ Tokens Freeze and unfreeze transfers of the specified token for the user
Generates a new Hedera account with a random private key ‑ Demo Generates a new Hedera account with a random private key
Get Hedera account balance ‑ Profiles Get Hedera account balance
Get Standard Registry account information ‑ Profiles Get Standard Registry account information
Get Standard Registry balance ‑ Accounts Get Standard Registry balance
Get User balance ‑ Accounts Get User balance
Get a list of all published schemas ‑ Tags Get a list of all published schemas
Get a list of groups the user is a member of ‑ Policies Get a list of groups the user is a member of
Get all VP documents ‑ Trustchains Get all VP documents
Get all policies ‑ Policies Get all policies
Get all schemas by topicId ‑ Schemas Get all schemas by topicId
Get all schemas ‑ Schemas Get all schemas
Get all schemas ‑ Tags Get all schemas
Get all system schemas by username ‑ Schemas Get all system schemas by username
Get all tokens ‑ Tokens Get all tokens
Get all virtual users ‑ Dry Run Policies Get all virtual users
Get balance with empty auth token - Negative ‑ Accounts Get balance with empty auth token - Negative
Get balance with invalid auth token - Negative ‑ Accounts Get balance with invalid auth token - Negative
Get balance without auth token - Negative ‑ Accounts Get balance without auth token - Negative
Get block data by tag ‑ Policies Get block data by tag
Get block data ‑ Policies Get block data
Get current environment name ‑ Settings Get current environment name
Get current settings ‑ Settings Get current settings
Get data from the root policy block ‑ Policies Get data from the root policy block
Get list of Standard Registries as User ‑ Accounts Get list of Standard Registries as User
Get list of Standard Registries with empty auth token - Negative ‑ Accounts Get list of Standard Registries with empty auth token - Negative
Get list of Standard Registries with invalid auth token - Negative ‑ Accounts Get list of Standard Registries with invalid auth token - Negative
Get list of Standard Registries without auth token - Negative ‑ Accounts Get list of Standard Registries without auth token - Negative
Get list of Standard Registries ‑ Accounts Get list of Standard Registries
Get list of artifacts by user - Negative ‑ Artifacts Get list of artifacts by user - Negative
Get list of artifacts with empty auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Get list of artifacts with empty auth token - Negative
Get list of artifacts with invalid auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Get list of artifacts with invalid auth token - Negative
Get list of artifacts without auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Get list of artifacts without auth token - Negative
Get list of artifacts ‑ Artifacts Get list of artifacts
Get list of contracts with empty auth token - Negative ‑ Contracts Get list of contracts with empty auth token - Negative
Get list of contracts with invalid auth token - Negative ‑ Contracts Get list of contracts with invalid auth token - Negative
Get list of contracts without auth token - Negative ‑ Contracts Get list of contracts without auth token - Negative
Get list of contracts ‑ Contracts Get list of contracts
Get list of modules ‑ Modules Get list of modules
Get list of users as User - Negative ‑ Accounts Get list of users as User - Negative
Get list of users with empty auth - Negative ‑ Accounts Get list of users with empty auth - Negative
Get list of users with incorrect auth - Negative ‑ Accounts Get list of users with incorrect auth - Negative
Get list of users without auth - Negative ‑ Accounts Get list of users without auth - Negative
Get list of users ‑ Accounts Get list of users
Get lists of virtual artifacts ‑ Dry Run Policies Get lists of virtual artifacts
Get lists of virtual ipfs ‑ Dry Run Policies Get lists of virtual ipfs
Get lists of virtual transactions ‑ Dry Run Policies Get lists of virtual transactions
Get module configuration for the specified module ID ‑ Modules Get module configuration for the specified module ID
Get modules menu ‑ Modules Get modules menu
Get policy configuration for the specified policy ID ‑ Policies Get policy configuration for the specified policy ID
Get schema by schema ID ‑ Schemas Get schema by schema ID
Get the Hedera message ID for the specified policy ‑ Policies Get the Hedera message ID for the specified policy
Get the schema using the json document type ‑ Schemas Get the schema using the json document type
Get user account information ‑ Profiles Get user account information
Get user information for the token ‑ Tokens Get user information for the token
Get user session as Installer ‑ Accounts Get user session as Installer
Get user session as Standard Registry ‑ Accounts Get user session as Standard Registry
Import module from IPFS ‑ Modules Import module from IPFS
Import new schema from IPFS ‑ Schemas Import new schema from IPFS
Import new schema from a file ‑ Schemas Import new schema from a file
Imports new policy and all associated artifacts from IPFS ‑ Policy - Import Imports new policy and all associated artifacts from IPFS
Imports new policy and all associated artifacts from IPFS(wrong message id) ‑ Policy - Import Imports new policy and all associated artifacts from IPFS(wrong message id)
Imports new policy and all associated artifacts from file ‑ Policies Imports new policy and all associated artifacts from file
Login as Auditor ‑ Accounts Login as Auditor
Login as Installer ‑ Accounts Login as Installer
Login as Standard Registry ‑ Accounts Login as Standard Registry
Login with empty password - Negative ‑ Accounts Login with empty password - Negative
Login with empty username - Negative ‑ Accounts Login with empty username - Negative
Login with sql injection - Negative ‑ Accounts Login with sql injection - Negative
Make the created scheme active ‑ Schemas Make the created scheme active
Make the group active ‑ Policies Make the group active
Preview the module from IPFS ‑ Modules Preview the module from IPFS
Preview the policy from IPFS ‑ Policies Preview the policy from IPFS
Preview the schema from a file ‑ Schemas Preview the schema from a file
Publish the module ‑ Modules Publish the module
Publish the schema with the provided (internal) schema ID ‑ Schemas Publish the schema with the provided (internal) schema ID
Publish the schema with the provided (internal) schema ID ‑ Tags Publish the schema with the provided (internal) schema ID
Push create a new token ‑ Tokens Push create a new token
Push create new schema ‑ Schemas Push create new schema
Push import new policy and all associated artifacts from IPFS ‑ Policy - Import Push import new policy and all associated artifacts from IPFS
Push import new policy and all associated artifacts ‑ Policies Push import new policy and all associated artifacts
Push import new schema from IPFS ‑ Schemas Push import new schema from IPFS
Push import new schema from a file ‑ Schemas Push import new schema from a file
Push preview the policy from IPFS ‑ Schemas Push preview the policy from IPFS
Push preview the schema from IPFS ‑ Schemas Push preview the schema from IPFS
Push publish the policy with the specified (internal) policy ID ‑ Policy - Import Push publish the policy with the specified (internal) policy ID
Push publish the schema with the provided (internal) schema ID ‑ Schemas Push publish the schema with the provided (internal) schema ID
Push set the KYC flag for the user ‑ Tokens Push set the KYC flag for the user
Push unset the KYC flag for the user ‑ Tokens Push unset the KYC flag for the user
Register and login as new user ‑ Accounts Register and login as new user
Register with already registered username - Negative ‑ Accounts Register with already registered username - Negative
Register with extra data - Negative ‑ Accounts Register with extra data - Negative
Register with invalid input data - Negative ‑ Accounts Register with invalid input data - Negative
Register with invalid type of username - Negative ‑ Accounts Register with invalid type of username - Negative
Register with sql infection - Negative ‑ Accounts Register with sql infection - Negative
Register with user password mismatch - Negative ‑ Accounts Register with user password mismatch - Negative
Register with wrong URL - Negative ‑ Accounts Register with wrong URL - Negative
Register with wrong method - Negative ‑ Accounts Register with wrong method - Negative
Register without body - Negative ‑ Accounts Register without body - Negative
Register without password - Negative ‑ Accounts Register without password - Negative
Register without username - Negative ‑ Accounts Register without username - Negative
Return logs ‑ Logs Return logs
Returns logs attributes ‑ Logs Returns logs attributes
Run policy without making any persistent changes or executing transaction ‑ Dry Run Policies Run policy without making any persistent changes or executing transaction
Search blocks ‑ Analytics Search blocks
Search policy ‑ Analytics Search policy
Search tags ‑ Tags Search tags
Send data to the specified block ‑ Policies Send data to the specified block
Set Hedera credentials for the Installer ‑ Profiles Set Hedera credentials for the Installer
Set and unset the KYC flag for the user ‑ Tokens Set and unset the KYC flag for the user
Set settings ‑ Settings Set settings
Synchronization a tag ‑ Tags Synchronization a tag
Update module configuration for the specified module ID ‑ Modules Update module configuration for the specified module ID
Update policy configuration for the specified policy ID ‑ Policies Update policy configuration for the specified policy ID
Update the schema with the provided schema ID ‑ Tags Update the schema with the provided schema ID
Updates the schema with the provided schema ID ‑ Schemas Updates the schema with the provided schema ID
Updates the system schema with the provided schema ID ‑ Schemas Updates the system schema with the provided schema ID
Upload artifact with empty auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Upload artifact with empty auth token - Negative
Upload artifact with invalid auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Upload artifact with invalid auth token - Negative
Upload artifact with invalid policy id - Negative ‑ Artifacts Upload artifact with invalid policy id - Negative
Upload artifact without auth token - Negative ‑ Artifacts Upload artifact without auth token - Negative
Upload artifact without file - Negative ‑ Artifacts Upload artifact without file - Negative
Upload artifact ‑ Artifacts Upload artifact
Validate the policy ‑ Policies Validate the policy
export policy message ‑ Policies export policy message
import module ipfs ‑ Modules import module ipfs
should restarts the execution of the policy and clear data in database ‑ Dry Run Policies should restarts the execution of the policy and clear data in database
should sends data from an external source ‑ External should sends data from an external source