v3.1.0-RC (Release Candidate): Labels, Formulas, dry-run save-points
- Guardian analytics: labels and top down data way points #4322
- Formula Linked Definitions & Schema Tree Enhancement #3408
- Trustchain support for contract-based issuance and retirement implementation #2243
- Dry-run policy execution 'savepoint' - restart policy dry-run from the 'saved' place #2838
Other Enhancements
- Enhancements and Bugs of Indexer #3929
- API facilities to retrieve unique references (IDs) of results for API-triggered operations #3139
- Standardize UI on PrimeNG and remove/replace Material UI components #3141
- Upgrade Guardian Frontend from Angular 12 to Angular 18 #4194
- Clean up old branches from Github repo #4405
- Attaching reference to PDD via programmatically built monitoring report #4364
- Climate Action Reserve's U.S. Landfill Protocol #3709
- Scope 3/PCF Referencing Demo (Methodology Breakdown) #3723
- GHGP Version 3 #3728
- American Carbon Registry (ACR) ACR Methodology for Quantifying, Monitoring, Reporting, and Verifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions and Removals from Landfill Gas Destruction and Beneficial Use Projects #3710
- Enhancing Research on Indexer and Analytics Use Cases #3730
Bug Fixes
- Addon request block doesn't work correctly #4500
View changes
- Code changes between the previous (3.0.0) and the current release candidate via github compare: v3.0.0...v3.1.0-RC