This is a small console application I built over a couple of days to help me with a numerics course I picked up last sem, it is badly documented but the code is self-explanatory.
- Divided difference
- Calculate divided difference
- Generate a values
- Generate divided difference table from function
- Generate divided difference table from points (xf(x))
- Newton polynomials
- Generate from A values and X values
- Generate from X values
- Numerical Differentiation
- First Derivative
- Central Difference of Order 2
- Optimum Central Difference of Order 2
- Central Difference of Order 4
- Optimum Central Difference of Order 4
- Second Derivative
- Central Difference of Order 2
- Optimum Central Differnece of Order 2
- Forward Difference Lagrange of Order 2
- Backward Difference Lagrandge of Order 2
- First Derivative
- Numerical Integration
- Trapezoidal
- Normal Trapezoidal
- Composite Trapezoidal From Iterval
- Compositre Trapezoidal From X values
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Simpson 3/8
- Composite Simpson From Interval
- Compositre Simpson From X values
- Booles
- Trapezoidal
- Numerical Methods
- Bisection of Bolzano
- False Position
- Newton Iteration
- Accelerated Newton Iteration
- Secant Method
- Generate Lagrange Polynomial
- Matrix Methods
- Solve system using Gauss-Jordan elemination
- Solve system using Jacobi iteration
- Solve system using Gauss-Seidel itreation
- Curve Fitting
- Line fit
- Power fit
- Polynomial fit (least square parabola)
- Data linearization
- Functions of the form y = Ce^(Ax)
- Functions of the form y = A/x + B
- Functions of the form y = Cxe^-Dx
- Evaluate function at
dart run main.dart