For the reddit submission extraction pipeline to work, you need client_id, client_secret tokens from your reddit account (register if you don't have one already).
Log in your reddit account, go to click 'create app' or 'create another app', choose 'script' among the 3 options, fill in 'name' and 'description'. you can use this website for 'redirect url': After you created the app, you will see on the top a token called 'secret'. That's your client_secret. Below your app name, and right below "personal use script" is the client_id.
here's the official guide
Now that you have these two tokens, to the cap23 directory and open Enter these two tokens as the values to the variables "client_secret" and "client_id". For 'user_agent', you can write 'demo by u/{your reddit user name}'.
make sure you have docker desktop downloaded and opened. in terminal, cd to the cap23 directory and run the following command to build docker image from dockerfile:
docker build --tag cap .
After the image finishes building, run this command to run docker image in a container:
docker run -dp 5000:5000 cap
Go to the streamlit app will be running.