Lighting & Motion Services
For a different view on the issues, check this out:
- Tomcat server to deploy it on (works on Tomcat 7)
- MySQL: database management system(works with 5.5)
We all use Eclipse, hence here is the plugins you need to add in order to work with lms:
- Ivy(Dependency management)
- EGit
When it is running you can find rest services on the URL:
- http://localhost:8080/lms/rest + the service you need.
- e.g.http://localhost:8080/lms/rest/building
- dk.itu.gsd.lms.dao - Layer to hold Data Access objects. Encapsulates data source access.
- dk.itu.gsd.lms.integration.consumed - Layer to hold Adapter objects. Encapsulates Building simulator access.
- - Layer to hold REST webservices. Encapsulates exposed data.
- dk.itu.gsd.lms.model - Layer to hold model objects. Encapsulates the data model.
- - Layer to hold services. Encapsulates business logic.
- dk.itu.gsd.lms.ui - Layer to hold UI objects. Encapsulates the front end.
- no package structure - Holds resources. E.g. Datasource config files, Application context.
- dk.itu.gsd.lms - Holds test classes.
- no package structure - Holds test resources.