The application generates the following per-project summary figures:
- List of genes with highest cell count
- List of top 20 genes with the highest expression variability
The application updates daily by running a Docker container on AWS Fargate. Figures are persisted on AWS S3. The general architecture is as follows:
data-portal-summary-stats is written in Python version 3.6. Clone the repository to your
local system and navigate into the data-portal-summary-stats
directory. If you wish to run code
from source create a virtual environment, name it .venv
, and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install dependencies.
But the intention is to run the code in a Docker container. So
Docker needs to be installed on your system. The application
uses AWS. Install AWS CLI and have the credentials configured for AWS.
This app uses the infrastructure management software
Terraform, version 0.12
or higher. In the directory infra
run terraform init
to create the Terraform backend.
Next source the environment file for the specific deployment environment you would like to set
up (e.g., dev). From the project root run
(requires the utility jq
Once all required software is installed, the basic steps to start the application are
- Build the Docker image
- Push the image to the AWS registry
- Deploy the application using the Terraform
In the following we give detailed instructions for each individual step.
To build the Docker image data-portal-summary-stats
docker build --tag=data-portal-summary-stats:$TF_VAR_image_tag .
from the project root.
Once the image is built on your local system run
docker run data-portal-summary-stats:$I$TF_VAR_image_tag -h
return the help message with a brief description of the command line arguments. For more
information on the last argument, --min_gene_count
go the Matrix Service Swagger UI
and exercise the endpoint /v1/filters/{filter_name}
with genes_detected
as filter_name
To run the image as a container on your local system pass your AWS
credentials to it. Suppose your credentials are in the usual subdirectory ~/.aws
in your home directory, and they contain a profile named my-profile
. In that case mount that
subdirectory as a volume inside the container, and set the environment variable with the default
profile like so:
docker run -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws -e AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=$AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE \
data-portal-summary-stats:$TF_VAR_image_tag \
--environ $TF_VAR_dev --source $TF_VAR_source --min_gene_count $TF_VAR_min_gene_count
First create a repository for your images using the AWS console. Next push the image you just created to ECR, AWS's image registry. Be sure to give that repository the same name as the image. Authentication is needed to push any image from localhost to that registry. Open a terminal and run
aws ecr get-login --region $TF_VAR_aws_region --no-include-email
This prints the Docker log-in command, something like
docker login -u AWS -p password https://$TF_VAR_acc_number.dkr.ecr.$
, where
has several hundred characters. Copy this command and run it in the terminal. Then
tag the image using the same tag in the repository by running
docker tag data-portal-summary-stats:$TF_VAR_image_tag $TF_VAR_acc_number.dkr.ecr.$$TF_VAR_image_tag
and push it to the repository to the created namespace:
docker push $TF_VAR_acc_number.dkr.ecr.$$TF_VAR_image_tag
We use AWS's ECS container orchestration service with the Fargate launchtype to run the
container as a task and Terraform to deploy and manage the application. Next, navigate to
and run terraform plan
if you want to inspect what resources will be created. Otherwise,
deploy the infrastructure and start the application by running terraform apply
. Follow the
instructions on the screen. It should end on "Apply complete! Resources [...]". If you see that
message the deployment process is complete. Once deployed, the application runs on a schedule to
create a set of summary statistics figures every 24 hours and can be monitored on AWS CloudWatch.
Depending on some parameters the matrix files of some projects are too large to process for even the largest available ECS container instance (e.g., we found that a matrix file of > 2 GB size cannot be processed). We offer two solutions to this problem.
The first and preferred solution aims to
process all matrices by choosing a combination of sufficient RAM and setting
input argument --min_gene_count
to a suitable value. The large that value, the smaller the
matrix file size. The following figure shows results of some tests we ran using
a matrix of project Census of Immune Cells from September 4, 2019, which was the project with
the largest matrix file in the HCA on that day. The orange area denotes successful processing
and the blue area denotes failed processing:
Based on these results we chose a combination of 16 GB RAM and setting min_gene_count
a value of 1200
as the optimal combination. That creates matrix files of a size such that
all can be processed.
The second solution is to simply black-list the matrix files that are too large to
process. blacklisting
a matrix file excludes it from the processing and is a solution of last resort. To use
the blacklist feature, set the command input argument --blacklist
and create a
file named blacklist
. To specify a matrix file from processing add its project ID to
that file, following the style of one project ID per line, without any delimiters. Next
upload the file blacklist
to the root of the project-assets
S3 bucket of the corresponding
deployment environment.
Run python -m unittest
from the project root.