You can create Checkout pages without a server by creating Products and Prices in the Stripe Dashboard before launching your integration. Then pass the Price ID of your Product to stripe.redirectToCheckout
on the client when your customer checks out.
- Enable client-only checkout:
- Create a one-time or recurring product in the Stripe Dashboard:
- After creation click the "Use with checkout" button and copy the price (price_xxx) ID.
- Paste the price ID into the
var in the index.html file.
- Copy your publishable key from: and set it as the value for
in the index.html file
From the project directory, navigate to this folder:
cd client-only/client
Since these are all static assets you can serve them locally with a simple web server, e.g.
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4242
You can now view your page at http://localhost:4242
If you're getting an error running this command, see more detailed insturctions on MDN.
- Add your domain name to the whitelist in
- Replace the test publishable key
in the index.html file with your pk_live_xxx key which can be found here: (!!!NOTE!!!: never paste in your secret key! For client-only Checkout only the publishable key is needed!)
- Upload the files in this
folder to your hosting provider (there are many options available for static page hosting).- One convenient way is using GitHub Pages. You can find an example for that here: