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ENROLIUM is a system designed to make section selection smoother, fairer, and more user-friendly. Built with a focus on both Frontend and Backend, it ensures an efficient and stress-free enrollment experience for students.


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1. Summary

ENROLIUM is a system we built to make section selection smoother and more user-friendly. We worked on both Frontend and Backend, focusing on giving everyone a fair chance during the selection process and making the system easy to use. This trimester’s section selection process went way better than in previous terms. Last time, everyone had a tough time with section selection, and most couldn't get their preferred slots, which really frustrated them. From these difficulties, the idea for ENROLLIUM was born—a platform designed to simplify and enhance the section selection process for students.

2. System Overview

2.1 Architecture Diagram

The system consists of both a server and a client that communicate via a custom RPC. To establish a connection, users must provide their email and password. The entire system maintains a single source of truth, which is the database.

2.2 Technology Stack

Layer Technology Purpose
Language Java 23 Core application runtime
Build Gradle 8.10.2 Build automation and dependency management
Frontend JavaFX 23, Atlantafx 2.0.1 Modern user interface components
Ikonli 12.3.1 Icon library integration
CSSFX 11.5.1 Dynamic CSS styling management
UI Utilities DataFaker 2.4.2 Mock data generation for UI development
Reactive Programming RxJava 3.1.9 Asynchronous stream processing
Communication Jackson JSON 2.18.2 RPC payload serialization/deserialization
Database Hibernate ORM 6.6.3.Final Object-relational mapping
PostgreSQL JDBC 42.7.4 Database connectivity
HikariCP 6.2.1 Connection pooling optimization
Validation Jakarta Validation 3.1.0 Data validation framework
Hibernate Validator 8.0.1.Final Constraint enforcement implementation
Security BCrypt 0.10.2 Password hashing and verification
Logging Logback 1.4.11 Application logging framework
Testing JUnit 5.10.3 Unit testing framework
AssertJ 3.27.2 Fluent test assertions
System Monitoring OSHI 6.6.6 Hardware/OS metrics collection
Utility Commons Text 1.12.0 String manipulation utilities
Lombok 1.18.36 Boilerplate code reduction
JetBrains Annotations 26.0.1 Static analysis hints

3. Feature Documentation


Database System

Implementation Status: Complete

What It Does

  • Single source of truth.
  • Enforces ACID-compliant transactions for all critical operations.
  • Supports complex relationships (e.g., prerequisites, trimester phases, section-teacher assignments).
  • Generates demo data.

Schema Design

Core Tables
Table Description Relationships & Constraints
users Base user entity (login, name, password). - Inherited by students/faculty via user_id (joined-table).
- email (UNIQUE, NOT NULL).
students Student-specific data (e.g., university ID). - user_id (PK, FK to
- university_id (UNIQUE, NOT NULL).
faculty Faculty members (e.g., shortcode). - user_id (PK, FK to
- shortcode (UNIQUE, NOT NULL).
subjects Academic courses (e.g., credits, type). - code_name (UNIQUE, NOT NULL)
- credits (1–5)
- type (THEORY/LAB).
trimesters Academic periods (e.g., status, dates). - code (UNIQUE, format `YY[1
sections Class sections (e.g., capacity, time slots). - trimester_id (FK to
- subject_id (FK to
- max_capacity (≥1)
- space_time_slots (NOT EMPTY).
courses Student enrollments (e.g., status, grade). - Unique constraint: (student_id, subject_id, trimester_id, section_id)
- grade (0.0–4.0)
- status validates section/grade compatibility.
prerequisites Subject dependencies (e.g., "CSE3521 requires CSE1116"). - subject_id (FK to
- prerequisite_id (FK to
- No cycles (code-enforced).
space_time Physical/time slots for sections. - Unique constraint: (room_number, day_of_week, timeslot)
- time_slot validated by room_type.
notifications System announcements (e.g., scope, category). - scope determines trimester/section/target_user validity (e.g., SECTION requires non-null section_id).
Join Tables
Table Purpose Structure
faculty_subjects Faculty’s teachable subjects. faculty_id (FK to faculty.user_id), subject_id (FK to
section_space_times Assigns time slots to sections. section_id (FK to, space_time_id (FK to
section_faculty Assigns teachers to sections. section_id (FK to, faculty_id (FK to faculty.user_id).

The DB class provides reactive CRUD operations via Hibernate and RxJava. Below are common use cases:

1. Saving an Entity

// Create a new student
Student student = new Student();
student.setName("John Doe");
student.setEmail("[email protected]");

// Persist to DB
      savedStudent -> System.out.println("Saved: " + savedStudent.getId()),
      error -> System.err.println("Error: " + error.getMessage())

2. Querying Entities

// Fetch first 10 courses, sorted by creation date, limit, offset)
    .timeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .collect(ArrayList::new, (list, item) -> list.add(item))
    .onErrorResumeNext(error -> new RuntimeException("Failed to fetch student list: " + error.getMessage()));

3. Updating an Entity

// Update a student's email
DB.findById(Student.class, UUID.fromString(id))
 .flatMap(student -> {
     return DB.update(student);
 .onErrorResumeNext(error -> new RuntimeException("Failed to update student: " + error.getMessage()));

4. Deleting an Entity

// Delete a notification by ID
DB.delete(Student.class, UUID.fromString(id))
      () -> System.out.println("Deleted successfully"),
      error -> System.err.println("Deletion failed: " + error.getMessage())

5. Complex Queries

// Count registered courses for a student
  .map(total -> "Total courses: " + total)

// Check if a section is full
DB.findById(Section.class, sectionId)
  .map(section -> section.getCurrentCapacity() >= section.getMaxCapacity())
  .subscribe(isFull -> System.out.println("Section full? " + isFull));

6. Resetting the Database

// Wipe and re-seed with demo data
      () -> System.out.println("Database reset complete"),
      error -> System.err.println("Reset failed: " + error.getMessage())

7. Transactional Operations

For custom transactions (e.g., batch updates):

DB.exec(session -> {
    // Manual Hibernate operations
    session.createMutationQuery("UPDATE Course SET grade = 4.0 WHERE status = 'COMPLETED'").executeUpdate();
    return null;
}, "Batch Grade Update").subscribe();

Future Improvements

  • Cache frequently accessed entities like subjects and trimesters.
  • Implement database-level triggers for cross-table validations (e.g., section capacity checks).

Bidirectional RPC System

Implementation Status: Complete

What It Does

  • Enables real-time client-server communication with session-aware routing
  • Handles 150+ concurrent requests with automatic retries and timeouts
  • Provides atomic message delivery with JSON serialization
  • Supports server-initiated notifications (e.g., schedule changes)

How It Works

  1. Protocol:

    • Message framing: 4-byte length header + JSON payload
    • Type hierarchy: Message → Request/Response
    • Session binding via sessionToken field
  2. Sequence:

    1. Client establishes TCP connection
    2. Authentication handshake via auth method
    3. Subsequent requests use session token
    4. Server pushes notifications via same channel

Code Snippet:

// Client-side
ObjectNode authParams  = JsonUtils.createObject().put("email", email).put("password", password);
Request    authRequest = Request.create(messageIdCounter.getAndIncrement(), "auth", authParams, null);
Response authResponse = ClientRPC.getInstance().sendRequest(authRequest).timeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).blockingGet();
// Server handler registration
server.registerMethod("auth", (params, request) -> {
    try {
        // Validate request parameters
        if (params == null) return Single.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Missing auth parameters"));

        String email    = JsonUtils.getString(params, "email");
        String password = JsonUtils.getString(params, "password");

        if (!(email != null && password != null && !email.trim().isEmpty() && !password.trim().isEmpty()))
            return Single.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid credentials"));

        int size = Math.toIntExact(DB.count(User.class).blockingGet());

        return, size, 0)
                 .filter(user -> email.equals(user.getEmail()))
                 .flatMap(user -> {
                     if (!user.verifyPassword(password)) {
                         return Single.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid password"));

                     // Create session
                     String UUID = user.getId().toString();
                     SessionInfo session = SessionManager.getInstance().createSession(UUID, request.getConnection().getSocket(), server);

                     // Return success response
                     JsonNode response = JsonUtils.createObject()
                                                  .put("sessionToken", session.getSessionToken())
                                                  .put("uuid", UUID)
                                                  .put("userType", user.getType().toString());

                     return Single.just(response);
                 .onErrorResumeNext(error -> {
                     if (error instanceof NoSuchElementException) return Single.error(new IllegalArgumentException("User not found"));
                     return Single.error(error);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return Single.error(e);

Message Structure:

  • Request
    "id": 1,
    "timestamp": 1738415230282,
    "version": "r145.63cc2b3",
    "type": "req",
    "method": "auth",
    "params": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "WrongPass"
    "sessionToken": null,
    "connection": null
  • Success Response
    "id": 1,
    "timestamp": 1738415232717,
    "version": "r145.63cc2b3",
    "type": "res",
    "method": "success",
    "params": {
        "sessionToken": "9361147112443298276352683881617408806308841024330508058726967887",
        "uuid": "af0f9edf-73c3-47cc-85c7-851e1ea99f36",
        "userType": "STUDENT"
    "error": false,
    "errorMessage": null
  • Error Response
    "id": 1,
    "timestamp": 1738415230525,
    "version": "r145.63cc2b3",
    "type": "res",
    "method": "error",
    "params": {
        "message": "Invalid password"
    "error": true,
    "errorMessage": "Invalid password"
  • Heartbeat
    "id": 8,
    "timestamp": 1738415442684,
    "version": "r145.63cc2b3",
    "type": "req",
    "method": "health",
    "params": null,
    "sessionToken": "9361147112443298276352683881617408806308841024330508058726967887",
    "connection": null
    "id": 8,
    "timestamp": 1738415442686,
    "version": "r145.63cc2b3",
    "type": "res",
    "method": "success",
    "params": {
        "serverVersion": "r145.63cc2b3",
        "status": "ok",
        "serverTime": 1738415442686
    "error": false,
    "errorMessage": null

Connection Lifecycle:

  1. Client connects via ClientRPC.start()
  2. Auth exchange using credentials
  3. Server creates SessionInfo with 24h TTL
  4. Heartbeats reset TTL on each message
  5. Cleanup thread removes expired sessions

Future Improvements

  • Add encryption in RPCConnection
  • Session token rotation
  • Protobuf for serialization
  • Message compression for large payloads
  • Idempotency keys for retries

Session Management

Implementation Status: Complete

What It Does

  • Maintains authenticated user sessions with time-to-live (TTL) tracking
  • Binds network connections to user identities for stateful communication
  • Automatically cleans up expired/inactive sessions to free resources

How It Works

  1. Session Creation:
    • Generates unique 64-character token via SecureRandom on successful authentication
    • Stores session metadata (user ID, connection, timestamps) in ConcurrentHashMap
  2. Validation:
    • Checks isActive() flag and expirationTime on every authenticated request
    • Updates lastHeartbeat timestamp on valid operations
  3. Cleanup:
    • Scheduled thread scans sessions every 1 minute
    • Removes sessions exceeding 24-hour TTL or 30-second heartbeat timeout

Session Storage

    "9361147112443298276352683881617408806308841024330508058726967887" : {
        "sessionToken" : "9361147112443298276352683881617408806308841024330508058726967887",
        "userId" : "af0f9edf-73c3-47cc-85c7-851e1ea99f36",
        "tags" : [ ],
        "createdAt" : 1738415232717,
        "lastHeartbeat" : 1738415262686,
        "expirationTime" : 1738501662686,
        "active" : true,
        "expired" : false,
        "ip" : ""

Rate Limiting


What It Does

  • Enforces request quotas to prevent system overload
  • Applies different limits for unauthenticated (IP-based) and authenticated (session-based) traffic
  • Protects against DDoS and brute-force attacks

How It Works

  1. Counting Mechanism:
    • Uses ConcurrentHashMap to track request counts per IP/session
    • Merges counts atomically using Integer::sum
  2. Limit Enforcement:
    • Denies requests exceeding 32/minute for IPs (pre-auth)
    • Allows 512/minute for authenticated sessions
  3. Periodic Reset:
    • Scheduled task clears all counters every 60 seconds


        "9361147112443298276352683881617408806308841024330508058726967887" : 1,
        "" : 4

System Logging Infrastructure

Implementation Status: Complete

What It Does

  • Captures critical system metadata during startup
  • Logs Java properties, environment variables, and hardware specs
  • Provides runtime diagnostics for troubleshooting

How It Works

  1. Entry Point:

    • Issue.print(logger) called during application bootstrap
  2. Data Collection:

    • System Properties via System.getProperties()
    • Environment Variables via System.getenv()
    • Hardware Metrics using OperatingSystemMXBean
  3. Formatting:

    • Section headers with indented key-value pairs
    • Memory values auto-converted to GB

Example Output:

    file.encoding: UTF-8
    java.class.version: 67.0
    java.home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-23-openjdk

    BROWSER: firefox
    EDITOR: micro
    LANG: en_US.UTF-8
    LANGUAGE: en_US:en:C
    LC_ADDRESS: C.utf8
    LC_COLLATE: C.utf8
    LC_CTYPE: en_US.UTF-8
    LC_NAME: en_US.UTF-8
    LC_PAPER: en_US.UTF-8
    LC_TELEPHONE: C.utf8
    LC_TIME: C.utf8

    OS Name: Linux
    OS Version: 6.12.10-zen1-1-zen
    OS Architecture: amd64
    Available Processors (Cores): 8
    Total Physical Memory: 23 GB
    Free Physical Memory: 8 GB
    Total Swap Space: 11 GB
    Free Swap Space: 6 GB

Why It Exists

  • Essential for debugging environment-specific issues
  • Provides visibility into resource constraints

Future Improvements

  • Add disk space monitoring
  • Periodic runtime snapshots
  • Integration with monitoring systems like Prometheus

Semantic Version Generation

Implementation Status: Complete

What It Does

  • Generates version strings from Git history
  • Formats as r<commit_count>.<short_hash> (e.g., r145.63cc2b3)
  • Automatically generates new one at build


String v = Version.getVersion();


  1. Build process executes generateVersion() Gradle task
  2. Writes version to src/main/resources/
  3. Application loads via static initializer

Why It Exists

  • Eliminates manual version tracking
  • Links deployments to exact code states

Future Improvements

  • Nightly build automation
  • Version metadata endpoint in RPC system


Implementation Status: Partial (90%)


What It Does

  • Can support more languages by editing an enum
  • Centralized translation management
  • Hot-reload language without restart


  1. Resource Bundles:

    • English translations
    • Bengali translations
  2. Validation:

    • Startup check for missing keys in all bundles
  3. Reactive Updates:

    • SettingsManager notifies I18nManager of language changes


String greeting = I18nManager.instance.get(TranslationKey.HELLO);

Future Improvements

  • Add right-to-left (RTL) layout support
  • Dynamic bundle reloading from filesystem
  • Pluralization rules implementation

Global State Management

Implementation Status: Complete

What It Does

  • Thread-safe shared memory for cross-component data
  • Stores session tokens, UI states, and temporary workflows


// Store current user
Volatile.getInstance().put("currentUser", user);
// Retrieve chat history
List<Message> chat = (List<Message>) Volatile.getInstance().get("activeChat");

Key Features:

  • ConcurrentHashMap backend for scalability
  • Audit logging on write/delete operations
  • Singleton access via double-checked locking

Future Improvements

  • TTL-based auto-expiry for entries
  • Size monitoring and eviction policies
  • Cluster-aware replication for distributed mode

Persistent User Settings

Implementation Status: Complete


What It Does

  • Maintains all user preferences across sessions
  • OS-appropriate config file storage
  • Type-safe validation with reactive updates

Data Flow


Key Features:

  • Cross-platform config paths:
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\enrollium\settings.json
    • Linux: ~/.config/enrollium/settings.json
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/enrollium/settings.json
  • Versioned schema migrations
  • Debounced autosave (1-second delay)

Why It Exists

  • Essential for personalized user experience
  • Reduces setup friction across devices

Future Improvements

  • Cloud sync via RPC system
  • Settings import/export UI
  • Historical version rollback

Chat System

Implementation Status: Complete

chat_start.png chat_ui.png

What It Does

  • Core Functionality: Enables real-time chat between users with persistent message history.
  • User Impact: Provides a seamless communication experience with intuitive UI, message history, and system notifications.

Offered Course Page

Implementation Status: Complete


What It Does

  • Displays a list of offered courses with filtering options (Trimester, Course Type, Search).
  • Allows students to select, register, withdraw, or retake courses dynamically.
  • Provides real-time status updates on course selection.

Why It Exists

  • Business Need: Enhances the course enrollment process for students.
  • Technical Rationale: Reduces server load by implementing efficient RPC calls and caching.

Future Improvements

  • Performance: Optimize filtering logic using indexed lookups.
  • Functionality: Implement bulk course selection.
  • UX: Improve accessibility by adding keyboard navigation support.

Section Selection & Registration Status

Implementation Status: Partial

section_selection.png section_selection_selected.png section_selection_stats.png

What It Does

  • Enables users to manage course sections, including subject, trimester, and capacity.
  • Provides real-time registration status with progress tracking and statistics.

Future Improvements

  • Performance: Optimize table refresh logic for large datasets.
  • Functionality: Allow bulk section creation and edits.
  • UX: Improve notification system and introduce filtering options for section searches.

Trade Feature

Implementation Status: Partial


What It Does

  • Enables students to swap course sections or offer trades with others.
  • Provides an interactive UI for selecting sections, proposing trades, and accepting offers.
  • Uses a real-time update mechanism to ensure trade availability stays current.

Why It Exists

  • Business Need: Allows students to self-manage section changes, reducing admin workload.
  • Technical Rationale: Replaces a manual trade request system, improving efficiency.

Future Improvements

  • Performance: Cache frequently accessed trade data to reduce API calls.
  • Functionality: Add bulk trade requests to facilitate multiple swaps at once.
  • UX: Provide visual indicators for pending, accepted, or rejected trades.

Server Status Monitoring

Implementation Status: Complete


What It Does

  • Provides real-time monitoring of server performance metrics.
  • Displays CPU, RAM, Disk, and Network usage via line charts.
  • Fetches and updates server statistics dynamically every second.


  • Observer pattern for UI updates.
  • Timeline-based periodic data fetching.
  • Asynchronous RPC calls for server communication.

Why It Exists

  • Business Need: Ensures real-time monitoring for system administrators to track performance and prevent downtimes.
  • Technical Rationale: Replaces manual log-based tracking with a dynamic, interactive dashboard.

Future Improvements

  • Performance: Optimize data handling to prevent UI lag when updating charts.
  • Functionality: Add historical data visualization beyond the last 30 seconds.
  • UX: Implement tooltips and additional analytics for deeper insights into server performance trends.


Implementation Status: Partial


What It Does

  • Enables sending notifications with customizable title, content, category, and scope.
  • Provides options to create, update, and delete notifications.
  • Supports quick demo content filling for testing purposes.


  • Observer pattern for UI updates.
  • Form-based input validation.
  • Modular UI components for reusability.

Why It Exists

  • Business Need: Facilitates real-time communication with users.
  • Technical Rationale: Provides a structured and user-friendly notification system, replacing ad-hoc message handling.

Future Improvements

  • Performance: Optimize UI responsiveness for large-scale notification batches.
  • Functionality: Add scheduling support for delayed notifications.
  • UX: Implement rich-text support for better message formatting.

Course Withdrawal

Implementation Status: Partial

withdraw_req.png withdraw_res.png

What It Does

  • Provides an interface for students to submit withdrawal requests.
  • Allows administrators to review, approve, or reject requests.
  • Displays real-time updates on the request status.


  • Observer Pattern: Used for updating the UI dynamically when a request is processed.
  • MVC Architecture: Separates request handling logic from UI components.
  • State Management: Requests can exist in different states: Pending, Approved, Rejected.

Why It Exists

  • Business Need: Ensures a structured process for students to withdraw from courses.
  • Technical Rationale: Replaces manual processing with a digital workflow to improve efficiency.

Future Improvements

  • Performance: Optimize UI rendering with lazy loading for large datasets.
  • Functionality: Implement batch processing for multiple requests at once.
  • UX: Add filtering and sorting options for withdrawal requests.

Comprehensive Database Management

Implementation Status: Partial

db_course_table.png db_course_form.png

Key Features

  • CRUD for all infos in db.
  • Keeps everything organized and easy to access and modify.

Future Improvements

  • Add more filters for better search options.
  • Sync changes across the platform instantly.
  • Provide insights into enrollment trends.


Implementation Status: Complete


  • This shows a students all the course list.

Future Improvements

  • Better UI.
  • Better statistics.
  • Better actions.


Implementation Status: Complete


  • You can easily find the page you want.
  • You can press the / button to open the search dialogue.

Login, User Info, and Forgot Password

Implementation Status: Complete

successful_student_login.png student_user_info.png teacher_user_info.png

Key Features

  • Secure login with passwords.
  • Reset forgotten passwords via email.

Future Improvements

  • Use magic links or one-time codes instead of passwords.
  • Notify users of suspicious activity on their account.
  • Let users log in once to access multiple platforms.

Theme Change

Implementation Status: Complete

theme_dark.png theme_dracula.png theme_light.png

Key Features

  • Switch between light and dark mode.
  • Choose from pre-designed themes or create your own.

Future Improvements

  • Adjust themes based on lighting or user preferences.
  • Let users customize fonts, spacing, and colors.
  • Add fun themes for holidays or special events.


ENROLIUM is a system designed to make section selection smoother, fairer, and more user-friendly. Built with a focus on both Frontend and Backend, it ensures an efficient and stress-free enrollment experience for students.






Contributors 4
