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switch to Fluent for translations handling
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hamaluik committed Mar 14, 2020
1 parent 81bf020 commit 99df6aa
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Showing 40 changed files with 1,362 additions and 723 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@


# Miscellaneous
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

### Localizations

All translations are [managed online]( using []( Currently all translations (except English) were auto-translated by [Google Translate]( If you notice any incorrect strings, I would love to know about it so that it can be fixed asap. Similarly, if you want to add a language, please do!
Translations are handled using [Project Fluent]( Currently all translations (except English) were auto-translated by [Google Translate]( using my [Translate Tool]( If you notice any incorrect strings, I would love to know about it so that it can be fixed asap. Similarly, if you want to add a language, please do!

## Todo

Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l de
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l es
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l fr
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l hi
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l id
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l ja
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l ko
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l pt
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l ru
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l zh-CN
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l zh-TW
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l ar
tt -c translation_credentials.json -f terms.flt -d l10n/en.flt -o l10n -l en
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions l10n/ar.flt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
deleteTimerConfirm = هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا المؤقت؟

endTime = وقت النهاية

cancel = إلغاء

description = وصف

sourceCode = مصدر الرمز

confirmDelete = تأكيد الحذف

combinedProjectDescription = وصف المشروع

noProject = (لا يوجد مشروع)

create = خلق

editTimer = تحرير الموقت

timeCopEntries = إدخالات شرطي الوقت ({ $date })

from = من عند

logoSemantics = شعار الوقت الشرطي

changeLog = سجل التغيير

readme = الملف التمهيدي

editProject = تحرير المشروع

project = مشروع

runningTimers = تشغيل المؤقتات

delete = حذف

projects = المشاريع

columns = الأعمدة

filter = منقي

projectName = اسم المشروع

save = حفظ

includeProjects = تضمين المشاريع

export = تصدير

startTime = وقت البدء

options = خيارات

pleaseEnterAName = الرجاء إدخال اسم

about = حول

createNewProject = إنشاء مشروع جديد

groupTimers = قم بتجميع الموقتات المماثلة في اليوم

appDescription = تطبيق تتبع الوقت الذي يحترم خصوصيتك وينجز المهمة دون أن يتوهم.

appLegalese = حقوق النشر © Kenton Hamaluik، 2020

timeH = الوقت (ساعات)

timeCopDatabase = قاعدة بيانات شرطي الوقت ({ $date })

date = تاريخ

noDescription = (بدون وصف)

whatWereYouDoing = ماذا كنتم تفعلون؟

appName = شرطي الوقت

areYouSureYouWantToDelete = هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا المشروع؟

to = إلى

duration = المدة الزمنية

whatAreYouDoing = ماذا تفعل؟

47 changes: 0 additions & 47 deletions l10n/ar.json

This file was deleted.

88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions l10n/de.flt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
noDescription = (Keine Beschreibung)

appName = Time Cop

projects = Projekte

runningTimers = Timer ausführen

confirmDelete = Löschen bestätigen

logoSemantics = Time Cop Logo

pleaseEnterAName = Bitte geben Sie einen Namen ein

delete = Löschen

options = Optionen

editProject = Projekt bearbeiten

filter = Filter

sourceCode = Quellcode

about = Über

appDescription = Eine Zeiterfassungs-App, die Ihre Privatsphäre respektiert und die Arbeit erledigt, ohne zu ausgefallen zu werden.

createNewProject = Neues Projekt erstellen

editTimer = Timer bearbeiten

projectName = Projektname

changeLog = Änderungsprotokoll

readme = Liesmich

timeCopDatabase = Time Cop-Datenbank ({ $date })

duration = Dauer

whatAreYouDoing = Was tust du?

date = Datum

appLegalese = Copyright © Kenton Hamaluik, 2020

description = Beschreibung

export = Export

noProject = (kein Projekt)

groupTimers = Gruppieren Sie ähnliche Timer pro Tag

timeH = Zeit (Stunden)

project = Projekt

includeProjects = Projekte einschließen

deleteTimerConfirm = Möchten Sie diesen Timer wirklich löschen?

save = speichern

to = Zu

areYouSureYouWantToDelete = Möchten Sie dieses Projekt wirklich löschen?

cancel = Stornieren

startTime = Startzeit

whatWereYouDoing = Was hast du gemacht?

from = Von

create = Erstellen

columns = Säulen

timeCopEntries = Time Cop-Einträge ({ $date })

combinedProjectDescription = Projektbeschreibung

endTime = Endzeit

47 changes: 0 additions & 47 deletions l10n/de.json

This file was deleted.

88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions l10n/en.flt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
description = Description

confirmDelete = Confirm Delete

appDescription = A time tracking app that respects your privacy and gets the job done without getting too fancy.

combinedProjectDescription = Project: Description

date = Date

create = Create

appName = Time Cop

noDescription = (no description)

timeH = Time (hours)

includeProjects = Include Projects

timeCopEntries = Time Cop Entries ({ $date })

export = Export

sourceCode = Source Code

endTime = End Time

createNewProject = Create New Project

editProject = Edit Project

from = From

changeLog = Change Log

delete = Delete

projectName = Project Name

groupTimers = Group Similar Timers Per Day

readme = Readme

projects = Projects

filter = Filter

areYouSureYouWantToDelete = Are you sure you want to delete this project?

columns = Columns

whatWereYouDoing = What were you doing?

appLegalese = Copyright © Kenton Hamaluik, 2020

startTime = Start Time

cancel = Cancel

noProject = (no project)

runningTimers = Running Timers

whatAreYouDoing = What are you doing?

about = About

pleaseEnterAName = Please enter a name

duration = Duration

logoSemantics = Time Cop Logo

project = Project

options = Options

editTimer = Edit Timer

timeCopDatabase = Time Cop Database ({ $date })

save = Save

to = To

deleteTimerConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete this timer?


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