Sets up a personal Dogecoin P2P pool node running in a virtual machine via vagrant on your computer. You don't need to mess with linux, dual boot, dependencies, or the command line (much). What is a P2P pool you ask? Bam!
Why would you want to do this?
- You don't have to worry about your ping! It is running locally so your ping is negligible.
- Since your DOA rate will be below P2P pools DOA rate, you can use other miners rejects!
- No fee's! All mining proceeds go to you, and you alone.
- It will remain up while your computer is up. Don't need to worry about fail over.
- It is only your miners, so if someone comes in with a massive mining operation, the nodes difficulty won't go ballistic and cause your DOA's to rise (assuming you didn't set share difficulty manually).
Why would you want to use P2P pool in the first place?
- P2P pool cannot be used for a 51% attack.
- P2P pool is very scalable, it can easily handle the entire Dogecoin networks mining hash rate.
- There is no owner! Not only does this prevent the pool being used for a 51% attack, it also means no one can steal your coins!
- You also get in on transaction fee's! (?)
- This reddit post gives more benefits and discussion.
Expect bugs and various issues. It works fine on my end, but not all edge cases are taken into consideration so various problems may show up. Send me an email or make an issue and I will get on it as soon as I can. This is NOT production ready.
- Download and install:
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Git GUI for windows or any other Git client
- Run the following commands.
# Clone (download) the repository
git clone git://
# Enter into the repository you just cloned
cd Personal_Doge_Picaxe
# Start the server
vagrant up
# Now we wait ...
Wait for the dogecoin client to download the blockchain, which can take a solid few hours. Go browse /r/dogecoin in the meantime!
Once the dogecoin client is done downloading the blockchain, you can point your miners to your new local node by using
You can view the nodes status as well as your mining results at localhost:22550
and the pools output with the screen -x myp2pool
If you shutdown the vagrant box, then just restart with vagrant up
! Everything gets automatically run again via a cronjob behind the scenes.
I use sgminer instead of cgminer since it is now actively developed for GPU mining unlike CGMiner's creator who does not wish to support alt-coins. The address is the foundation's general donation fund, so feel free to use it while testing.
sgminer -o stratum+tcp://localhost:22550 -u DJ7zB7c5BsB9UJLy1rKQtY7c6CQfGiaRLM -p x -I 20
P2P pool works based on PPLNS, which is designed to combat pool hoppers. One side effect is that your first payout will be a while, from 3 to 24 hours. If you get nothing after 24 hours, then best to do some googling or looking around on /r/dogecoinmining for help. You can also use the fantastic sharecalc tool for getting an estimate of your first payout.
P2P pool is as of January 30th about only 1.53 Ghash/s, a far cry from the total network hash rate of about 90 Ghash/s. This means that the pool will find blocks more rarely. Also, you might have too low of a hash rate to even get on the payout list, so it is recommended for you to have at least 300 Khash/s. While payouts are sporadic, over time they will even out.
This should only be happening if you are running multiple different cards on the node. Try to decrease the share difficulty (the +somenumber) value on the slower card with more rejects.
You can safely ignore that, I haven't swapped out the litecoin assets for dogecoin yet.
This is normal, the node is setting up the difficulty for the first time. Let your miners run for maybe a minute or two and then restart them, everything should be fine.
Make sure to check the wiki for other questions and possible solutions not found here!