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A simple blog theme focused on writing powered by Bulma and Zola.


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A simple blog theme focused on writing powered by Bulma and Zola.

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📔 Table of Contents

🌟 About the Project

📷 Screenshots


👾 Tech Stack

  • Zola - Your one-stop static site engine
  • Bulma - The modern CSS framework that just works.

🎯 Features

  • Dark Mode
  • Pagination
  • Search
  • Charts
  • Maps
  • Diagrams
  • Galleria
  • Analytics
  • Comments
  • Categories
  • Social Links
  • Multilingual Navbar
  • Katex

🧰 Getting Started

‼️ Prerequisites

You need static site generator (SSG) Zola installed in your machine to use this theme follow their guide on getting started.

⚙️ Installation

Follow zola's guide on installing a theme. Make sure to add theme = "DeepThought" to your config.toml

Check zola version (only 0.9.0+) Just to double-check to make sure you have the right version. It is not supported to use this theme with a version under 0.14.1.

🏃 Run Locally

Go into your sites directory and type zola serve. You should see your new site at localhost:1111.

NOTE: you must provide the theme options variables in config.toml to serve a functioning site

🚩 Deployment

Zola already has great documentation for deploying to Netlify or Github Pages. I won't bore you with a regurgitated explanation.

👀 Usage

Following options are available with the DeepThought theme

# Enable external libraries
katex.enabled = true
katex.auto_render = true

chart.enabled = true
mermaid.enabled = true
galleria.enabled = true

navbar_items = [
 { code = "en", nav_items = [
  { url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Home" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/posts", name = "Posts" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/docs", name = "Docs" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/tags", name = "Tags" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/categories", name = "Categories" },

# Add links to favicon, you can use to generate favicon for your site
favicon_16x16 = "/icons/favicon-16x16.png"
favicon_32x32 = "/icons/favicon-32x32.png"
apple_touch_icon = "/icons/apple-touch-icon.png"
safari_pinned_tab = "/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
webmanifest = "/icons/site.webmanifest"

# Author details
name = "DeepThought"
avatar = "/images/avatar.png"

# Social links
email = "<email_id>"
facebook = "<facebook_username>"
github = "<github_username>"
gitlab = "<gitlab_username>"
keybase = "<keybase_username>"
linkedin = "<linkedin_username>"
stackoverflow = "<stackoverflow_userid>"
twitter = "<twitter_username>"
instagram = "<instagram_username>"
behance = "<behance_username>"
google_scholar = "<googlescholar_userid>"
orcid = "<orcid_userid>"
mastodon_username = "<mastadon_username>"
mastodon_server = "<mastodon_server>" (if not set, defaults to

# To add google analytics
google = "<your_gtag>"

# To add disqus comments
disqus = "<your_disqus_shortname>"

# To enable mapbox maps
enabled = true
access_token = "<your_access_token>"

Multilingual Navbar

If you want to have a multilingual navbar on your blog, you must add your new code language in the languages array in the config.toml file.

NOTE: Don't add you default language to this array

languages = [
    {code = "fr"},
    {code = "es"},

And then create and array of nav item for each language:

NOTE: Include your default language in this array

navbar_items = [
 { code = "en", nav_items = [
  { url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Home" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/posts", name = "Posts" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/docs", name = "Docs" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/tags", name = "Tags" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/categories", name = "Categories" },
 { code = "fr", nav_items = [
  { url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Connexion" },
 { code = "es", nav_items = [
  { url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Publicationes" },
  { url = "$BASE_URL/", name = "Registrar" },







KaTeX math formula support

This theme contains math formula support using KaTeX, which can be enabled by setting katex.enabled = true in the extra section of config.toml.

After enabling this extension, the katex short code can be used in documents:

  • {{ katex(body="\KaTeX") }} to typeset a math formula inlined into a text, similar to $...$ in LaTeX
  • {% katex(block=true) %}\KaTeX{% end %} to typeset a block of math formulas, similar to $$...$$ in LaTeX

Automatic rendering without short codes

Optionally, \\( \KaTeX \\) / $ \KaTeX $ inline and \\[ \KaTeX \\] / $$ \KaTeX $$ block-style automatic rendering is also supported, if enabled in the config by setting katex.auto_render = true.

Elasticlunr search in other language

Zola use Elasticlunr.js to add full-text search feature. To use languages other than en (English), you need to add some javascript files. See the Zola's issue #1349. By placing the templates/base.htmlon your project and using the other_lang_search_js block, you can load the required additional javascript files in the right timing.

e.g. templates/base.html

{% extends "DeepThought/templates/base.html" %} {% block other_lang_search_js %}
<script src="{{ get_url(path='js/') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ get_url(path='js/tinyseg.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ get_url(path='js/lunr.' ~ lang ~ '.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ get_url(path='js/search.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}

More detailed explanations are aound in elasticlunr's documents.

👋 Contributing

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  • Fork the Project
  • Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  • Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  • Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  • Open a Pull Request

⚠️ License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

🤝 Contact

Ratan Kulshreshtha - @RatanShreshtha - ratan.shreshtha[at]

Project Link:

💎 Acknowledgements

Use this section to mention useful resources and libraries that you have used in your projects.


A simple blog theme focused on writing powered by Bulma and Zola.







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  • Sass 76.4%
  • HTML 18.5%
  • JavaScript 5.1%