Tool to build and unpack littlefs images. Support littlefs v1.x.x and v2.x.x. Based off of mklittlefs by earlephilhower.
mklittlefs-v1 or mklittlefs-v2 {-c <pack_dir>|-u <dest_dir>|-l}
[-T <from_file>] [-d <0-5>] [-a] [-w <number>]
[-r <number>] [-b <number>] [-s <number>] [--]
[--version] [-h] <image_file>
-c <pack_dir>, --create <pack_dir>
(OR required) create littlefs image from a directory
-- OR --
-u <dest_dir>, --unpack <dest_dir>
(OR required) unpack littlefs image to a directory
-- OR --
-l, --list
(OR required) list files in littlefs image
-T <from_file>, --from-file <from_file>
when creating an image, include paths in from_file instead of scanning
-d <0-5>, --debug <0-5>
Debug level. 0 means no debug output.
-a, --all-files
when creating an image, include files which are normally ignored;
currently only applies to '.DS_Store' files and '.git' directories
-w <number>, --prosize <number>
fs pro size, in bytes
-r <number>, --readsize <number>
fs read_size, in bytes
-b <number>, --block <number>
fs block size, in bytes
-s <number>, --size <number>
fs image size, in bytes
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
(required) littlefs image file
You need gcc (≥4.8) or clang(≥600.0.57), and xmake. On Windows, use MinGW.
$ git submodule update --init
$ xmake
On windows, use xmake and MinGW:
$ xmake f -p mingw --sdk=E:\workspace\tools\winlibs-x86_64-posix-seh-gcc-13.2.0-mingw-w64msvcrt-11.0.1-r2\mingw64
$ xmake
- Add more debug output and print LittleFS debug output
- Error handling
- Code cleanup