In college, it have a subject call "computer graphic". Evethings we learn about algorithm draw line, shape, fill color,.. I must use graphics.h library to implement that algorithm. Sad thing it not support for mac os :))
So i figure out use docker to use linux by virural machine, write some script and hope your guy enjoy.
- Install docker and start
- Install X11 environment
brew install xquartz
Open it and press [Command] + [,] to open setting preference window -> swich sercurity tab and enable some setting
- Install socat
brew install socat
Socat is a unix tool that creates two bidirectional streams between two endpoints. Our end goal is to create a connection between the docker container that runs a graphical application and the X window system on our OS X host operating system
So lets begin by creating a bridge between a network socket with a TCP listener on port 6000
socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"
- Pull from internet
docker pull ducy23061999/graphic-gcc
- Run container
docker run -it \
--name graphicgcc \
-v [path_to_working_directory]:/home \
ducy23061999/graphic-gcc bin/bash
[path_to_working_directory] : c++ source list you put in a directory. Remember remove [] =)) : Your ip address. Change [IP]:0. Type ifconfig to see all available ip
Keep session terminal. You'll need it to complie c++ source file. Keep working and check it out
cd home && ls
You'll see all file that you just mount. Now we done to setup.
g++ [source_file_name].cpp -o [destination_file_name].out -lgraph
Ex: g++ file_in.cpp -o file_out.out -lgraph
Ex: ./file_out.out