Script to make data library of RefSeq reference genomes for specified genus
usage: [-h] [-s SPECIES] [-u URL] [-d DIR] [-k KEY] [-v] genus
Add RefSeq reference genomes to galaxy data libraries.
positional arguments:
genus the genus to create a library for
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SPECIES, --species SPECIES the species to create the library for
-u URL, --url URL the galaxy URL
-d DIR, --dir DIR the RefSeq directory containing all species
-k KEY, --key KEY the Galaxy API key to use
Needs an API key in GALAXY_KEY unless specified via command line
If species is specified, a library will be made with all refseq data for that species. If species is unspecified, a library will be made with all species in the genus. The refseq folder hierarchy is preserved in the library regardless.
Assumes refseq folder has the following structure:
fna files
Ensure you specify the Galaxy URL using the -u URL
or --url URL
Script to make data library of local file/directory structure.
usage: [-h] [-u URL] [-k KEY] [-n NAME] [-v]
[-t [FILETYPES [FILETYPES ...]]] [-e]
Make a galaxy data library from a file/directory structure.
positional arguments:
directory the directory to make a data library from
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL the Galaxy URL
-k KEY, --key KEY the Galaxy API key to use (overrides default)
-n NAME, --name NAME the name of the data library to create (overrides
default). Using an existing data library name will
update the existing library.
-v, --verbose Print out debugging information
A space-seperated list of filetypes to include in the
data library. Defaults to fna, faa, ffn, gbk, gff
-e, --exclude Exclude the file types specified in -t. Defaults to
excluding fna, faa, ffn, gbk, gff
-a [ALLOW_USERS [ALLOW_USERS ...]], --allow_users [ALLOW_USERS [ALLOW_USERS ...]]
A space-seperated list of emails of users to allow
access to the data library. Defaults to None- a public
- Needs an API key in galaxy_key variable, unless specified via command line.
- Assumes Galaxy instance exists at localhost unless otherwise specified (see section below).
python test/test_directory -u -k 123ABC456
Will make a data library called 'test_directory' on the Galaxy instance at
python test/test_directory -u -k 123ABC456 -n MyLibrary
Will make a data library called 'MyLibrary' on the Galaxy instance at
python test/test_directory -u -k 123ABC456 -n MyLibrary -t fna faa
Will make a data library called 'MyLibrary' on the Galaxy instance at only including files with .fna or .faa extensions.
python test/test_directory -u -k 123ABC456 -n MyLibrary -t fna faa -e
Will make a data library called 'MyLibrary' on the Galaxy instance at including all files except those with .fna or .faa extensions.
python test/test_directory -u -k 123ABC456 -n MyLibrary -a [email protected] [email protected]
Will make a data library called 'MyLibrary' on the Galaxy instance at and give read permissions only to [email protected] and [email protected]. All other non-admin users will be unable to access the data library.
Ensure you specify the Galaxy URL using the -u URL
or --url URL
Ensure you specify the data library name you wish to update using the -n NAME
or --name NAME
- For new libraries, if
is unspecified, the library will be public. - For existing libraries, if
is unspecified, no permissions will change. - For existing libraries, if
is specified, the specified users will be appended to the list of existing users with permission. i.e., existing permissions are not-overwritten. - If you need a more powerful permission manager, see