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03. Hardware Components

guussie edited this page Sep 11, 2015 · 5 revisions

The main hardware components of the PiDS are listed below, together with their provenance and purchase price.

Note that my experience with the suppliers below is mixed. Audio phonics has a very bad, if non-existent after-sales service. They just never reply to commercial questions and product support is not something invented in France. However, they do have a very broad range of products that can be useful to the DIY audio enthusiast. Use these suppliers at your own risk.

Component Source Cost
Linn Classik Music (or other amplifier) Linn dealer or eBay € 200-300
Raspberry Pi Model B+ RS Components € 35.00
AK4399 based I2S DAC or www.aliexpress. Don't get it from! € 21.00-42.00
OPA - OPA2132PA - 218-8281 RS Components € 10.00
Amanero USB to I2S card USB to I2S board € 60.00
Toroidal transformer 2x12V € 16.58
Power supply for Raspberry Pi, 5V, 10W € 10.00
8GB MicroSD Card Speed 10 any shop € 17.00
Short USB cable
Old Linn Lingo case (or other case) Linn dealer or Internet
Alternative case (supports LCD display) Alternative case $ 44.50
RCA connectors € 3.50
OLED Display (optional) OLED Display 16x2 € 19.90
Relay 5V € 7.50