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Setup release infrastruture #51

Setup release infrastruture

Setup release infrastruture #51

Workflow file for this run

# Taken from Herbie:
name: Generate Lakeroad release
- 'v*'
# DO NOT MERGE: we are just including this so that we can test the release
# while working on the PR.
LAKEROAD_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/lakeroad_checkout
RELEASE_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/lakeroad
name: Build
# manual matrix: I think this was an easy way to make (os, os-name) pairs.
# - os: windows-latest
# os-name: windows
- os: ubuntu-latest
os-name: ubuntu
RACKET_PKG_DIR: /home/runner/.local/share/racket/8.11/pkgs
- os: macos-latest
os-name: macOS
RACKET_PKG_DIR: /Users/runner/.local/share/racket/8.11/pkgs
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: ${{ env.LAKEROAD_DIR }}
- name: Install Racket
uses: Bogdanp/[email protected]
version: 8.11
- name: Set up Racket dependencies
run: raco pkg install --no-docs --auto --batch rosette yaml
- name: Install Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.10'
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: pip install -r ${{ env.LAKEROAD_DIR }}/requirements.txt && pip install pyinstaller
- name: Build solvers and copy into Rosette (Ubuntu)
if: matrix.os-name == 'ubuntu'
run: |
source ${{ env.LAKEROAD_DIR }}/
sudo apt-get update
# Put dummy versions of cvc4 and boolector into Rosette.
mkdir -p ${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/
cat >${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/cvc4 <<'EOF'
echo "Please do not use cvc4 with Lakeroad."
exit 1
chmod +x ${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/cvc4
cat >${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/boolector <<'EOF'
echo "Please do not use boolector with Lakeroad."
exit 1
chmod +x ${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/boolector
# Build Bitwuzla.
sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build
mkdir bitwuzla
wget -qO-$BITWUZLA_COMMIT_HASH.tar.gz | tar xz -C bitwuzla --strip-components=1
cd bitwuzla
./ --prefix=${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/bitwuzla/
cd build
ninja -j${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }}
ninja -j${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }} install
cd ../..
# Build STP.
sudo apt install -y patchelf
sudo apt-get install -y git cmake bison flex libboost-all-dev python2 perl
mkdir stp && cd stp
wget -qO-$STP_COMMIT_HASH.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
### TODO(@gussmith23): Remove this once is merged and you update to new STP.
cd deps/
git clone
cd cadical
git checkout c90592e
make -j"$(nproc)"
cd ..
git clone
cd cadiback
git checkout 34236f1
make -j"$(nproc)"
cd ..
cd ..
### end code to delete.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/ ..
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }}
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }} install
cd ../..
# It seems wrong that we need to do this manually. Shouldn't they be
# installed during install?
cp stp/deps/install/lib/*.so* ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/lib/
patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib' ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/lib/*so*
patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib' ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/bin/stp
# Build CVC5.
pip install pyparsing
mkdir cvc5 && cd cvc5
wget -qO-$CVC5_COMMIT_HASH.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
./ --auto-download --prefix=${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/cvc5/
cd ./build
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }}
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }} install
cd ../..
# Manually set the RPATH. Would be nice to do this in a cleaner way.
patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib' ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/cvc5/lib/*so*
patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib' ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/cvc5/bin/cvc5
# Build Yices2.
sudo apt-get install -y gperf
mkdir yices2 && cd yices2
wget -qO-$YICES2_COMMIT_HASH.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
./configure --prefix=${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/yices/
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }}
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }} install
cd ..
- name: Build solvers and copy into Rosette (MacOS)
if: matrix.os-name == 'macOS'
run: |
set -x
source ${{ env.LAKEROAD_DIR }}/
# Put dummy versions of cvc4 and boolector into Rosette.
mkdir -p ${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/
cat >${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/cvc4 <<'EOF'
echo "Please do not use cvc4 with Lakeroad."
exit 1
chmod +x ${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/cvc4
cat >${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/boolector <<'EOF'
echo "Please do not use boolector with Lakeroad."
exit 1
chmod +x ${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/boolector
# Build Bitwuzla.
NONINTERACTIVE=1 brew install ninja
mkdir bitwuzla
wget -qO-$BITWUZLA_COMMIT_HASH.tar.gz | tar xz -C bitwuzla --strip-components=1
cd bitwuzla
./ --prefix=${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/bitwuzla/
cd build
ninja -j${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }}
ninja -j${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }} install
cd ../..
# Install coreutils and make them visible over default mac tools.
NONINTERACTIVE=1 brew install coreutils
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
# Build STP.
NONINTERACTIVE=1 brew install patchelf
NONINTERACTIVE=1 brew install bison flex boost gmp
# TODO(@gussmith23): using hardcoded gmp paths here. brew link doesn't seem to do what i expected.
brew link --force gmp
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/Cellar/gmp/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/Cellar/gmp/include"
mkdir stp && cd stp
# TODO(@gussmith23): Change back to normal STP once merged.
#wget -qO-$STP_COMMIT_HASH.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
wget -qO- | tar xz --strip-components=1
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/ ..
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }}
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }} install
cd ../..
# It seems wrong that we need to do this manually. Shouldn't they be
# installed during install?
cp stp/deps/install/lib/*dylib* ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/lib/
install_name_tool -add_rpath '@executable_path/../lib' ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/bin/stp
cp stp/deps/cadiback/ ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/lib
cp stp/deps/cadical/build/ ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/lib
install_name_tool -change @rpath/ ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/bin/stp
install_name_tool -change @rpath/ ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/stp/lib/
# Build CVC5.
pip install pyparsing
mkdir cvc5 && cd cvc5
wget -qO-$CVC5_COMMIT_HASH.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
./ --auto-download --prefix=${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/cvc5/
cd ./build
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }}
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }} install
cd ../..
# Manually set the RPATH. Would be nice to do this in a cleaner way.
install_name_tool -add_rpath '@executable_path/../lib' ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/cvc5/lib/*dylib*
install_name_tool -add_rpath '@executable_path/../lib' ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/cvc5/bin/cvc5
# Build Yices2.
NONINTERACTIVE=1 brew install gperf
mkdir yices2 && cd yices2
wget -qO-$YICES2_COMMIT_HASH.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
./configure --prefix=${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/yices/
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }}
make -j ${{ env.MAKE_JOBS }} install
cd ..
- name: Run PyInstaller
run: pyinstaller --onefile --name lakeroad ${{ env.LAKEROAD_DIR }}/bin/
- name: Run `raco exe` and `raco distribute` on `bin/main.rkt`
run: |
mkdir -p ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/lakeroad/
# Make a placeholder for the solver binaries. In a later step, we will
# delete and replace them with symbolic links to the actual binaries,
# but `raco distribute` expects the files to exist here.
touch "${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/yices-smt2"
touch "${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/stp"
touch "${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/cvc5"
touch "${{ matrix.RACKET_PKG_DIR }}/rosette/bin/bitwuzla"
raco exe -v -o lakeroad-single-solver ${{ env.LAKEROAD_DIR }}/bin/main.rkt
raco distribute -v ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/lakeroad/ lakeroad-single-solver
- name: Clean up issues after `raco distribute` (Ubuntu, MacOS)
if: matrix.os-name == 'ubuntu' || matrix.os-name == 'macOS'
run: |
# Re-link the solvers.
# Due to this behavior in Racket:
# we need to re-link the solvers after `raco distribute`. Distribute
# copies the solvers into the `bin` directory, but it copies the
# executables themselves, not the symbolic links. The copied
# executables have broken RPATHS. So simply re-link.
# Also it's important that these links are relative so that they're
# relocatable.
rm ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/lakeroad/lib/plt/lakeroad-single-solver/exts/ert/r1/bin/{stp,yices-smt2,cvc5,bitwuzla}
ln -f -s ../../../../../../../../yices/bin/yices-smt2 "${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/lakeroad/lib/plt/lakeroad-single-solver/exts/ert/r1/bin/yices-smt2"
ln -f -s ../../../../../../../../stp/bin/stp "${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/lakeroad/lib/plt/lakeroad-single-solver/exts/ert/r1/bin/stp"
ln -f -s ../../../../../../../../cvc5/bin/cvc5 "${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/lakeroad/lib/plt/lakeroad-single-solver/exts/ert/r1/bin/cvc5"
ln -f -s ../../../../../../../../bitwuzla/bin/bitwuzla "${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/lakeroad/lib/plt/lakeroad-single-solver/exts/ert/r1/bin/bitwuzla"
- name: Create zip (Windows)
if: matrix.os-name == 'windows'
run: |
7z a lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip lakeroad-single-solver.exe
# TODO(@gussmith23): Get SHA on Windows.
# sha256sum lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip > lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip.CHECKSUM
- name: Create zip (Linux, macOS)
if: matrix.os-name == 'ubuntu' || matrix.os-name == 'macOS'
run: |
mkdir -p ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}
mkdir -p ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/bin
cat >${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/bin/lakeroad <<'EOF'
SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
"$SCRIPT_DIR/../deps/lakeroad/bin/lakeroad" \
--lakeroad-executable-filepath "$SCRIPT_DIR/../deps/lakeroad/bin/lakeroad-single-solver" \
chmod +x ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/bin/lakeroad
cp dist/lakeroad ${{ env.RELEASE_DIR }}/deps/lakeroad/bin/lakeroad
# Important to preserve symbolic links here, otherwise the work we do
# to fix the RPATH in the solvers is useless.
zip --symlinks -r lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip lakeroad
# TODO(@gussmith23): Doesn't work on Mac, may need to have one case for each OS.
# sha256sum lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip > lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip.CHECKSUM
- name: Upload artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
path: lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip
name: lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip
if-no-files-found: error
# TODO(@gussmith23): Re-enable once we generate SHA on Windows.
# - name: Upload checksum
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# path: lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip.CHECKSUM
# name: lakeroad-${{ matrix.os-name }}.zip.CHECKSUM
# if-no-files-found: error
name: Create Initial Release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
- name: Download pre-built artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
path: artifacts
pattern: lakeroad-*
merge-multiple: true
- name: Create Release
uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
tag: ${{ github.ref }}
name: ${{ github.ref }}
commit: ${{ github.commit }}
draft: true
prerelease: false
artifactErrorsFailBuild: true
artifacts: "artifacts/*"