This is a simple frontend for book selling application. We are using angularjs to show some simple bindings and browser's localstorage to cache some user data.
- NodeJS & Npm
- Yeoman , Grunt , Bower
First you need to install nodejs and npm package manager.
Inside the base folder run following commands to install requirements :
- npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
Then run following commands to install other dependencies :
- npm install
- bower install
Finally run this command to start up application :
- grunt serve
You can build all project with this:
- grunt build
Checkout build subdirectory for deployment ready code.
** Some of requirements may need to call nodejs as node. Create a symbolic link for that cases.
We need to install grunt-karma , karma-jasmine and firefox launcher plugins :
- npm install grunt-karma
- npm install karma-jasmine
- npm install karma-firefox-launcher
Now all you need to do is :
- grunt karma