4187 use permission change command #4192
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Jun 12, 2024 in 16m 28s
Build Failed
The build failed, just like the previous build.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #4192 4187 use permission change command.
Any changes that have been made to the develop branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build has two jobs, running in parallel.
Job | Python | ENV | OS | State |
12651.1 Monkey Linux | \[3.11\] | PIP_CACHE_DIR=$HOME/.cache/pip PIPENV_CACHE_DIR=$HOME/.cache/pipenv LIBSODIUM_MAKE_ARGS=-j8 | failed | |
12651.2 Monkey Windows | PATH=/c/Python311:/c/Python311/Scripts:$PATH | windows | passed |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Ruby |
Operating System | Linux (Xenial) |
Build Configuration
"branches": {
"only": [
"jobs": {
"include": [
"name": "Monkey Linux",
"language": "python",
"python": [
"os": "linux",
"dist": "focal",
"env": [
"cache": [
"pip": true
"npm": true
"directories": [
"install": [
"pip install pip --upgrade",
"pipenv --version",
"pushd monkey/agent_plugins",
"find . -name 'Pipfile' -execdir pipenv sync --dev \\;",
"pushd monkey/monkey_island",
"pipenv sync --dev",
"pushd monkey/infection_monkey",
"pipenv sync --dev",
"node --version",
"npm --version",
"nvm --version",
"nvm install 20",
"nvm use node",
"npm -g i eslint-cli",
"node --version",
"npm --version",
"curl -L https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/download/v0.92.0/hugo_0.92.0_Linux-64bit.tar.gz --output hugo.tar.gz",
"tar -zxf hugo.tar.gz",
"./hugo version"
"script": [
"flake8 .",
"python -m isort ./monkey --check-only",
"python -m black --check .",
"python -m vulture .",
"cd monkey",
"python -m pytest -n auto --dist worksteal --cov=.",
"cd monkey_island/cc/ui",
"npm ci",
"eslint ./src --quiet",
"eslint ./src --max-warnings $JS_WARNINGS_AMOUNT_UPPER_LIMIT",
"cd ../next_ui",
"npm ci",
"npm run build",
"npm run lint",
"npm test",
"cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/docs",
"../hugo --verbose --environment staging"
"after_success": [
"bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)"
"name": "Monkey Windows",
"language": "bash",
"os": "windows",
"before_install": [
"choco install python --version=3.11",
"python -m pip install -U pip setuptools virtualenv",
"python -m virtualenv $HOME/venv",
"source $HOME/venv/Scripts/activate"
"env": "PATH=/c/Python311:/c/Python311/Scripts:$PATH",
"cache": {
"pip": true,
"directories": [
"install": [
"pip install pipenv",
"pushd monkey/agent_plugins",
"find . -name 'Pipfile' -execdir pipenv sync --dev \\;",
"pushd monkey/monkey_island",
"pipenv sync --dev",
"pushd monkey/infection_monkey",
"pipenv sync --dev",
"script": [
"cd monkey",
"python -m pytest -n auto --dist worksteal"
"notifications": {
"slack": {
"rooms": [
"secure": "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"
"on_success": "change",
"on_failure": "always"
"email": {
"on_success": "change",
"on_failure": "always"
"language": "ruby",
"os": "linux",
"group": "stable",
"dist": "xenial"