A snapshot of the master branch is on heroku. This has been continuous integration server setup with Heroku - ping @dsummersl if its not working for you!
The project uses Angular and Express for the frontend and backend respectively.
The project uses NPM to manage server side dependences and bower for angular dependencies. The npm install
will install both of these dependencies for you.
Database: The database is hosted on Firebase. Our Database is this link.
You only need Node.js to develop this platform. Install that:
npm install
npm start
npm start
will open a server on port 3000 of your computer. Go there to view the app.
npm test
Under development you might want to rerun tests when files change:
npm run-script start-test
The frontend application uses TopoJSON to render paths. If the source geojson is updated then the topojson needs to be updated too.
To convert the geojson file to topojson:
./node_modules/.bin/topojson -p BIKE_FACIL --id-property OBJECTID_12 html/src/data/durham-bike-lanes.geojson > html/src/data/durham-bike-lanes.topojson