The acquisition heart of the echOmods
- A STM32...
- version: V0.3
- date: 15/11/2016
- technology: STM32F205
- language: n/a
- cost:35$
- sourcing:Get Feather from Amz or Adafruit. OLED at Amz
- author: Kelu124
Feather WICED
: see notes
The aim of this echOmod is to receive the signal and process it, then stream it over wifi.
->Feather WICED
->Feather WICED
Feather WICED
- Building on an existing STM32, compatible with the Arduino IDE
- ADC is tough to master
- A series of work has been done on
. The EMW3165 gave birth to Hannin for slow speed wireless UDP streaming.
- A recap of microcontrolers has been added here
- Resources :
They can be found here.
They have been acquired with nc -lu 5005
to listen to data coming from UDP port 5005, then translated in images using the script, which creates the raw data files, ready to be processed, respecting the format, and scan converted using the script for a nearest neighbour scan conversion.
To find the IP of the board on your local network, you can type:
sudo nmap -sn
In a nutshell: getting roughly 12bits, 2Msps+ ADC acquisition and Wifi-streaming, on a powerbank. Read more here for the details on the STM32 work. Arduino code here, with details for setup.
Video is here.
Later on, in december, I got it work with a breadboard phantom
- Replace the work done by OneEye by Croaker - that is, pulse control.
- Get better total ADC speed with an iterleaved move
- Develop a Cletus+Croaker way of working with a gyroscope+accelerometer.
- Have Croaker generate its own AP
- Choose the platform (BBB, RPi0, STM32, ... ?) : that'll be a
Feather WICED
for this iteration of Croaker - Getting some images
- Getting images onto a screen
- Getting good resolution images -- see the breadboard phantom
- Kelu124
The echOmods project and its prototypes (amongst which we find the croaker module) are open hardware, and working with open-hardware components.
Licensed under TAPR Open Hardware License (
Copyright Kelu124 ([email protected]) 2015-2018
The following work is base on a previous TAPR project, Murgen - and respects its TAPR license.
Copyright Kelu124 ([email protected]) 2015-2018