This package holds functions to easily parse motion capture ("mocap") files. Currently only ASF/AMC files are supported, and only those found in the Carnegie Mellon University Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database have been tested.
Parse a ASF file:
asfFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "lambada.asf", package = "mocap")
asf <- readASF(asfFilePath)
Parse a AMC file:
amcFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "lambada.amc", package = "mocap")
amc <- readAMC(amcFilePath, asf)
Get Motion Data:
xyz <- getMotionData(asf, amc)
Make a GIF out of it (if you have the scatterplot3d
and animation
packages installed):
makeMotionMovie(asf, amc, xyz, skipNFrames = 4)
Animate a few skeletons from a single one:
asfFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "zombie.asf", package = "mocap")
asf <- readASF(asfFilePath)
amcFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "zombie.amc", package = "mocap")
amc <- readAMC(amcFilePath, asf)
xyz <- getMotionData(asf, amc)
makeMotionMovie(asf, amc, xyz, skipNFrames = 3, nSkeletons = 10, sdExtraSkeleton = 100)
Animate two different skeletons simultaneously:
asfFile <- system.file("extdata", "charleston.asf", package = "mocap")
asf <- readASF(asfFile)
amcFile1 <- system.file("extdata", "charleston1.amc", package = "mocap")
amc1 <- readAMC(amcFile1, asf)
amcFile2 <- system.file("extdata", "charleston2.amc", package = "mocap")
amc2 <- readAMC(amcFile2, asf)
xyz1 <- getMotionData(asf, amc1)
xyz2 <- getMotionData(asf, amc2)
makeMotionMovie(asf, amc1, xyz1, skipNFrames = 2,
twoSkeletons = TRUE, amc2 = amc2, xyz2 = xyz2, viewAngle = 20)
More information and examples here.
Credit goes to:
Vanush Vaswani for this excellent Python code
Jernej Barbic for this Matlab code for converting the AMC file into a matrix