- Added: New languages
- Changed: New delicious visual style + launcher icon
- Changed: Notifications-/Messages-indicator does now display number of events!
- Changed: Redesigned Navigation Drawer
- Fixed: Immediately apply preference changes
- Added: About screen that shows useful information
- Changed: Updated NetCipher library to 2.0.0-alpha1
- Fixed: Do not reload stream on orientation changes
- Fixed: Image upload for older devices
- Added: Option to open external links in Chrome CustomTab
The attached android APK below is signed by the diaspora-android authors.
As the app doesn't support multiple Accounts the "diasporaAndroid__0.1.6__account2_.apk" is the same app, but with a different id. This way you can manage 2 diaspora* accounts completly indipendent. Note that the second account app may not be updateable, and won't ever be deployed on F-Droid.