melomania is a project to learn and practice Java and Jakarta EE.
A very simple CMS to manage your music albums. Contain a REST API (not fully implemented, yet) that allow to search and manage albums.
- Java 11
- JavaScript
- CSS3 - Google fonts - Font Awesome
- Bootstrap
- MySQL Connector/J 8.0.21
- Apache Log4j Core - API 2.13.3
- Hibernate Validator 6.1.6 final
- Gson 2.8.6
Tested with Apache Tomcat 9.0.38 and MariaDB 10.5.5 (check included DB dump).
Database config done into src/main/java/model/connectionManagers/
protected DbCredentials() {
this.dbUsername = "<DB_USERNAME>";
this.dbPassword = "<DB_PASSWORD";
this.dbLocation = "jdbc:mysql://<DB_ADDRESS>";
Username | Password | Notes |
listener | demoListen | User with no privileges |
admin | demoAdmin |
- Approve / remove albums
- Create / delete / update users
- Authentication (API key) - Be careful: Now, the API calls are not authenticated and every user is able to execute any of them against the DB.
Password validation:
Password is client-side hashed using JS (SHA256). I do not know how to validate a min and/or max password length in backend once the password arrives hashed.