This cookbook provides a basic cron-apt management.
- vagrant >= 1.2.0
- berkshelf >= 2.0.0
- vagrant-berkshelf plugin >= 1.3.3
In your Vagrantfile, customize these attributes:
chef.json = {
:cronapt => {
:mailto => '[email protected]',
:enable_upgrade => true,
:fivemin => true
default['cronapt']['mailto'] = '[email protected]'
default['cronapt']['mailon'] = 'always'
default['cronapt']['enable_upgrade'] = false
default['cronapt']['nightly'] = false
default['cronapt']['hourly'] = false
default['cronapt']['fivemin'] = false
default['cronapt']['force_confmiss'] = false
default['cronapt']['force_confnew'] = false
default['cronapt']['force_confdef'] = false
default['cronapt']['force_confold'] = false
default['cronapt']['keepupdated'] = %w(bash)
No additional recipes yet.
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write your change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
License: None. Do as you wish. Authors: gregpalmier