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Tibor Szász edited this page Nov 3, 2016 · 7 revisions

Basics of Programming (Python)

Create simple programs that run in the terminal

Materials for the week:

Expected skills till end of the week

  • Types
  • Expressions
  • Variables
  • Mutations
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Lists
  • Iteration
  • Casting
  • understanding Reference types


Palindome Kata The Kata has two part, the first one is mandatory for everybody, the second is just for students, who already know programming.

1st Part:

Create a function that takes a string and creates a palindrome from it. It should work like this:

output = create_palindrome('pear')

print(output) # it prints: pearraep

2nd Part:

Create a function that searches for all the palindromes in a string that are at least than 3 characters, and returns a list with the found palindromes. Example:

output = search_palindromes('dog goat dad duck doodle never')
print(output) # it prints: ['og go', ' dad ', 'd d', 'dood', 'eve']

Demo description

Creating simple algorithms as searching palindromes in a string, to practice variables, conditionals, loops and the other basic elements of a programming languages in python


###Digging deeper

###Project phase


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