Designed to have your keys on only one application
- Offline
- Use nip-46 or make an addendum in nip-46
- Improve the ui (currently its showing a text with the raw json of the event)
- Check if we can use Amber to sign the events of web applications
- Change the sign button to just copy the signature of the event
- Use a service or another approach to not open the app always to get the signed event on android
- Add a package querie in your AndroidManifest.xml
<package android:name="com.greenart7c3.nostrsigner"/>
- Create the Nostr Event
val event = TextNoteEvent(id, pubKey,, tags, message, signature = "")
- Convert the event to json
val json = event.toJson()
- Create the intent using the nostrsigner scheme
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:$json;name=Your Application name"))
- Set the package name of the signer app for the intent
intent.`package` = "com.greenart7c3.nostrsigner"
- Start the signer Activity
Create the Nostr Event
Convert the event to json
const json = JSON.stringify(note)
- Create the intent
const intent = `nostrsigner:${json};name=Your Application name`
- Send the intent
window.location.href = intent;
Issues and pull requests are very welcome.