All URIs are relative to http://localhost:5005
Method | HTTP request | Description |
parse_model_message | POST /model/parse | Parse a message using the Rasa model |
predict_model_action | POST /model/predict | Predict an action on a temporary state |
replace_model | PUT /model | Replace the currently loaded model |
test_model_intent | POST /model/test/intents | Perform an intent evaluation |
test_model_stories | POST /model/test/stories | Evaluate stories |
train_model | POST /model/train | Train a Rasa model |
unload_model | DELETE /model | Unload the trained model |
parse_model_message(parse_model_message_request, opts)
Parse a message using the Rasa model
Predicts the intent and entities of the message posted to this endpoint. No messages will be stored to a conversation and no action will be run. This will just retrieve the NLU parse results.
require 'time'
require 'rasa-http-api'
# setup authorization
Rasa::HTTP.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JWT
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
config.api_key['TokenAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
parse_model_message_request = # ParseModelMessageRequest |
opts = {
emulation_mode: 'WIT' # String | Specify the emulation mode to use. Emulation mode transforms the response JSON to the format expected by the service specified as the emulation_mode. Requests must still be sent in the regular Rasa format.
# Parse a message using the Rasa model
result = api_instance.parse_model_message(parse_model_message_request, opts)
p result
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->parse_model_message: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> parse_model_message_with_http_info(parse_model_message_request, opts)
# Parse a message using the Rasa model
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.parse_model_message_with_http_info(parse_model_message_request, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <ParseResult>
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->parse_model_message_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
parse_model_message_request | ParseModelMessageRequest | ||
emulation_mode | String | Specify the emulation mode to use. Emulation mode transforms the response JSON to the format expected by the service specified as the emulation_mode. Requests must still be sent in the regular Rasa format. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
predict_model_action(event, opts)
Predict an action on a temporary state
Predicts the next action on the tracker state as it is posted to this endpoint. Rasa will create a temporary tracker from the provided events and will use it to predict an action. No messages will be sent and no action will be run.
require 'time'
require 'rasa-http-api'
# setup authorization
Rasa::HTTP.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JWT
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
config.api_key['TokenAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
event = [{event: 'active_loop', name: 'name_example', value: 3.56, entities: [{entity: 'entity_example', value: 3.56})]})] # Array<Event> |
opts = {
include_events: 'ALL' # String | Specify which events of the tracker the response should contain. * `ALL` - every logged event. * `APPLIED` - only events that contribute to the trackers state. This excludes reverted utterances and actions that got undone. * `AFTER_RESTART` - all events since the last `restarted` event. This includes utterances that got reverted and actions that got undone. * `NONE` - no events.
# Predict an action on a temporary state
result = api_instance.predict_model_action(event, opts)
p result
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->predict_model_action: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> predict_model_action_with_http_info(event, opts)
# Predict an action on a temporary state
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.predict_model_action_with_http_info(event, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PredictResult>
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->predict_model_action_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
event | Array<Event> | ||
include_events | String | Specify which events of the tracker the response should contain. * `ALL` - every logged event. * `APPLIED` - only events that contribute to the trackers state. This excludes reverted utterances and actions that got undone. * `AFTER_RESTART` - all events since the last `restarted` event. This includes utterances that got reverted and actions that got undone. * `NONE` - no events. | [optional][default to 'AFTER_RESTART'] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Replace the currently loaded model
Updates the currently loaded model. First, tries to load the model from the local (note: local to Rasa server) storage system. Secondly, tries to load the model from the provided model server configuration. Last, tries to load the model from the provided remote storage.
require 'time'
require 'rasa-http-api'
# setup authorization
Rasa::HTTP.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JWT
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
config.api_key['TokenAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
model_request = # ModelRequest |
# Replace the currently loaded model
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->replace_model: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data (nil
in this case), status code and headers.
<Array(nil, Integer, Hash)> replace_model_with_http_info(model_request)
# Replace the currently loaded model
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.replace_model_with_http_info(model_request)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => nil
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->replace_model_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
model_request | ModelRequest |
nil (empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
test_model_intent(body, opts)
Perform an intent evaluation
Evaluates NLU model against a model or using cross-validation.
require 'time'
require 'rasa-http-api'
# setup authorization
Rasa::HTTP.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JWT
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
config.api_key['TokenAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
body = 'body_example' # String |
opts = {
model: 'rasa-model.tar.gz', # String | Model that should be used for evaluation. If the parameter is set, the model will be fetched with the currently loaded configuration setup. However, the currently loaded model will not be updated. The state of the server will not change. If the parameter is not set, the currently loaded model will be used for the evaluation.
callback_url: '', # String | If specified the call will return immediately with an empty response and status code 204. The actual result or any errors will be sent to the given callback URL as the body of a post request.
cross_validation_folds: 56 # Integer |
# Perform an intent evaluation
result = api_instance.test_model_intent(body, opts)
p result
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->test_model_intent: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> test_model_intent_with_http_info(body, opts)
# Perform an intent evaluation
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.test_model_intent_with_http_info(body, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <NLUEvaluationResult>
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->test_model_intent_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | String | ||
model | String | Model that should be used for evaluation. If the parameter is set, the model will be fetched with the currently loaded configuration setup. However, the currently loaded model will not be updated. The state of the server will not change. If the parameter is not set, the currently loaded model will be used for the evaluation. | [optional] |
callback_url | String | If specified the call will return immediately with an empty response and status code 204. The actual result or any errors will be sent to the given callback URL as the body of a post request. | [optional][default to 'None'] |
cross_validation_folds | Integer | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/x-yaml, application/json
- Accept: application/json
test_model_stories(body, opts)
Evaluate stories
Evaluates one or multiple stories against the currently loaded Rasa model.
require 'time'
require 'rasa-http-api'
# setup authorization
Rasa::HTTP.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JWT
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
config.api_key['TokenAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
body = 'body_example' # String |
opts = {
e2e: false # Boolean | Perform an end-to-end evaluation on the posted stories.
# Evaluate stories
result = api_instance.test_model_stories(body, opts)
p result
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->test_model_stories: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> test_model_stories_with_http_info(body, opts)
# Evaluate stories
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.test_model_stories_with_http_info(body, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <EvaluationStoriesResult>
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->test_model_stories_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | String | ||
e2e | Boolean | Perform an end-to-end evaluation on the posted stories. | [optional][default to false] |
- Content-Type: text/yml
- Accept: application/json
File train_model(yaml_training_request, opts)
Train a Rasa model
Trains a new Rasa model. Depending on the data given only a dialogue model, only a NLU model, or a model combining a trained dialogue model with an NLU model will be trained. The new model is not loaded by default.
require 'time'
require 'rasa-http-api'
# setup authorization
Rasa::HTTP.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JWT
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
config.api_key['TokenAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
yaml_training_request = # YAMLTrainingRequest | The training data should be in YAML format.
opts = {
save_to_default_model_directory: true, # Boolean |
force_training: true, # Boolean |
augmentation: 'augmentation_example', # String |
num_threads: 'num_threads_example', # String |
callback_url: '' # String | If specified the call will return immediately with an empty response and status code 204. The actual result or any errors will be sent to the given callback URL as the body of a post request.
# Train a Rasa model
result = api_instance.train_model(yaml_training_request, opts)
p result
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->train_model: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(File, Integer, Hash)> train_model_with_http_info(yaml_training_request, opts)
# Train a Rasa model
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.train_model_with_http_info(yaml_training_request, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => File
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->train_model_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
yaml_training_request | YAMLTrainingRequest | The training data should be in YAML format. | |
save_to_default_model_directory | Boolean | [optional][default to true] | |
force_training | Boolean | [optional][default to false] | |
augmentation | String | [optional][default to '50'] | |
num_threads | String | [optional][default to '1'] | |
callback_url | String | If specified the call will return immediately with an empty response and status code 204. The actual result or any errors will be sent to the given callback URL as the body of a post request. | [optional][default to 'None'] |
- Content-Type: application/yaml
- Accept: application/octet-stream, application/json
Unload the trained model
Unloads the currently loaded trained model from the server.
require 'time'
require 'rasa-http-api'
# setup authorization
Rasa::HTTP.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JWT
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
config.api_key['TokenAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
# Unload the trained model
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->unload_model: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data (nil
in this case), status code and headers.
<Array(nil, Integer, Hash)> unload_model_with_http_info
# Unload the trained model
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.unload_model_with_http_info
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => nil
rescue Rasa::HTTP::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ModelApi->unload_model_with_http_info: #{e}"
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
nil (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json