Javascript module to be run in the web browser for image compression.
- You can use this module to compress jpeg and png image by reducing resolution or storage size before uploading to application server to save bandwidth.
- Multi-thread (web worker) non-blocking compression are supported through options.
You can download imageCompression from the dist folder. Alternatively, you can install it via yarn or npm
npm install browser-image-compression --save
yarn add browser-image-compression
or use a CDN like delivrjs:[email protected]/dist/browser-image-compression.js
(can be used in framework like React, Angular, Vue etc)
(work with bundler like webpack and rollup)
import imageCompression from 'browser-image-compression';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
// you should provide one of maxSizeMB, maxWidthOrHeight in the options
const options = {
maxSizeMB: number, // (default: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
maxWidthOrHeight: number, // compressedFile will scale down by ratio to a point that width or height is smaller than maxWidthOrHeight (default: undefined)
useWebWorker: boolean, // optional, use multi-thread web worker, fallback to run in main-thread (default: true)
maxIteration: number // optional, max number of iteration to compress the image (default: 10)
imageCompression(file: File, options): Promise<File>
- for advanced user only, most user won't need to use the helper functions
imageCompression.getDataUrlFromFile(file: File): Promise<base64 encoded string>
imageCompression.getFilefromDataUrl(dataUrl: string): Promise<File>
imageCompression.loadImage(url: string): Promise<HTMLImageElement>
imageCompression.drawImageInCanvas(img: HTMLImageElement): HTMLCanvasElement
imageCompression.drawFileInCanvas(file: File): Promise<[ImageBitmap | HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement]>
imageCompression.canvasToFile(canvas, fileType, fileName, fileLastModified[, quality]): Promise<File|Blob>
imageCompression.getExifOrientation(file: File): Promise<number> // based on
<input type="file" accept="image/*" onchange="handleImageUpload(event);">
async await syntax:
async function handleImageUpload(event) {
const imageFile =[0];
console.log('originalFile instanceof Blob', imageFile instanceof Blob); // true
console.log(`originalFile size ${imageFile.size / 1024 / 1024} MB`);
var options = {
maxSizeMB: 1,
maxWidthOrHeight: 1920,
useWebWorker: true
try {
const compressedFile = await imageCompression(imageFile, options);
console.log('compressedFile instanceof Blob', compressedFile instanceof Blob); // true
console.log(`compressedFile size ${compressedFile.size / 1024 / 1024} MB`); // smaller than maxSizeMB
await uploadToServer(compressedFile); // write your own logic
} catch (error) {
Promise.then().catch() syntax:
function handleImageUpload(event) {
var imageFile =[0];
console.log('originalFile instanceof Blob', imageFile instanceof Blob); // true
console.log(`originalFile size ${imageFile.size / 1024 / 1024} MB`);
var options = {
maxSizeMB: 1,
maxWidthOrHeight: 1920,
useWebWorker: true
imageCompression(imageFile, options)
.then(function (compressedFile) {
console.log('compressedFile instanceof Blob', compressedFile instanceof Blob); // true
console.log(`compressedFile size ${compressedFile.size / 1024 / 1024} MB`); // smaller than maxSizeMB
return uploadToServer(compressedFile); // write your own logic
.catch(function (error) {
or check the "example" folder in this repo
![]() IE / Edge |
![]() Firefox |
![]() Chrome |
![]() Safari |
![]() Opera |
![]() Chrome for Android |
IE10, IE11, Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
- fork the repo and git clone it
- run
npm run watch
# it will watch code change in lib/ folder and generate js in dist/ folder - add/update code in lib/ folder
- try the code by opening example/development.html which will load the js in dist/ folder
- add/update test in test/ folder
npm run test
- push to your forked repo on github
- make a pull request to this repo