This repository contains Python scripts, notebooks, and csvs for geospatial analysis and visualizations of platform hazards. All documentation is saved within the main Omdena-WRI Google Drive folder.
Code to export country-specifc metadata and images from Earth Engine to a Google Cloud Platform bucket is saved here.
To run export of metadata in command line:
python -m export_images_by_country -c $COLLECTION_STR -dm
To run export of images in command line:
python -m export_images_by_country -c $COLLECTION_STR -di
- MODIS_LST_8day
- MODIS_land_cover
- hansen_forest_change
- SMAP_soil_moisture
Analysis notebooks, including code to process the images from GCP, lives under the analysis/
subfolder. All processed Earth Engine collection csvs and visualizations are saved under analysis/output/
. Most common functions across the notebooks have been moved to analysis/
. Some code will not run without gaining access to the current GCP project.
The GCP project and bucket is currently registered to a free trial account. Earth Engine code will not run without modifying to new GCP credenitals or gaining access to the current project.
Created by Grace Mitchell, [email protected]